Animosity towards County

shadygiz said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
shadygiz said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
I like County, i go and watch them when i can and always look out for their results. I don't like a majority of their fans but i dislike an even more majority of our fans.

so what you are trying to say is you hate nearly all the stockport county fans, where as you hate ALL the city fans??

If you got that from what i posted then my advice to you mate is lay of the weed at your age.

and my advice to you, is to not shit in your own backyard

HA ok then linkman!! So is eevry single blue fantastic?
Immaculate Pasta said:
HA ok then linkman!! So is eevry single blue fantastic?

wtf has me dropping links got to do with the argument...grow the fuck up, you're starting to sound a little childish or dare i say bitter you dont use the links do you, LOL, thought not

as i said before and your comments above are another example, dont shit in your own backyard
Immaculate Pasta said:
shadygiz said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
I like County, i go and watch them when i can and always look out for their results. I don't like a majority of their fans but i dislike an even more majority of our fans.

EHHHH?????? wtf does that mean

Alot of our fans are nobs, there are those who get on new players backs before they have put on a shirt, those who hate united more than love city, those who give it the old classic i am a real mancunian who support manchester's proper club and all rags are armchair fans but fail to remember that they prefered to watch the game on TV because it was "only" a uefa cup group game.

Every club has it's fair share of dicks for fans, our club has alot of them.

Your point being?
Cheadle Ender said:
scottyboi said:
ffs a cunty fan is on here spreading shit about us beating up there fans. Never heard anyone try that one before. Fucking hell stockport our known for being pricks to city fans on there own. So dont give me that shit. I fed you but now you can starve you yonners.

Yonners? You're obviosly one of the City fans based outside our leafy lanes, Yonner is a term for Lancastrians such as Oldham and Rochdale with aye up accents, we're actually quite posh. And I'm not spreading shit, these are facts not second hand bits of information, I know the people involved in the incidents I mentioned.
you just come accross as a stuck up spoilt snobey twat now fuck off and watch cunty go bust
I used to go to the odd County game with a few mates, none of us supported them and the majority of their fans were complete divs so we used to always go in the Railway end with whoever were playing against County, it was a better atmosphere and we had some pretty funny times in there, seems a bit weird now looking back, but I suppose my point is I've never liked really liked them and that only got worse when we weren't doing so well, but as the old saying goes, he who laughs last.....
ChesterRdBlue said:
I used to go to the odd County game with a few mates, none of us supported them and the majority of their fans were complete divs so we used to always go in the Railway end with whoever were playing against County, it was a better atmosphere and we had some pretty funny times in there, seems a bit weird now looking back, but I suppose my point is I've never liked really liked them and that only got worse when we weren't doing so well, but as the old saying goes, he who laughs last.....

Divs, isn't that a rag term for City fans? you've been spending too long on Chester Road and give us an example of the teams you supported from the Railway End and why the atmosphere was better.

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