Andy Mitten M.E.N Success comes at a price

Mitten is your typical specimen Rag- hurting like fuck underneath and knowing what is coming. Didn't really accept it as a challenge to his smug existance until the FA Cup semi.....
Went into denial and the Zidane Cleverly and Duncan Edwards Jones "gave City a football lesson" in the Charity shield 94th minute win v City with Fat Wayne the architect and chief shit stirrer after.. Shortly folloed the Swamp massacre and the outclassing of the vermin with 10 men. Then City at half speed beat the cunts again to move closer to the title.
i don't see the point of him writing that pile of shite except maybe to get a load of bitterness off his chest. i can imagine him rocking himself to sleep while sobbing softly under his ryan giggs duvet and repeatedly muttering 'it's not fair, it's not fair.'

get used to it rag.
I don't really give a shit.
My love is true. I wouldn't change this for the world.
FA cup and Champ16ns in the space of 12 month.
I've had the tattoo and i'll die a happy man.
Let the haters hate.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
He is about as biased as you are gonna get.

Is he related to Charlie Mitten who used to play for them a long, long time ago?

His closest relations are two dangly gonads because he is a daft old penis
woolleyback blue said:
Dear me another bitter rag journo who is finding City's success too hard to handle. There's a few fans from other teams out there who are jealous of the good fortune but the vast majority have welcomed City's success as a breath of fresh air in a PL that had become stale and boring. Fergusons flat track bullies were choking the life out of the PL.

It isn't success that makes people hate utd its the arrogance and petty triumphalism of the sheep that follow them. They rant on about "class" and "history" as if they were the only club ever allowed to possess either. If you want a demonstration of their complete lack of class then just take a look at their reaction to City's title win, from the top downwards. Matt Busby must have been spinning in his grave at Baconfaces disgraceful exhibition when compared to his own gracious congratulations to Joe Mercer. The bile and bitterness spewing out from utd fans all over the internet has simply confirmed that the lack of esteem they are held in is well justified.

Yes. City's continuing success will attract glory hunters but the core of the support will remain CTID and never forget the years in the wilderness and we will never ever descend to the level of utd.

+1 Good post
What a fuckin slurper! After 35 years of fuck all but disappointments on the pitch I'll be ok with "gloryhunters" wearing our shirt, going to our games if thats the penalty for events such as I have witnessed these last two years then Im all for it.
ifiwasarichfan said:
Mitten despite being a United fan is a pretty decent Football writer and their is little in that piece that hasn't been said a hundred times over by City fans in our own threads on here reference our fan base changing with our new found success.

I didn't buy that Barcelona/City fan/I just like the shirt line though, made up for dramatic effect.

He's a liar, like the rest of the scum.

'Football journalist' my arse!
Sky Blue said:
Seosa said:
On his way home that night, the Blue saw a man in a City shirt across the street. He went up to him thinking they’d have much in common and perhaps an impromptu celebration. After all, they were both Blues. Except the lad in the City shirt wasn’t even a fan, just someone who ‘liked’ the shirt. The Blue was befuddled.

Who else thinks this is bullshit?

Me. 100% made up garbage from that gormless **** Mitten.

Saved me a job there lads. Pointless conjecture and innacurate drivel by a bitter red, and it doesn't even have an ending.
The rest of that is bollocks as well.

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