And so it begins...

Wreckless Alec said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
UEFA's ideal scenario is for us to comply next summer, then they can give slaps on the wrist to any cartel member failing and brush it under the carpet, it was only this season they made any sort of statement and that was to stop us, and now the cartel are going to work to inflate the market and pass the envelopes between them.

UEFA's ideal scenario is for us not to qualify for the CL at all. If they can get us out, PSG, United, Arsenal and Liverpool in, that's four members of the G18 in and UEFA's immediate problem solved. That's why City's primary target next season has to be simply CL qualification.

How does inflating the market help the rags, they haven't got the quality to sell but need to buy 4/5 players at seriously inflated prices.
Tony Adcock said:
Carstairs said:
Wreckless Alec said:
UEFA's ideal scenario is for us not to qualify for the CL at all. If they can get us out, PSG, United, Arsenal and Liverpool in, that's four members of the G18 in and UEFA's immediate problem solved. That's why City's primary target next season has to be simply CL qualification.

City's primary target next season has to be simply CL Semi-final stage

I understand your sentiments, but winning the CL just isn't that high on my priority list. Only time I would be really desperate to win it would be if we were playing the rags in the final......and that ain't on the radar this season is it !

Apart from that I would rather win domestic trophies everytime.
I know it's important re money and attracting certain players etc , but to be honest ..... It bores me. I thought I would enjoy it, but I don't.

Nail on the Head.
The Sun has indeed come out, but there are more rays of sunshine to come.

Re some of yesterday's guesses and theories. Congrats to those who deciphered the double zero clue.

Double zero is the only flour they use in Naples for authentic pizza. The Fat Waiter is indeed Rafa. Portugeezer (Benfica) + Real deal (Garcia's first club)...

That's right... = Messi (Or Napoli want Garcia for £10m)

As for Angry Anderson - talking as fast as we can to someone who is also speaking to United, and City refusing to be led up the aisle.
My 'clues' always refer to various targets and sales.

This one is strictly target based...and would be both a homegrown surprise and controversial...finish the line

We have tried before, knowing me knowing you...

tolmie's hairdoo said:
The Sun has indeed come out, but there are more rays of sunshine to come.

Re some of yesterday's guesses and theories. Congrats to those who deciphered the double zero clue.

Double zero is the only flour they use in Naples for authentic pizza. The Fat Waiter is indeed Rafa. Portugeezer (Benfica) + Real deal (Garcia's first club)...

That's right... = Messi (Or Napoli want Garcia for £10m)

As for Angry Anderson - talking as fast as we can to someone who is also speaking to United, and City refusing to be led up the aisle.
My 'clues' always refer to various targets and sales.

This one is strictly target based...and would be both a homegrown surprise and controversial...finish the line

We have tried before, knowing me knowing you...

JamesMCFC said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The Sun has indeed come out, but there are more rays of sunshine to come.

Re some of yesterday's guesses and theories. Congrats to those who deciphered the double zero clue.

Double zero is the only flour they use in Naples for authentic pizza. The Fat Waiter is indeed Rafa. Portugeezer (Benfica) + Real deal (Garcia's first club)...

That's right... = Messi (Or Napoli want Garcia for £10m)

As for Angry Anderson - talking as fast as we can to someone who is also speaking to United, and City refusing to be led up the aisle.
My 'clues' always refer to various targets and sales.

This one is strictly target based...and would be both a homegrown surprise and controversial...finish the line

We have tried before, knowing me knowing you...



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