Another Cookie Cock Up Moment - Mariga deal?

Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

We don't know the timeframe for the deal and can't really criticize until we know the facts. It wasn't long ago that we signed Barry within a couple of days of the window opening and everyone going on about how much more professional and efficient we are getting our business done. Don't forget most of the press didn't pick up on this player possibly signing until the weekend when everything was pretty much done. We are much more discreet and professional in our transfer dealings and that's a good thing IMHO.

Let's give the club a break
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

I feel no need to go on a spot of Cook bashing over the failiure to sign the mighty Mcdonald Mariga, who lets face it, none of us had ever heard of before last week. Some people need to lighten up regarding Garry Cook.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

Soulboy said:
Are you saying this deal has been handled well? Seriously?

We bid for player and it was accepted. We have agreed contract terms with the player. All this without the British press getting wind of it.

We then put in a work permit application and unfortunately it was rejected.

Not sure that we could have handled anything any differently.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

Been issues getting a permit for this guy before. Kenya are well outside the international criteria required. Failed initial application now at appeal. So how exactly is this cooks fault ?
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

So according the the OP it is Cook's fault and not been handled well. I had no idea he worked for the Home Office and specifically that department. Damn him!
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

I don't see the rags struggling to get work permits when they sign Africans and South Americans it is a complete joke, its not Gary Cook's fault I just think work permits are only given to rag players.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

The OP is right to criticise! whether it's Cooke, Marwood or someone we've never heard of from behind the scenes- somebody isn't doing their job properly if it gets to a few hours to go and they haven't ironed out things that even regular fans knew would be a problem a week ago it's not on!
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

PhuketBlue said:
Soulboy said:
Are you saying this deal has been handled well? Seriously?

We bid for player and it was accepted. We have agreed contract terms with the player. All this without the British press getting wind of it.

We then put in a work permit application and unfortunately it was rejected.

Not sure that we could have handled anything any differently.

How's about employing an Employment Law adviser to read through the criteria to obtain a work permit!

We clearly didn't meet that criteria, numerous posters on here said the same... yet you are suggesting that because the club didn't know we should just slap their backs and tell them better luck next time?

No wonder we don't have a winning mentality when we are so prepared to accept incompetency at all levels. We pay Cook about £2m a year to get things like this right. So when they don't it is not unreasonable to ask questions.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

danburge82 said:
The OP is right to criticise! whether it's Cooke, Marwood or someone we've never heard of from behind the scenes- somebody isn't doing their job properly if it gets to a few hours to go and they haven't ironed out things that even regular fans knew would be a problem a week ago it's not on!

doesn't make any difference. you can't get a hearing until you have the player with you, you can't do that until the selling club accepts your bid. We've been through the process. There is no reason at all to think we would have got a different outcome just by doing it a week earlier.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

Soulboy said:
PhuketBlue said:
We bid for player and it was accepted. We have agreed contract terms with the player. All this without the British press getting wind of it.

We then put in a work permit application and unfortunately it was rejected.

Not sure that we could have handled anything any differently.

How's about employing an Employment Law adviser to read through the criteria to obtain a work permit!

We clearly didn't meet that criteria, numerous posters on here said the same... yet you are suggesting that because the club didn't know we should just slap their backs and tell them better luck next time?

No wonder we don't have a winning mentality when we are so prepared to accept incompetency at all levels. We pay Cook about £2m a year to get things like this right. So when they don't it is not unreasonable to ask questions.

where is the incompetence?

we knew the criteria. you apply, you get turned down, you appeal. that's all you can do!

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