
Tbh, we are actually not far away from it on here.

Reading the stuff on here:

According to some, we want central defenders, with no pace, who can't head the ball,or tackle, fullbacks often with no pace who can't defend, centre mids who can't run or tackle or score, wingers who don't cross or assist, strikers who don't head the ball.

How much more difficult, can we possibly make it, for ourselves ?

How about we just get players who are typically, traditionally, really good at the typical things needed, to do the typical job required, but are also good at passing the ball & clever, & then get them to play Pep style football instead of handicapping ourselves in several positions every season ?

Walker can sprint forward & put a decent ball in IF there is any point to doing so. But does anyone really want him to, or is his job really to stop & pass it instead ?
As difficult as 198 points in two seasons hopefully.
Our front three and midfield three must make a shit load of defensive mistakes then using that logic.

In the sense that our midfield pressing has been below standard this season, particularly when we’ve had 2 or more of Rodri, Gunders and Dave playing, I wouldn’t disagree. However, to suggest that only 2 goals this season have stemmed from the ineptitude of our defenders, I just think isn’t close to being true. It might not be their fault that they’ve been hung out to dry by being asked to defend on halfway, when as a collective unit they are completely lacking in the pace and power required to do so effectively, but it doesn’t change the fact they’ve failed repeatedly in that task. Wolves could have been 5-0 up at the Etihad in the first half hour alone
Hey there could you send me a link to your breakdown of the goals conceded. Had a look but can’t seem to find it. I’d be interested to have a read. Thanks
I couldn't be arsed to look for it myself, so you can fuck right off. I clearly missed 1-2 off top of my head, as someone mentioned the Otamendi one Wolves home game but there was far more conceded from sloppy losses of possession than anything else.
In the sense that our midfield pressing has been below standard this season, particularly when we’ve had 2 or more of Rodri, Gunders and Dave playing, I wouldn’t disagree. However, to suggest that only 2 goals this season have stemmed from the ineptitude of our defenders, I just think isn’t close to being true. It might not be their fault that they’ve been hung out to dry by being asked to defend on halfway, when as a collective unit they are completely lacking in the pace and power required to do so effectively, but it doesn’t change the fact they’ve failed repeatedly in that task. Wolves could have been 5-0 up at the Etihad in the first half hour alone
The 2-3 goals to defensive errors were just in the nine league losses, not all 38 games. I completely agree about our midfield press being poor this season, that in combination with Laporte's injury has been a big factor in our goals against.

I don't know if the stats would back me up or even if there's any data recorded for how we've played this season, however I think from watching every game we've played far more through the middle of the pitch this season which has resulted in us losing possession in dangerous areas and conceding more goals as a result.
The 2-3 goals to defensive errors were just in the nine league losses, not all 38 games. I completely agree about our midfield press being poor this season, that in combination with Laporte's injury has been a big factor in our goals against.

I don't know if the stats would back me up or even if there's any data recorded for how we've played this season, however I think from watching every game we've played far more through the middle of the pitch this season which has resulted in us losing possession in dangerous areas and conceding more goals as a result.

Ah, my apologies, we’ve been at cross purposes. I thought you meant all 38 games! I did think it was strange.....!
In other words he’s just putting it out to the public that he wants angelino to stay, and angelino wants to stay so let’s hope moneybags City helps them out by offering yet another charity loan deal that has zero benefit to city buy let’s him stay on loan.

If we’re not bringing him back which I think would be a mistake given his club trained status makes him an extra body in the squad then bidding should be around £40 million. He’s better than Chilwell and his price is double that and they’re both homegrown.

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