Another shooting in america

mackenzie said:
This act was one of complete annihilation. Any spark of humanity in the perpetrator was long gone, and yet the catalysts in modern society will continue to be there.

What catalysts? How can anyone become so fucked up, that they can look a beautiful six year old child in the face, and shoot them dead?
hgblue said:
mackenzie said:
This act was one of complete annihilation. Any spark of humanity in the perpetrator was long gone, and yet the catalysts in modern society will continue to be there.

What catalysts? How can anyone become so fucked up, that they can look a beautiful six year old child in the face, and shoot them dead?

Exactly. But the catalysts had to be there.
Now we have a republican congressman from Texas (aka nutjob central) calliing for more guns in schools. He figures that if we flood them with guns the crazies won't risk going in them.

He doesn't understand that the guns who were used in this massacre were bought by the shooter's mother for her own protection. How did that work out for her?
buckshot said:
Now we have a republican congressman from Texas (aka nutjob central) calliing for more guns in schools. He figures that if we flood them with guns the crazies won't risk going in them.

He doesn't understand that the guns who were used in this massacre were bought by the shooter's mother for her own protection. How did that work out for her?

Im just astonished mate

The UK aint nothing like your place, we dont see guns, I know one man who owns them and his are locked up at his club and he can only fire them there.

I still cant get my head around how anyone, anyone, anyone would slaughter a load of 6 year old kids. Deranged or not they are kids ffs and in my opinion if sonebody can do that with a gun, then the only sensible answer to it is not let anyone have a gun.
Shoot the fucking shitbag in the fucking face and leave his corpse where it drops.

Fucking scum ****, oh whats that you have first world problems ? well fuck you shithead we all do.

Tighter controls on guns, shoot the church members and leave them also.

Any fucker found trying to bury them should be shot in the kneecaps.

Someone remind me why i am not king of the world yet ffs :p
RandomJ said:
The whole defend ourselves argument is a load of shit.

The right to bear arms stems from a small rebellion against the Crown, some years ago, if I recall...

Just watched Obama make a very emotional speech in Newtown.
Talked a lot of bollocks about God stuff, and some moving words about parenthood etc.
What he didn't say was
"and from midnight tonight the sale of automatic weapons to members of the public is illegal in the U.S.A."
.......the most powerful guy on the planet .......???
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched Obama make a very emotional speech in Newtown.
Talked a lot of bollocks about God stuff, and some moving words about parenthood etc.
What he didn't say was
"and from midnight tonight the sale of automatic weapons to members of the public is illegal in the U.S.A."
.......the most powerful guy on the planet .......???

Senator Feinstein is going to introduce legislation in January to hopefully do this. The POTUS doesn't have the power to just make up laws.

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