Another shooting in america

buckshot said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
buckshot said:
Actually he has a 55-45 majority in the senate but the republicans automatically filibuster and bill that the president supports. During the Bush years a 51-49 majority was all it took to pass a law but the rules have changed since Blacky McBlackerson was elected. (Sorry to bring race into this but it really disgusts me how they show him no respect)
Don't forget though even some Democrats believe in the right to shoot unarmed people who you dont like much

So while most democrats are in favor of the right to own firearms they temper that with common sense.

I think this will take some beating in Monday's Oxymoron Of The Day Award.
Unless we simply legalise those safer,kinder non-lethal guns that your folks own.
Are they the ones that produce a flag with 'bang' written on it when you fire them?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
buckshot said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Don't forget though even some Democrats believe in the right to shoot unarmed people who you dont like much

So while most democrats are in favor of the right to own firearms they temper that with common sense.

I think this will take some beating in Monday's Oxymoron Of The Day Award.
Unless we simply legalise those safer,kinder non-lethal guns that your folks own.
Are they the ones that produce a flag with 'bang' written on it when you fire them?
In fairness is there actually a nation where it is fully outright illegal to own a gun?
buckshot said:
Like I've said before, I come from a family of gun owners and support the right to own certain types of guns. I don't own any myself but guns for hunting rarely are used in situations like this. My problem is solely with the assualt weapons that have little or no use other than going on killing sprees. So while most democrats are in favor of the right to own firearms they temper that with common sense.

I think the guy who carried out the dunblane massacre just had handguns.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
buckshot said:
So while most democrats are in favor of the right to own firearms they temper that with common sense.

I think this will take some beating in Monday's Oxymoron Of The Day Award.
Unless we simply legalise those safer,kinder non-lethal guns that your folks own.
Are they the ones that produce a flag with 'bang' written on it when you fire them?
In fairness is there actually a nation where it is fully outright illegal to own a gun?

Probably not mate,but that's the trouble with this democracy business - if you allow folks to own guns,then you have to allow everyone to own them.
Anything else is state control,and tantamount to communism.
And let's face it - America has armed pretty much every tyrant and dodgy dictator know to man,so they are hardly in any moral position to deny their own god-fearing folk the constitutional right to shoot each other.
wayne71 said:
buckshot said:
Like I've said before, I come from a family of gun owners and support the right to own certain types of guns. I don't own any myself but guns for hunting rarely are used in situations like this. My problem is solely with the assualt weapons that have little or no use other than going on killing sprees. So while most democrats are in favor of the right to own firearms they temper that with common sense.

I think the guy who carried out the dunblane massacre just had handguns.

I'm not in favor of handguns either but since we're so saturated with them it would be impossible to get rid of them. But limiting the one's we sell from here on out to six rounds and not having them be semi-automatic would at least be a good start.

Also, if I could magically snap my fingers and get rid of all guns I would. The problem is that the NRA and their "from my cold dead hands" motto have made completely getting rid of guns impossible. Do you want to be the one to go to some inbred redneck's house and tell him you're there for his guns. He's too stupid not to shoot at you.
The author of 'More Guns = Less Crime' was just on Sky News. He is adamant that everyone should be able to have a gun to 'protect' themselves from these type of attacks as the majority of these attacks, according to him, happen in gun-free zones.

Personally I think this sort of think is dangerous. The fact of the matter is if guns weren't so readily available these shootings would probably not have happened
Blue Hefner said:
The author of 'More Guns = Less Crime' was just on Sky News. He is adamant that everyone should be able to have a gun to 'protect' themselves from these type of attacks as the majority of these attacks, according to him, happen in gun-free zones.

Personally I think this sort of think is dangerous. The fact of the matter is if guns weren't so readily available these shootings would probably not have happened

The author of 'More Guns = Less Crime' is clearly retarded.
'More Guns = Smaller Fucking Penis And Brain' would be a more accurate title.
Apparently the firearms used were purchased legally by the killer's mother.
Why,exactly,does the teacher of six year old kids in an affluent community need a fucking arsenal of high powered rifles?
It's hardly like some kid taking umbrage at being told to put his todger away in class is likely to blow her away with his Guns 'r Us pump action shotgun,is it?
BoyBlue_1985 said:
mcmanus said:
Fuck knows.

America obviously has it fair share of sick twisted twats, just like we'll have ours. The very, very simple difference is ours fuckwits can't get hold of assault rifles, glocks, semi this, point 322..... etc

Thank fuck.
I think you have buried you head in the sand if you think people cannot get hold of weapons like that in the uk well illegally of course

-- Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:15 am --

G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched Obama make a very emotional speech in Newtown.
Talked a lot of bollocks about God stuff, and some moving words about parenthood etc.
What he didn't say was
"and from midnight tonight the sale of automatic weapons to members of the public is illegal in the U.S.A."
.......the most powerful guy on the planet .......???
That would be because he isn't a dictator

Well I don't really think I got my head in the sand because I know guns do end up on our streets but we don't have 1/4 of a billion of the fuckers do we.

A complete odd twat having a really shitty day get's all psycho and decides going shooting lots of people is the answer;

- in England he loses his temper, starts making calls to hardened criminals requesting a gun. (I wouldn't have the foggiest where to start and probably 99% of us really haven't a clue neither).

- in America he loses his temper and the nutjob will defo know someone who owns guns. Probably borrow or nick it that day whilst still on one. Bobs yer uncle lots of dead people.
Blue Hefner said:
The author of 'More Guns = Less Crime' was just on Sky News. He is adamant that everyone should be able to have a gun to 'protect' themselves from these type of attacks as the majority of these attacks, according to him, happen in gun-free zones.

Personally I think this sort of think is dangerous. The fact of the matter is if guns weren't so readily available these shootings would probably not have happened
I was just listening to him
Didnt he say arm the teachers is the best way?
The cookie monster said:
Blue Hefner said:
The author of 'More Guns = Less Crime' was just on Sky News. He is adamant that everyone should be able to have a gun to 'protect' themselves from these type of attacks as the majority of these attacks, according to him, happen in gun-free zones.

Personally I think this sort of think is dangerous. The fact of the matter is if guns weren't so readily available these shootings would probably not have happened
I was just listening to him
Didnt he say arm the teachers is the best way?

Yeah, he citied one example of a headmaster having to run home and get his gun when someone came to shoot-up a school. Its frightening to hear someone talk like that

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