Another shooting in america

Re: entertaining interview, alex jones (yank) and piers morgan

block128 said:
How disappointing!

I was expecting the fit welsh bit off BBC1 (No, not Aled)
haha oops, forgot, edited title
Markt85 said:
Josh Blue said:
I can't bare to watch it as Morgan is such a twat.

Personally think hes taken a very good stance regarding gun control over there - hes lost alot of respect with some crazy Americans but gained some over here.

Jones has a few films on YouTube. I'm currently watching one called 'Masters of Terror -Exposed'. The man is crackers
Can't stop laughing at that interview.

"Redcoats"... No wonder the US is in the shit when they're still living in the 17th century. Surprised he didn't suggest the Queen is a witch.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ...</a>

Good god... hahaha.
Jones is a sensationalist, conman. This guy has poisoned the well regarding 9/11 Truth. I'm for 9/11 Truth, and it irritates me so much how he is portrayed as the 'go to' guy for 9/11. Apart from James Fetzer, and the (screw) Loose Change loons, I can think of a worse person for that subject. I'm also pro 2nd amendment, and he's well and truly dragged that through the mud.

Johnsonontheleft said:
r.soleofsalford said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Whilst I think we would all wish to protect our property and our loved ones,I very much doubt that a court in this country would deem shooting an intruder to be 'reasonable force',unless the intruder was also armed with a gun,which in this country is pretty unlikely.
Clearly our more enlightened colonial friends have different ideas,which is why they have more gun-related deaths.

i think if someone broke into my house i`d be more concerned for my families safety than some scroat and there well being. whether i went to court or not would not be a consideration at the time.

Exactly. The people who argue against this generally don't have kids of their own, or are said scrotes themselves. They simply don't understand the strength of the human instinct to protect your own kids.

Utter fucking rubbish,as is par for the course from you.
I have kids,and I don't need lectures in 'the strength of the human instinct' from anyone,let alone you.
So,just to clarify matters,does that render me a scrote for not wanting to kill an intruder for breaking and entering my house?

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