Andy Gray leaves Sky Sports (continued)


timesprout said:
Bigg Bigg Blue said:
Just got a copy of the MUEN and on the back page wio is saying that Sky are right to sack Gray and that their comments are " Prehistoric ".
That's got to make her happy so she will no doubt get to run the line at the swamp and carry on where all the other officals have left off.
but would it stop the huge bag of shit screaming abuse in her face, that all the dirty bstds do week in week out, when something doesnt go their way, i very much doubt it

After what wio said I don't think that she would give anything to the other team other than a hard time.
it'sintheblood! said:
Garry.Cook said:
Political correctness gone too far.

so you and ManCityX, Dom38, TFE and Mark TheBlue all think this way over the top and funny!

What did the poor woman do to you! By all accounts she did her job and about giving people a chance...clearly you 5 and those two grumpy old sods can't cope with female competition...

Its TFC ;)

I think the pic was funny, but Gray got what was coming to him. If he's thick enough to be spouting bollocks like he did in the workplace, he deserves to get fired.
mancitygaz said:
Can't stand Gray but this is a disgrace really,

If we all got sacked for making 'jokey' flippant remarks to our friends when at work, which were meant to be private, then I reckon the whole country would be out of work.

Do me a favour. I'll agree in terms of what he was caught saying off camera.

But to ask a woman colleague to put her hands down his pants and help him with his mic, you only have to look at Charlotte Jackson's disgust.

Guys like Gray don't just come up with flippant remarks as you say, SKY will be well aware what he is like.

The video of him talking to Jackson is nothing short of a disgrace and subsequent comments were last straw.

If it were yours or mine, we'd smash his fookin face in.

Await the queue of females who have been too concerned to speak out about this power deluded dinosaur.

Keys should follow him.
samharris said:
it'sintheblood! said:
so you and ManCityX, Dom38, TFE and Mark TheBlue all think this way over the top and funny!

What did the poor woman do to you! By all accounts she did her job and about giving people a chance...clearly you 5 and those two grumpy old sods can't cope with female competition...

well next time they go to massage parlour they'll insist its done by a man..

yeah right.

Depends what your really after doesn't it. Why not a man, afterall who does the massage when you go for a turkish bath...
cleavers said:
Can anyone shed any light on this suggestion he's involved in the phone tap thing with the NoTW ? That could be a very good story.....
Think He claimed the News of the world tapped his phone and is sueing
Just for those that haven't heard the story behind the sacking, he hasn't been sacked for Sunday's comments, its because he's said something offensive to a female presenter before christmas (which has msyteriously come to light today).

There is much more to it than a few comments about the lineswoman on Saturday.
Amigo said:
Yes he's gone, but tonight we will hear RROOOONNNNNNEEEEYYYY every ten seconds, so the bias factor doesn't apply.

The fact is, sexism is discrimination just as homophobic slander or racist slurs are. Fact. Imagine if it had've been, for example, Uriah Rennie? Would that have been 'acceptable' no. If it was a comment about an openly gay footballer? Would it have been 'acceptable' no. The fact is that in the workplace, talking to a former colleague about someone like that is unacceptable and I back Sky 100% on their decision.

so if I said to a mate at work "women cant drive" I should be sacked?

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