And so it begins...

Love Bites and Everything said:
As a relative newcomer to the board the reaction to Tomlie is interesting to observe.

Why all the abuse for those who question him and why are they asked to keep their opinions to themselves and refrain from posting if they are not a 'believer'??

What is wrong with people saying that they think he's full of shit and knows sweet FA??

I have no strong views either way, just an interested observer. It does seem a bit North Korea, though.

to me i have one issue. posters shouldn't come on the thread to have a pop at the op. contribute or not but keep the negatives against the op out of it. it adds nothing.
Gaylord du Bois said:
1961_vintage said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
I've never had you down as one to miss a play on words 61 :'(

Ha ha - I didn't mate. I thought the "new to the forum" line was a clue!
If only you realised how painful it is for me to doubt myself.

The cult that is TH has seen nothing in internet doubtation compared to those that suffer from periodic online self-doubt. Hopefully it will ease once August is behind us.
I will tell you now, tolmie is real and is itk, he comes on here and tells what he can! Behave and read and enjoy, and if you don t think he s right don t read it!
Things change quickly......I ve been told all sorts and probably 10 per cent happens. Isco was coming to us but it went tits up! My point being unless your tixi you will hear stories but they can fall at the final furlong

Enjoy the thread
salfordpaul said:
I will tell you now, tolmie is real and is itk, he comes on here and tells what he can! Behave and read and enjoy, and if you don t think he s right don t read it!
Things change quickly......I ve been told all sorts and probably 10 per cent happens. Isco was coming to us but it went tits up! My point being unless your tixi you will hear stories but they can fall at the final furlong

Enjoy the thread

Tell me Paul, whilst I love reading his (and your) posts, how does the club allow this leakage to happen?

And how did he miss the Lampard coup?
salfordpaul said:
I will tell you now, tolmie is real and is itk, he comes on here and tells what he can! Behave and read and enjoy, and if you don t think he s right don t read it!
Things change quickly......I ve been told all sorts and probably 10 per cent happens. Isco was coming to us but it went tits up! My point being unless your tixi you will hear stories but they can fall at the final furlong

Enjoy the thread

Your words will fall upon deaf ears Paul,the broken discs will carry on playing.
Same thing every year, as long as I can remember.

People come into a Tolmie thread then get all pear-shaped, start throwing around accusations, it all ends up in a woman-fest between Tolmie supporters and whoever seems to be the latest one accusing him of being a billy bull-shitter. I lean on the side that he has got some insider information but view it as a fun read during the transfer windows.

Two things
1. If you want to read the threads take them with a pinch of salt and don't get stressed or abusive if they don't turn out how you want or how he predicted
2. If you can't do that then why bother reading the threads if it is going to stress you out - just ignore them

Too many people try to set themselves up as judge, jury and executioner on threads that sometimes turn out to be accurate, sometimes not - threads which are mainly started as bit of fun with (potentially) some genuine transfer news in it.
bodak said:
salfordpaul said:
I will tell you now, tolmie is real and is itk, he comes on here and tells what he can! Behave and read and enjoy, and if you don t think he s right don t read it!
Things change quickly......I ve been told all sorts and probably 10 per cent happens. Isco was coming to us but it went tits up! My point being unless your tixi you will hear stories but they can fall at the final furlong

Enjoy the thread

Tell me Paul, whilst I love reading his (and your) posts, how does the club allow this leakage to happen?

And how did he miss the Lampard coup?

Who gives a fuck if he missed the Lampard deal? How do u know it wasn't arranged last night when it broke? Tolmie posts in good faith.
Knowing that citizens are huge fans of Pablo Zabaleta i share this video. Im from Argentina and i love San Lorenzo de Almagro (first Zabaleta's club). Sorry for the bad english. I simpatice wit Man City!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
salfordpaul said:
I will tell you now, tolmie is real and is itk, he comes on here and tells what he can! Behave and read and enjoy, and if you don t think he s right don t read it!
Things change quickly......I ve been told all sorts and probably 10 per cent happens. Isco was coming to us but it went tits up! My point being unless your tixi you will hear stories but they can fall at the final furlong

Enjoy the thread

And that is how you tell me Isco is not happening. I am going to go cry myself to sleep now.

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