Luckily I have Mrs JASR to do my "research", who has access to thousands of UK doctors. A proportion of those thousands of doctors are from the relevant areas - virology & immunology, rather than just a random unrelated to the specialty Doc.
That 'Research' continues to conclude, get vaxxed, and has done since they became available, because it offers the best longterm general population health solution to covid. It's unequivocable.
My own 'research' is purely on the numbers being hospitalized/death. And again that's unequivocable: Vaxxed far less likely to be hospitalized. - And that figure came from a prominent anti-vaxxer quoting official UK figures, who was trying to argue that 'only' 48% of the patients in hospital due to covid are unvaxxed. Basic maths 101 failure...
So, in summary. I've 'done my research' by getting information direct from people qualified to understand virology and immunology, and direct from people who don't follow MSM, ie Anti-vaxxers, who happen to not understand basic maths.
NB This is nothing to do with how govt has acted throughout. That's an entirely different mass of questions.