Another Cookie Cock Up Moment - Mariga deal?

Mariga work permit..... gets worse, what a fucking pisstake (sorry if already posted....)

Kenya's Prime Minister Raila Odinga insists he did all he could to help McDonald Mariga get a UK work permit so he could sign for Manchester City.

Mariga's transfer from Italian club Parma failed yesterday after he failed to get clearance in time.

He has now signed a four-year deal with Italian champions Inter Milan instead.

"I would like to assure soccer fans and all Kenyans that with the British High Commissioner, I've done what I could to get Mariga into Man City," Odinga said.

"I spent a minimum of three hours on phone talking to Gordon Brown's office, the Africa Office, office of Culture and Sports, the Home office, the FA president Lord Treisman and to Mariga himself."

Odinga said that 22-year-old Mariga had eventually obtained a UK work permit but only after the transfer window for the English Premier League had closed.

It means that Mariga would be free to join an English Premier League club in the next transfer window in May.

He would have been the first player from the Premier League-mad east Africa country to sign for the top English league.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

Part of my job is sending out job offers to people from overseas and in 5 years we've never had anyone turned down for a work permit......we do our homework see and we're always certain of where we stand regarding permits/visas etc.
I'm not blaming Cook but someone at the club did f*ck up.
Re: Mariga work permit.....

I really am not suprised. Good of the Kenyan PM to do that though so he gets a big thumbs up whereas our government get a big thumbs down.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

Soulboy said:
Now I hope I'm not doing the bloke a disservice, and I'm pointing fingers at him when he doesn't really deserve it... but who the fuck cocked up the MacDonald Mariga deal?

We've been linked with this player for about 7 days now, Mancini must have targeted him at least a week prior to that... so, conservatively, we've had two weeks to look into this deal.

Presumably one of our very well paid employees understands employmemnt law, and how a work permit is obtained? If not, then we could buy in expert opinion. That's how businesses work. Except not at City, seemingly.

We wait until 5 hours before the transfer deadline before finding out that the player doesn't meet the criteria (something that numerous people on here commented upon) and we are made to look like chumps again.

Hopefully the deal may be resurrected... but that's not the point is it?

Who are we employing at the club? Clearly our "richest club in the world / top notch businessmen owners" aren't cutting the mustard.

I await Cook at his next press conference telling the waiting world that "The FA bottled it..."

We want the best players... we need the best administrators.

To be the best you employ the best.

I hope I am proved wrong with this one...

Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

avoidconfusion said:
I don't understand how people can not rest the blame on Cook/ Marwood for this cockup.

Any ten year old could have told you that here will be a problem with the work permit just by looking at the FIFA rankings.

And to top it all off even the Kenyan PM got involved and managed to get the work permit approved, unfortunately that was too late then.

So the big question is, why the fuck did we leave until THE VERY LAST DAY of the transfer window?
This could have been sorted last week!
It was. The original application was made last week but was turned down. We appealed and that was heard on Monday and also turned down.

You can't apply until you've agreed terms and although there are rules, you can appeal on the grounds that the player is an exceptional talent. Sorry Cook-bashers but no one has screwed up here.
City have only themselves to blame for not getting Mariga!

Why oh why did a top club like City wait until the LAST minute to file for a work permit for Mariga?

The Kenyan PM was successful after spending 3hrs on the phone with Gordon Brown's office, the Africa Office, office of Culture and Sports, the Home office, the FA president Lord Treisman, to get a work permit for Mariga...but time ran out.

You want to tell me that City couldn't have done this earlier?

1 whole month and they wait until the LAST day?!!

the following is a link of the Kenyan PM stating he got he permit for Mariga.
Source BBC:

Kenya's Prime Minister Raila Odinga insists he did all he could to help McDonald Mariga get a UK work permit so he could sign for Manchester City.

Mariga's transfer from Italian club Parma failed yesterday after he failed to get clearance in time.

He has now signed a four-year deal with Italian champions Inter Milan instead.

"I would like to assure soccer fans and all Kenyans that with the British High Commissioner, I've done what I could to get Mariga into Man City," Odinga said.

"I spent a minimum of three hours on phone talking to Gordon Brown's office, the Africa Office, office of Culture and Sports, the Home office, the FA president Lord Treisman and to Mariga himself."

Odinga said that 22-year-old Mariga had eventually obtained a UK work permit but only after the transfer window for the English Premier League had closed.

It means that Mariga would be free to join an English Premier League club in the next transfer window in May.

He would have been the first player from the Premier League-mad east Africa country to sign for the top English league.
Re: Mariga work permit.....

at least it proves that City knew it was going to be tricky and damned unfortunate that it failed.

just annoying that it says we got it done but too late.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

is kenya national team that much worse than thailand, kuwait or all the other farout places we av ad places from benjani isnt from a footballing power house
Re: Mariga work permit.....

Yeah was posted before, its a joke why wasnt this sorted days before. Inter now have their man and we may have missed a gem!
Re: City have only themselves to blame for not getting Mariga!

skybluekings said:
It means that Mariga would be free to join an English Premier League club in the next transfer window in May.
One would hope we have first dibs on him.
But now every bugger has heard of him and will be trying to swipe him from under our noses!

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