Animosity towards County

All i will point out to the SCFC coming on here crying about why do you hate us (sniffle, sniffle) is it has all been brought on by yourselves!!

Look all over this board, loads of threads about how Hamburg are welcome back to Manchester and how great the fans got on. If fans of other clubs are fine with us, we respond with the same appreciative manner!
We (as a whole) are not known for being twats generally (i.e Millwall.) If we dont seem to like your team....the reason why seems clear to me!

Oh and to the nobs on the County board who are tanting over this was started by one of your lot!!
Meh, Hope you go down. No sympathy whatsoever.

Sad that they are living in 1997, probably still wearing the same clothes as well.
instead of putting money in a box for cunty today, lets all buy a pint and raise a glass to cunty going bust

hope you never come back
Speaking personally, I can't forget what happened when we lost 2-1 at home to Stockport about 8 yrs ago. Went into work next day and was almost assaulted by a County fan who I'd never met before waving fists shouting abuse in my face etc.Apparently County were destined for the Prem and we were a joke. I told him to enjoy his day as it would never get any better for them. It may be childish, but he who laughs last etc..... I think the only blues who wish this lot well are the locals. I hate them and look for their result with interest every week. In my view no bigger than some current non-league teams (and smaller than Luton). No sympathy whatsoever, hope they get shut down, a total irrelevance to North West football.
I live and work in Stockport and cannot be doing with the club and their fans. Every county fan I have come across absolutely detests City. There is no particular reason they can give me. They're just like sheep. Every other one of them do so they just follow suit. It's pathetic. They are all still milking a pointless result that happened over ten years ago. No city fan really cares about that result it was that long ago. Cheadle, you are probably the only county fan i have ever come across that has anything positive to say about City, so for that reason I hate your little club, and your fans (especially the proper scruffy twats from Edgerley, Adswood and Brinny etc who walk around looking like they are eastern European refugees!), hope you get relegated and hope you go bankrupt.
blue62 said:
Speaking personally, I can't forget what happened when we lost 2-1 at home to Stockport about 8 yrs ago. Went into work next day and was almost assaulted by a County fan who I'd never met before waving fists shouting abuse in my face etc.Apparently County were destined for the Prem and we were a joke. I told him to enjoy his day as it would never get any better for them. It may be childish, but he who laughs last etc..... I think the only blues who wish this lot well are the locals. I hate them and look for their result with interest every week. In my view no bigger than some current non-league teams (and smaller than Luton). No sympathy whatsoever, hope they get shut down, a total irrelevance to North West football.

"irrelevance" ....... PMSL!!!!!!! perfect description.
mrblueblood said:
I live and work in Stockport and cannot be doing with the club and their fans. Every county fan I have come across absolutely detests City. There is no particular reason they can give me. They're just like sheep. Every other one of them do so they just follow suit. It's pathetic. They are all still milking a pointless result that happened over ten years ago. No city fan really cares about that result it was that long ago. Cheadle, you are probably the only county fan i have ever come across that has anything positive to say about City, so for that reason I hate your little club, and your fans (especially the proper scruffy twats from Edgerley, Adswood and Brinny etc who walk around looking like they are eastern European refugees!), hope you get relegated and hope you go bankrupt.

perfect summing up mrblueblood.agree 100%
i went to county when they beat us in the league think we were 3 down after 20 mins ? point is me and my mate went in a pub think it was called the blossom somehing like that anyway, as we walked in we got the look and this cocky knob said realy loud so everyone could here oh look the kappa boys are here, i just walked to the bar asked for 2 beers, thinking we are going to get a good slaping here, well i was wrong a load of county lads came up and chatted to us having banter, and letting the knob and his 6 or so mates know, they had our back.
thing that i could not understand was we didnt have no city gear on but they knew we were city straight away. i have been ep a few times with city had no bother at all, and they would rub our faces in it like we would with the rags, thats football its not personal i did look at there board and see they have picked up the citeh thing maybe they been reading that red tissue shite ? and what made me laugh one was called red hatter calling blues yet he puts red in his user name sad fucker, anyway my point is i dont want to see any team go bust and i would give a few bob to help, hope they stay
Not a bad post that mcfc, it shows you're not all cretins and I know it's not right to tar you all with the same brush, it would be like saying shameless is representetive of every manc, but some of the stuff I've read on here really does make City look very small time. The Citeh thing is aimed at Stockport Blues who have developed a manc accent through visiting once a fortnight, it's banter and nothing more, I'll continue to wish you well though as I know that this board is not representative of all City fans. Anyway I'm off to the match shortly, might pop into Mary D's mines a bitter.

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