Another shooting in america

Make every single bullet $200 a piece and then you wont find nearly as many shootings. It would be far too expensive to kill some random person.
At this point, I couldnt give a fuck about the 'right to bear arms', eighteen children FFS.

These nutbags arent really giving the government much choice as far as gun controls go, they are going to have their hand forced if the number of shootings continues to rise. Problem is damned if they do, damned if they dont, if any controls are enforced, right wing gun lover is going to be up in arms about it.
TFC said:
At this point, I couldnt give a fuck about the 'right to bear arms', eighteen children FFS.

These nutbags arent really giving the government much choice as far as gun controls go, they are going to have their hand forced if the number of shootings continues to rise. Problem is damned if they do, damned if they dont, if any controls are enforced, right wing gun lover is going to be up in arms about it.
They argue that it is in their constitution, well im sure when the constitution was written, it was not written with these intentions.
acquiesce said:
SWP's back said:
Mark - TheBlue said:
Just don't know why you would need to own a gun. If you want to shoot then go to the shooting range but why do you need one in the home?
Protection. Everyone has a gun so everyone is safe.

What we need is for primary school children to own and carry guns, then this would never had happened as they would have defended themselves. Simple really.

People may laugh, but the next step over here will be everyone has to carry guns. You will see that law enforced before any substantial limiting gun control law is passed.

God bless Merica.
kp789 said:
The NRA have far too much power

This, this and this. They are so powerful that nobody ever even brings up the idea of stricter gun laws.

In his time in office Obama has signed off onto two laws and they basically allow people to take guns onto trains and into national parks. For this the NRA has spent millions to defeat him and accuse him of being anti-gun.
I understand when something like this happens, emotions run high.

There are however a couple of things to consider. In this instance and in the movie theatre in Colorado shooting, both areas were labelled no gun zones. These crazies pick gun free zones. Often they are only stopped by someone else with a gun, or suicide like Dunblane.

Also, criminals don't abide by gun laws leaving the rest of the populace unable to defend themselves. Gun confiscation generally lead to a fearful populace and an increasingly threatening government. Eg. germany in the 1930's, or england today...

A gun can be a great equaliser for the old lady whose house is getting broken into. Or the female alone. Or the male against 2 or more who wish to do him harm.

I have been in situations and countries where the rule of law has gone missing and it is quite a scary place to be. One does feel more comfortable with an ability to defend ones self.

Again, what a tragedy today.....
there are usually 30,000 fatal shootings in the US every year. This should be no surprise. To be fair half are suicides.

for comparison there are usually 100 in the UK per year, since the last change in the law on hand guns. Virtually no one uses firearms to commit suicide in the UK.

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