Another Cookie Cock Up Moment - Mariga deal?

Common sense suggests that the initial application would fail, if we didn't leave ourselves enough time for an appeal we cocked up.

If a deal couldn't be done in time we should have moved onto other targets.

Pretty sure you can go a fair way toward getting a permit for a player (or at least an indication whether it will be successful or not) before reaching a deal. Recall West Ham doing something like that in the summer.
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

Prestwich_Blue said:
twinkletoes said:
So why wait until deadline day for an appeal?
They didn't wait as far as I know. The appeal was lodged and there was a special panel set up at Wembley to hear it (and any others). I'm not an expert on these things but imagine that under normal circumstances it would take many days if not weeks for an appeal to be heard. We can only apply, as I said, once we've reached agreement with club and player.
If this is true and there WAS a special panel set up at Wembley to hear the case does that mean that this panel were linked to the FA in some way? I'm sure this FIFA ranked country ruling is from the FA and not from the government. Is this the corrupt FA? The one who lets Baconface off with a smacked wrist? The Fergie appologisers? Isn't someone from the Swamp on the FA's board? Surely it's plainly obvious that this guy is a good young prospect and his signing for Inter surely confirms this. I don't really blame anyone at our club although on paper it does look sloppy seeing as it was obvious that the permit would be turned down initially. I do blame this ridiculous FA ruling which crucifies decent players who happen to come from poorly ranked non-EU countries (hardly their fault or ours).
moomba said:
Common sense suggests that the initial application would fail, if we didn't leave ourselves enough time for an appeal we cocked up.
There was a special appeals panel set up for situations like this, so we had time for an appeal. But I'm 99% certain that you can't apply unless you've got the gig sorted in the first place. The appeals panel will want to see the contract.

It was a given that he's fail the initial application because of Kenya's FIFA ranking. But you still have to go through the process. We appealed (presumably) on the grounds that the normal criteria should be set aside because he is classed as an "exceptional talent" and would contribute to the development of English football. We would also have to prove that he would play first team football regularly in support of that.

There are some irons that even City and the Sheikh can't pull out of the fire. Why can't people just accept this?

Out of interest here's a link to Jason Scotland's appeal by Dundee United being turned down. No real relevance to this but it's interesting to read. Jason Scotland decision
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

Fuzzmaster101 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
They didn't wait as far as I know. The appeal was lodged and there was a special panel set up at Wembley to hear it (and any others). I'm not an expert on these things but imagine that under normal circumstances it would take many days if not weeks for an appeal to be heard. We can only apply, as I said, once we've reached agreement with club and player.
If this is true and there WAS a special panel set up at Wembley to hear the case does that mean that this panel were linked to the FA in some way? I'm sure this FIFA ranked country ruling is from the FA and not from the government.
They don't reveal the names of the appeals panel but they are supposed to be independent and would have to have some knowledge of the relevant law. Might include a retired club secretary or someone with football knowledge I guess and probably a couple of lawyers.

The FIFA ranking is more likely to be the government as they control Work Permits (UK).
So something obviously was wrong with our deadlines we set ourselves for getting a deal done.

Could the time we wasted chasing a permit that was never going to be granted gave been better spent elsewhere?
Re: Another Cookie Cock Up Moment?

bizzbo said:
I think some people are a bit spoilt.

city have signed best part of 30 players since cook came here. all sorts of deals under all sorts of circumstances, some of them mind blowingly complicated. and people are throwing their toys out of the pram because one deal doesn't come off?

what else can they do? city can't just click their fingers and force parma to accept their first bid. it's in the selling clubs interest to hold out to as close to deadline as possible. city can't just click their fingers and force the DOE to hold an appeal over the weekend, and they can't just click their fingers and get the decision they want.

Here here.
I have just spoken to a friend of mine in Kenya and he told me how disappointed many Kenyans are that Mariga won't be playing in England. City's profile would have been raised in a huge way in Kenya with many new fans supporting the club. Apparently, the kids in Kenya are all running around in Liverpool, United and Arsenal shirts and my friend says that City shirts would have been in great demand if Mariga had joined us. What a shame that we have missed out on this great opportunity to raise the profile of our club internationally....which also happens to be the job description of a certain Garry Cook.
Prestwich_Blue said:
moomba said:
Common sense suggests that the initial application would fail, if we didn't leave ourselves enough time for an appeal we cocked up.
There was a special appeals panel set up for situations like this, so we had time for an appeal. But I'm 99% certain that you can't apply unless you've got the gig sorted in the first place. The appeals panel will want to see the contract.

It was a given that he's fail the initial application because of Kenya's FIFA ranking. But you still have to go through the process. We appealed (presumably) on the grounds that the normal criteria should be set aside because he is classed as an "exceptional talent" and would contribute to the development of English football. We would also have to prove that he would play first team football regularly in support of that.

Work permit was granted!

According to the BBC, the Kenyan PM used his position to see Mariga granted a work permit...but time ran out!

If this was done LAST WEEK, Mariga would be a City player today.
City bottled it!
I cant be bothered readding all 8 pages but I assume it's been noted that the player said himself yeaterday that the deal was signed two weeks ago! The issue was the appeal was yesterday as set by the FA and it was them that fucked the deal up not City or Cook.

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