Another smoking ban thread

SWP's back said:
The cookie monster said:
SWP's back said:
The stewards aren't intimidated as they aren't anywhere to be seen at 110. Nor are the police. The club turn a blind eye to it (same as with standing in that corner) and that tells me that they don't think it the evil that you do.
If they turn a blind eye how come bans have been issued then in the past?
At 110? This season? First I've heard of it and there are hundreds of blokes smoking in there at each game without a copper or steward within 50 yards.

Last season they used to go in every now and again but not this season.
Its not only the bogs round 110 which smokers use..

I just dont think it can continue as a cosy set up that city & the police (as you stated) turn a blind eye..

Who knows how to solve it.
The cookie monster said:
SWP's back said:
Have a smokers pen outside on L1.

Very simple really.

I must admit i have often wondered why they havnt gone for this option..
Probably image and the sheer size it would have to be. Anyway ive now replied to Mr Fletcher and await his reply.
If you want to smoke in the comfort of your own home, fine. Up to you, its your house. But dont inflict the hideous unhealthy stench onto others by doing it in public places. Its MINGING! There is no smoking in the ground, full stop. The arguemnets about people standing up, shouting abuse etc is a pathetic one as non of those have a detremental affect on the health of others.

When i walk up the 'curly wurly' it fucking sticks when you have to walk past all the cancer bags puffing away. And where do you flick your dimps?

pisses me off when people come on here saying 'well there are certain smokers toilets so maybe the non smokers should avoid them'. WHY??? its you in the wrong.

Just go two hours without a fag !!
Skashion said:
Couldn't care less about the law. Never have. The law is a complete twat on this especially and has taken away an individual right to choose. I would never back a law forcing private institutions to allow and accommodate smokers but it would seem most non-smokers back the opposite case. It's not difficult to have non-smoking/smoking areas, or even to let individual institutions decide.

I do care about 'innocent people' (can we call them non-smokers?) but 'innocent people' can go another toilet quite easily. Just get on with it. Go to another toilet. Let's pretend that we still live in a sensible world where you're allowed by law to accommodate both.

You couldn't care less about the law and you never have? Wow! Skashion is Bluemoon's anarchist in residence! Is this the only law you don't care about? Can I mug you and rob you of all your personal possessions without fear of you pressing charges?

What innocent people can't do is use another toilet at away matches. I'm going to Villa on Sunday and don't anticipate being able to choose. My coat stank when I came out of the toilets at Stamford Bridge in December and I felt smoke in my throat for days.
marcus said:
If you want to smoke in the comfort of your own home, fine. Up to you, its your house. But dont inflict the hideous unhealthy stench onto others by doing it in public places. Its MINGING! There is no smoking in the ground, full stop. The arguemnets about people standing up, shouting abuse etc is a pathetic one as non of those have a detremental affect on the health of others.

When i walk up the 'curly wurly' it fucking sticks when you have to walk past all the cancer bags puffing away. And where do you flick your dimps?

pisses me off when people come on here saying 'well there are certain smokers toilets so maybe the non smokers should avoid them'. WHY??? its you in the wrong.

Just go two hours without a fag !!
I want to smoke near you also now.
peoffrey said:
Skashion said:
Couldn't care less about the law. Never have. The law is a complete twat on this especially and has taken away an individual right to choose. I would never back a law forcing private institutions to allow and accommodate smokers but it would seem most non-smokers back the opposite case. It's not difficult to have non-smoking/smoking areas, or even to let individual institutions decide.

I do care about 'innocent people' (can we call them non-smokers?) but 'innocent people' can go another toilet quite easily. Just get on with it. Go to another toilet. Let's pretend that we still live in a sensible world where you're allowed by law to accommodate both.

You couldn't care less about the law and you never have? Wow! Skashion is Bluemoon's anarchist in residence! Is this the only law you don't care about? Can I mug you and rob you of all your personal possessions without fear of you pressing charges?

What innocent people can't do is use another toilet at away matches. I'm going to Villa on Sunday and don't anticipate being able to choose. My coat stank when I came out of the toilets at Stamford Bridge in December and I felt smoke in my throat for days.
Bet it wasn't all you had in your throat eh

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