Another shooting in america

Don't know what the answer is to this the gun seems deeply embedded in the United States culture and probably 99.9% of gun owners never cause a problem except to the native wildlife, but then lunatic doe's this what they can do about it iv'e no idea we struggle enough over here with scum and guns.
Essembe said:
I understand when something like this happens, emotions run high.

There are however a couple of things to consider. In this instance and in the movie theatre in Colorado shooting, both areas were labelled no gun zones. These crazies pick gun free zones. Often they are only stopped by someone else with a gun, or suicide like Dunblane.

Also, criminals don't abide by gun laws leaving the rest of the populace unable to defend themselves. Gun confiscation generally lead to a fearful populace and an increasingly threatening government. Eg. germany in the 1930's, or england today...

A gun can be a great equaliser for the old lady whose house is getting broken into. Or the female alone. Or the male against 2 or more who wish to do him harm.

I have been in situations and countries where the rule of law has gone missing and it is quite a scary place to be. One does feel more comfortable with an ability to defend ones self.

Again, what a tragedy today.....
Essembe said:
I understand when something like this happens, emotions run high.

There are however a couple of things to consider. In this instance and in the movie theatre in Colorado shooting, both areas were labelled no gun zones. These crazies pick gun free zones. Often they are only stopped by someone else with a gun, or suicide like Dunblane.

Also, criminals don't abide by gun laws leaving the rest of the populace unable to defend themselves. Gun confiscation generally lead to a fearful populace and an increasingly threatening government. Eg. germany in the 1930's, or england today...

A gun can be a great equaliser for the old lady whose house is getting broken into. Or the female alone. Or the male against 2 or more who wish to do him harm.

I have been in situations and countries where the rule of law has gone missing and it is quite a scary place to be. One does feel more comfortable with an ability to defend ones self.

Again, what a tragedy today.....

*shakes head*
Essembe said:
I understand when something like this happens, emotions run high.

There are however a couple of things to consider. In this instance and in the movie theatre in Colorado shooting, both areas were labelled no gun zones. These crazies pick gun free zones. Often they are only stopped by someone else with a gun, or suicide like Dunblane.

Also, criminals don't abide by gun laws leaving the rest of the populace unable to defend themselves. Gun confiscation generally lead to a fearful populace and an increasingly threatening government. Eg. germany in the 1930's, or england today...

A gun can be a great equaliser for the old lady whose house is getting broken into. Or the female alone. Or the male against 2 or more who wish to do him harm.

I have been in situations and countries where the rule of law has gone missing and it is quite a scary place to be. One does feel more comfortable with an ability to defend ones self.

Again, what a tragedy today.....

a very stupid argument.

If all zones were gun free then the perpetrators couldnt buy guns and travel to the gun free zone.
yes criminals dont obey the laws but it becomes harder to get illegal firearms if there are effectively no legal ones. Most illegal firearms start life as legal firemarms. I will grant you that the massive gun ownership in the US would mean that illegally available firearms wouldnt reduce for a generation after strict gun controls are introduced, but if you dont start it never happens

please expand your argument on fearful populations in england today. dont really follow it.

the last bit about the rule of law going missing, are you really arguing that the rule of law has gone missing in the states? That would indicate its no longer a civilised nation. You really want to argue that?
There are a lot of scary people in America with guns. A few of them are bad enough to do a thing like this.

It's a statistical certainty with a freely armed population their size that these tragedies will keep on happening.

So very, very sad.

China school knife attack in Henan injures 22 children

A man with a knife has wounded 22 children - at least two of them seriously - and an adult at a primary school in central China.

The attack happened at the gate of a school in Chenpeng village in Henan province.

Police arrested a 36-year-old local man at the scene.

Security at China's schools has been increased in recent years following a spate of similar knife attacks in which nearly 20 children have been killed.

The BBC's John Sudworth in Shanghai says many of the attackers have been mentally disturbed men, prompting a debate about the effects of China's recent, rapid social change and the inability of an antiquated hospital system to cope with rising levels of mental illness.

The Associated Press news agency quotes a police officer as saying that this latest attack happened as pupils were arriving for classes.

The agency also quotes a county hospital administrator as saying that the man first attacked an elderly woman, then the children, before being overpowered by security guards.

He added that two of the injured pupils had been transferred to better-equipped hospitals outside the county.
You could cut and paste the thread from the last time this happened and it wouldn't be much different from this.

Ditto for the next time.

What people in England think about American law is going to change nothing. Although it doesn't bar us from being allowed an opinion.

What interests me is something our American members could maybe answer. When this sort of thing happens, is there similar outrage to this among your average Americans? Are the newspapers and news channels full of debate on the gun laws and the easy accessibility of firearms?

Or is it just accepted amongst the majority, that sad as it is, it's the sort of thing that nutters occasionally do and there's not much you can do about it?
pirate said:
Essembe said:
I understand when something like this happens, emotions run high.

There are however a couple of things to consider. In this instance and in the movie theatre in Colorado shooting, both areas were labelled no gun zones. These crazies pick gun free zones. Often they are only stopped by someone else with a gun, or suicide like Dunblane.

Also, criminals don't abide by gun laws leaving the rest of the populace unable to defend themselves. Gun confiscation generally lead to a fearful populace and an increasingly threatening government. Eg. germany in the 1930's, or england today...

A gun can be a great equaliser for the old lady whose house is getting broken into. Or the female alone. Or the male against 2 or more who wish to do him harm.

I have been in situations and countries where the rule of law has gone missing and it is quite a scary place to be. One does feel more comfortable with an ability to defend ones self.

Again, what a tragedy today.....

a very stupid argument.

If all zones were gun free then the perpetrators couldnt buy guns and travel to the gun free zone.
yes criminals dont obey the laws but it becomes harder to get illegal firearms if there are effectively no legal ones. Most illegal firearms start life as legal firemarms. I will grant you that the massive gun ownership in the US would mean that illegally available firearms wouldnt reduce for a generation after strict gun controls are introduced, but if you dont start it never happens

please expand your argument on fearful populations in england today. dont really follow it.

the last bit about the rule of law going missing, are you really arguing that the rule of law has gone missing in the states? That would indicate its no longer a civilised nation. You really want to argue that?
I wouldn't even enter into dialogue with someone capable of such fucking appalling debate and reasoning mate.

Fucking right wing NRA apologist nut job.
Essembe said:

China school knife attack in Henan injures 22 children

A man with a knife has wounded 22 children - at least two of them seriously - and an adult at a primary school in central China.

The attack happened at the gate of a school in Chenpeng village in Henan province.

Police arrested a 36-year-old local man at the scene.

Security at China's schools has been increased in recent years following a spate of similar knife attacks in which nearly 20 children have been killed.

The BBC's John Sudworth in Shanghai says many of the attackers have been mentally disturbed men, prompting a debate about the effects of China's recent, rapid social change and the inability of an antiquated hospital system to cope with rising levels of mental illness.

The Associated Press news agency quotes a police officer as saying that this latest attack happened as pupils were arriving for classes.

The agency also quotes a county hospital administrator as saying that the man first attacked an elderly woman, then the children, before being overpowered by security guards.

He added that two of the injured pupils had been transferred to better-equipped hospitals outside the county.

and your point is?

Guns make it easier to kill people (hence the army have guns not knives)
gun control doesnt stop nutters just makes it harder for them to kill people

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