Another shooting in america

stony said:
TCIB said:
stony said:
It really is a different world over there. Best holiday I ever had was two weeks in America. Best day of that holiday was spent drinking shit loads of beer, fishing, and shooting a variety of firearms at whatever target was available.
This wasn't an organised day out, it started out as visiting the brother in law of the friend we were staying with and developed from there.

I remember the drive back to where we were staying as though it was yesterday. 4 of us in a pick up, towing a trailer with my mates car on the back. A loaded .44 Magnum on the dash and the lad driving was chugging on a Bud.

Welcome to small town USA.

Did you squeal like a pig though ?

It was exactly like that mate. We were staying with a friend of the wifes that she'd met in a yahoo chat room, lol. Yes we really did go to Chicago to stay with people we had never met before.
Anyhoo, they all lived in this huge house in the country and one day Larry(a family member of the wifes friend) asked me if I wanted to go fishing. So I bought a crate of Becks from Wallmart and off we went. His brother had his own land with a river and a cabin and we headed over there. After we got absolutely trollied, he asked if I'd ever shot a gun and then brought out his collection of guns for us to fuck about with.
.22 pistol
.40 pistol
.44 magnum
.22 semi auto rifle with telescopic sights
and a Chinese made AK47.

Great day, pissed as a **** shooting things with rednecks.

Haha, a good day.

Like most dangerous things they need regulation.

I know many people who should not be allowed a driving license.
ElanJo said:
chabal said:
Lucky13 said:
The Constitution defends the right to bare arms , how many NRA members have committed a massacre?

How many NRA members have defended the right of people bearing arms to committ massacres?

Now, I may be going out on a limb here, I may be completely wrong and if I am, which I must be because you seem pretty clued up, I will apologise profusely but I do not recall there ever being an article in the US Constitution, not even prior to the enactment of the Bill of Rights, giving citizens the right to commit fucking massacres, you big tithead.
No, but they certainly facilitate them.
Here is the problem....

" America's gun control laws are the loosest in the developed world and its rate of gun-related homicide is the highest. Of the world's 23 "rich" countries, the U.S. gun-related murder rate is almost 20 times that of the other 22. With almost one privately owned firearm per person, America's ownership rate is the highest in the world; tribal-conflict-torn Yemen is ranked second, with a rate about half of America's."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... hs/260189/</a>
pominoz said:
Here is the problem....

" America's gun control laws are the loosest in the developed world and its rate of gun-related homicide is the highest. Of the world's 23 "rich" countries, the U.S. gun-related murder rate is almost 20 times that of the other 22. With almost one privately owned firearm per person, America's ownership rate is the highest in the world; tribal-conflict-torn Yemen is ranked second, with a rate about half of America's."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... hs/260189/</a>
But they need to guns to feel safe as opposed to being a fearful nation such as Britiain Sir.
TCIB said:
mcmanus said:
TCIB said:
Why the fuck would a middle class lady who teaches kids own a small arsenal.

The weird thing is they've been banging on about how there's such a low crime rate in Newtown so what do you arm yourself with if you lived say in the Bronx with crackheads living nextdoor?

Fear is a strange thing.

I have not really read this thread but it was an assault rifle right, as in a tactical military weapon ?
The reports say a .223 calibre rifle which is a gun you could legally own on the uk. I was reading how they had a law called the assault weapons act that run from 1994 to 2004 and covered 19 specific weapons and a range with things fitted or various other implements. It went out in 2004 and apparently gun crime has not changed in that time
SWP's back said:
But they need to guns to feel safe as opposed to being a fearful nation such as Britiain Sir.
Most stupid argument I've ever heard in favour of guns. There isn't a people more afraid of their government in the developed world than Americans. On top of that, they're afraid of their neighbours too. They still have a frontier mentality over there. As I've always maintained, it's a completely fucked up country. More than half of Americans in jail (remembering that America has the largest prison population per capita in the world) are in jail for drugs offences. The NDAA has made vicious assaults on even the most basic of liberties. Meanwhile, the liberty they don't limit, is the right to own and carry guns... Such a fucked up country.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
TCIB said:
mcmanus said:
The weird thing is they've been banging on about how there's such a low crime rate in Newtown so what do you arm yourself with if you lived say in the Bronx with crackheads living nextdoor?

Fear is a strange thing.

I have not really read this thread but it was an assault rifle right, as in a tactical military weapon ?
The reports say a .223 calibre rifle which is a gun you could legally own on the uk. I was reading how they had a law called the assault weapons act that run from 1994 to 2004 and covered 19 specific weapons and a range with things fitted or various other implements. It went out in 2004 and apparently gun crime has not changed in that time
He used three guns, none of which are legal in the uk.
shadygiz said:
they need a judicial review on the term "the right to bear arms"

the original constitution was written in a day when everyone had to carry weapons
The constitution is fine. It's just that they're not following it. Americans own guns without being part of a well-regulated militia. The well-regulated militia of course being the alternative to a standing army. The founders believing, rightly in my opinion, that a well-regulated militia (similar to our territorial army) is a better provider of liberty. They were right. 100% right. Eisenhower spoke of the dangers of the military-industrial complex over fifty years ago now in his farewell address. He would be appalled by the state of affairs today.

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