As Friedrich Nietzsche said “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”
That may apply to the EU.
If they can get through Coronavirus.......
I did say 'if' though.
Wise words indeed - and I can agree and see a lot of sense in that
Some posters have clearly not wished to understand my views on the EU in the here and now - for some there is a compelling need to just barrack me to close down my views.
The construct is at, or is approaching, a series of events that will define its future - if it is to have one.
In years to come, the upcoming events will be viewed as either the catalyst to the existential crisis that saw the EU collapse - or, indeed, the driver which led to the EU completing its development into a geopolitical superpower - developing further to be a force equal to China or the US.
I have frequently said that if the UK was to Remain - then fuck off all these opt-outs (they would have become meaningless in a few years anyway) and commit to being at the heart of a federal superpower. That was because completing the journey to full federalism is the only prospect of survival for the EU - as your recent research as demonstrated - and if we are locked within the construct then I want it to survive.
Indeed, despite what the hard of understanding on here think, I would prefer the EU to survive in any and all circumstances - there is no good outcome for me, my family and their future generations that will derive from the collapse of the EU.
No - I want it to survive and prosper and for the UK to equally do so and develop healthy and long-lasting relationships - especially in trade.
The fundamentals for succeeding in the evolution to a federal state are not there and not even visible on some distant horizon - whereas the conditions that will lead to collapse/implosion are only too obvious.
I have said before - it is generally not when you take the poison that you die - there can be a long drawn out process of decline and decay before entering the terminal stage.
For the EU, they took the poison when the ideologues took control and pursued their federalist dreams without first securing the firm foundations.
As only one example, this included when they started to allow, indeed actively attract, nations into the EU and into the Euro that did not meet the prescribed conditions. In doing that without ensuring conformance to the pre-determined and sensible principles, they ensured that their construction was built only on sand.
Then they have doubled down and further consolidated their path towards terminal decline through the bailouts without genuinely effective controls that ensured corrective actions to achieve conformance. Greece should have been thrown out of the Euro and when that did not happen - what prospect was there for any domestic government to drive through the necessary cultural changes. So here we are - the situation is far worse. And then along comes Italy...……….
No, unfortunately - and I do mean unfortunately - too much poison as been taken and the only antidote is for Germany and other Northern nations to actually write-off the debt and for the weaker nations to undertake genuine transformation to conform.
There is not any sign of that happening and therefore the conditions that will ensure that the EU will finally collapse are present and obvious - if people choose to look. The point of collapse/implosion is approaching - as your recent research suggests/demonstrates/evidences.
I have considered these things for many years - FFS the intention of the Constitution Treaty was pretty obvious. But my concerns extend back to the early 90s - and though watching events, they have grown into the sense of certainty that I display on here.
Anyway - apologies for extending what was started as a brief and jokey response into a lengthy one