Another shooting in america

Unknown_Genius said:


Here it is, in its entirety.

Jones comes off as a raving idiot. All he needs to do is bring up Switzerland, then say maybe there are so many gun deaths as well as suicides because of SRRI medications, and go through the stats without yelling. Japan and Switzerland, one with guns, one without, and no SRRIs and they have low crime rates. Morgan brings up 9/11, fantastic, great chance for him to poison that well too. Alex tripped over himself answering that one, and could only mutter "criminal elements". Poor answer, now anyone associated with 9/11 truth is going to be connected with him. Jones has ruined himself. This is even worse than this infamous "Arabs own Hollywood" quote. He's given all pro 2nd Amendment supporters a bad name.

Absolutely! Who in their right mind would want to al-line themselves with that dick-head. Also why did he do that silly accent? He was on prime time TV and he's acting like a nob
Josh Blue said:
I can't bare to watch it as Morgan is such a twat.

Personally think hes taken a very good stance regarding gun control over there - hes lost alot of respect with some crazy Americans but gained some over here.
Alex Jones comes across a right nutter there!

On England: "You've got hoardes of people burning down cities and beating old women's brains out everyday".
entertaining interview, alex jones and piers morgan


Pretty crazy lol

both of them are crazy tbh
r.soleofsalford said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
r.soleofsalford said:
its hard to give a definitive answer over such a vague question. would i be prepared to defend my property against someone that might have broken in with the possible intent to do harm to me or mine. yep.
if i had a gun and felt in fear of my families safety would i shot. dam right i would.

Whilst I think we would all wish to protect our property and our loved ones,I very much doubt that a court in this country would deem shooting an intruder to be 'reasonable force',unless the intruder was also armed with a gun,which in this country is pretty unlikely.
Clearly our more enlightened colonial friends have different ideas,which is why they have more gun-related deaths.

i think if someone broke into my house i`d be more concerned for my families safety than some scroat and there well being. whether i went to court or not would not be a consideration at the time.

Exactly. The people who argue against this generally don't have kids of their own, or are said scrotes themselves. They simply don't understand the strength of the human instinct to protect your own kids.

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