An Important Message For Cyclists

How does a cyclist not wearing a helmet affect you?

Seems an odd thing to be annoyed about

Anything reasonable that can give them protection against others. You wouldn't be happy to let your children cycle without a helmet because you love them.
Anything reasonable that can give them protection against others. You wouldn't be happy to let your children cycle without a helmet because you love them.
That's not something determined by "law" though is it, but common sense. If it's not your family member, what issue is it of yours, or do you 'just care that much' about others safety to want to make it law?
At the Risk of getting into a VAR type discussion, I would call forming a 20 mph moving roadblock longer than an Artic on a country road obstruction. I accept the highway code might not view it that way but surely it is unnecessary and dangerous, or just plain inconsiderate. I have witnessed many near misses with people trying to overtake them in unsuitable locations. I haven't done so myself, I just make my feelings known by "alerting them to my presence", with the usual flip the bird responses.
Simple, make 20mph the national speed limit.

You won't feel the need to overtake them then.
That's not something determined by "law" though is it, but common sense. If it's not your family member, what issue is it of yours, or do you 'just care that much' about others safety to want to make it law?

I do care that much, I would like to be able to have boot full of helmets and just hand them out to anyone who I see without one. The law can say they have to ring their parents, partner, or a family member and say I'm sorry I didn't' wear a helmet, on speaker option on their mobile in the presence of a PO, CO, FO, JUDGE, Court Clerk, or TW. If they don't, take a picture and have a wall of shame. Ultimate punishment (after being caught twice),, 10 hours helping the community.
I do care that much, I would like to be able to have boot full of helmets and just hand them out to anyone who I see without one. The law can say they have to ring their parents, partner, or a family member and say I'm sorry I didn't' wear a helmet, on speaker option on their mobile in the presence of a PO, CO, FO, JUDGE, Court Clerk, or TW. If they don't, take a picture and have a wall of shame. Ultimate punishment (after being caught twice),, 10 hours helping the community.
See, I knew you weren't serious. :)

Helmets on bikes should always remain a personal choice for adults. It's one I personally endorse and follow, but i'd not feel comfortable forcing someone with the threat of legal action for not wearing one. Bit fascisty to me.
Do wear a helmet, don’t wear lycra, and don’t go through red lights. Apparently if all cyclists did these things then all drivers would be calm and courteous.

I agree that cyclists should abide by the rules of the road but why does them risking only their own lives (when it IS only their own lives) make car drivers so angry? Seems like every driver has an inner Clarkson they need to channel.

Red lights. It’s not just the cyclist their own lives. Not in the slightest. I’ve lost counts of the times I’ve nearly been hit by bikes going through red lights as I’m crossing a zebra crossing.

Ive seen people being hit/clipped by cyclists cutting through red lights.

I’ve seen cars have to swerve to miss cyclists cutting red lights.

Drivers who hit cyclists will 100% be affected. Especially if a life is lost.

So, When I see a cyclist cutting red light I will them to face plant into a lamp post so I can point and laugh.
Helmets on bikes should always remain a personal choice for adults. It's one I personally endorse and follow, but i'd not feel comfortable forcing someone with the threat of legal action for not wearing one. Bit fascisty to me.
Same with seat belts in cars?
Same with seat belts in cars?
Pretty much, but then seat belts don't have the same function as a helmet does.

A helmet doesn't stop you from careering off a bike when you're stationary, but it can dig into the ground, causing your spine to snap due to the momentum of your body. Seat belts hold you in place in case of a collision. Also, the seat belts' main function is mostly for passengers. But it's like this, if helmets have to be compulsory for bike riders, same with car drivers.

Can you physically operate a car without a seat belt on? Yes you can. Can you ride a bike without a helmet? Yes you can. The only ? is surrounding the safety of the individuals using it, which is a personal choice thing. But most cars carry passengers, bicycles don't, so the only one harmed on a bike is the rider, unlike in a car, where someone not wearing a seatbelt in a collision sat behind the driver can ultimately lead to causing the driver an injury. That's them not taking responsibility for other people's safety.

Because if the issue is about the vehicle operators own personal safety... why aren't drivers also forced to wear a helmet to avoid head injuries that the seat belt cannot avoid (momentum of head hitting dashboard/window, unsecured objects flying around in the drivers' location)?
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