Any Long Covid sufferers on here?

Please be careful everybody. I had Covid in the very early days, and for a long, long while afterwards I had some bad days feeling totally wiped out and exhausted. Tending the garden was too much for me. I put it down to long covid. Last summer I had a particular bad day and went to Stepping Hill. After tests there was no sign of Covid but they said "we are keeping you in you have a heart condition causing this exhaustion ". Up until then I never contemplated a heart failure. The hospital was overflowing with cardiac cases. I had an operation which has failed to solve the problem and don't know what to expect.( I can't get to the matches.) I will never know if Covid caused my heart to malfunction.
I'm in a similair situation. I had symptoms on and off, then eventually an NSTEMI. At 46, as a non smoker and drinker, it's a bit of a shock. I've got diagnosis for this and that but never COVID, but I only ever took a handful of Lateral Flows, so god knows if I escaped that. The possible reasons play around in my mind an awful lot, but in truth I'll never know, and there are plenty of meds and things to concentrate on which I can do to help myself, diet and lifestyle. That's what I need to be looking at. I'm on the up and the moment - there's a frightening amount of up and down as I get better then get wiped out again, so I hope I'm not being insensitive. I was also lucky that my operation was a reasonable success - and in truth I don't know what your condition is.

Still, I really want to give you the sense that there are things that will get better, that there are things to look forward too, and how important it is for our minds and bodies, that we keep looking at them, and the things we can do. You can get stronger, and you will be amazed what that means you can cope with.

Keep the hope alive, always. I don't know if you're on social media a lot. I am. There's an argument going round that constantly being involved actually prevents us from switching off, prevents us from really getting bored, and that's this is a terrible thing, because it's the real boredom that leads to us just discarding everything that's useless to us and starting over with a better mindset for the future. It takes up your mind's time, always thinking about things, the latest arguments that go round and round, when you should be dreaming quietly of nice things and places you can maybe do and go in the future.

I mean, I'd suggest putting on your thickest skin and joining the matchday forum. But in all honesty, my life has improved tremendously by avoiding it like the plague, lol.

I am pretty careful. I noticed with horror how people didn't take any care. Don't worry about things like that. Look after yourself. These situations do improve over time. We're like a giant herd. We swing from one direction to the other. From banging on pots and lockdown and all that, to a sort of "IDGAF" attitude. Over time, people realise they are best off somewhere in the centre.

Seriously. Good luck. Don't worry about another soul. You can't save them. That's the truth. People will do what they want, what they think best. Eventually, it works out anyway. It's just a distraction. These people, everyone, we all need you to look after yourself. Go with hope and cheer in your heart, my friend. And always remember that love transcends all of these problems. That's why we sing, "What will be, will be".
I'm in a similair situation. I had symptoms on and off, then eventually an NSTEMI. At 46, as a non smoker and drinker, it's a bit of a shock. I've got diagnosis for this and that but never COVID, but I only ever took a handful of Lateral Flows, so god knows if I escaped that. The possible reasons play around in my mind an awful lot, but in truth I'll never know, and there are plenty of meds and things to concentrate on which I can do to help myself, diet and lifestyle. That's what I need to be looking at. I'm on the up and the moment - there's a frightening amount of up and down as I get better then get wiped out again, so I hope I'm not being insensitive. I was also lucky that my operation was a reasonable success - and in truth I don't know what your condition is.

Still, I really want to give you the sense that there are things that will get better, that there are things to look forward too, and how important it is for our minds and bodies, that we keep looking at them, and the things we can do. You can get stronger, and you will be amazed what that means you can cope with.

Keep the hope alive, always. I don't know if you're on social media a lot. I am. There's an argument going round that constantly being involved actually prevents us from switching off, prevents us from really getting bored, and that's this is a terrible thing, because it's the real boredom that leads to us just discarding everything that's useless to us and starting over with a better mindset for the future. It takes up your mind's time, always thinking about things, the latest arguments that go round and round, when you should be dreaming quietly of nice things and places you can maybe do and go in the future.

I mean, I'd suggest putting on your thickest skin and joining the matchday forum. But in all honesty, my life has improved tremendously by avoiding it like the plague, lol.

I am pretty careful. I noticed with horror how people didn't take any care. Don't worry about things like that. Look after yourself. These situations do improve over time. We're like a giant herd. We swing from one direction to the other. From banging on pots and lockdown and all that, to a sort of "IDGAF" attitude. Over time, people realise they are best off somewhere in the centre.

Seriously. Good luck. Don't worry about another soul. You can't save them. That's the truth. People will do what they want, what they think best. Eventually, it works out anyway. It's just a distraction. These people, everyone, we all need you to look after yourself. Go with hope and cheer in your heart, my friend. And always remember that love transcends all of these problems. That's why we sing, "What will be, will be".
Thank you Summerbuzz. The paragraph headed 'keep the hope alive' really brings the situation home to me. When I was first diagnosed I said to my daughters " I will beat this" but in truth I have been pretty pathetic.
It's possible I have long COVID.

First tested positive on 3rd October then tested positive constantly for 3 weeks.

Since then I've just been constantly tired and aching muscles even though I've not tested positive since beginning of November. I feels some days I've haven't slept for days even though in getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Feels like I have a permanent hangover. Just really weak, dizzy and brain fog.

Since beginning of November I've been to my Dr's 4 times and had multiple blood tests for literally every disease know to man.

On the 14th December I got my lastest results back and they found I have a weakened immune system which is possible it was brought on by COVID. Been put on a plan to build my immune system up by changing my diet, taking vitamins ect and I am feeling slightly better now but there are still days I wake up and feel completely wiped out and struggle to get out of bed. It's also started to affect my mental health as well.

I'm back in work but in reduced shifts but work have been brilliant with me.

Back at the dr's in 2 weeks for more blood tests to see how my immune system is.

My Dr said the issues they are having with COVID is that it effects people in different ways and they have to tailor each case of COVID differently to each patient. It's not like having a chest infection or another illness where they know exactly what to do.

It's a fucking horrible illness and has really hit me for six. I'm normally a very positive person but this has really effected in a bad way. Hopefully I'm though the worst of it but only time will tell
I've had covid three times and after each time I seem to have months of random joint aches. At first it was in my shoulder blades and elbows then it gradually escalated to swollen knees and fingers too

The weird thing is though that the pain is in say my left shoulder blade one day, the next day that pain has gone but I'll have a swollen or sore wrist.

It's not dehabilitating enough for me to go to the docs about as the joints and muscles don't ache that much to limit my day to day activity and I can pretty much guarantee that if it flares up in one spot it'll be gone the next day. Just wears you down gradually as it's now coming up to two and a half months of this since I last had covid but it's gradually getting better and from reading this thread I'm one of the lucky ones

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me?
Please be careful everybody. I had Covid in the very early days, and for a long, long while afterwards I had some bad days feeling totally wiped out and exhausted. Tending the garden was too much for me. I put it down to long covid. Last summer I had a particular bad day and went to Stepping Hill. After tests there was no sign of Covid but they said "we are keeping you in you have a heart condition causing this exhaustion ". Up until then I never contemplated a heart failure. The hospital was overflowing with cardiac cases. I had an operation which has failed to solve the problem and don't know what to expect.( I can't get to the matches.) I will never know if Covid caused my heart to malfunction.
Have you had the jabs?
Please be careful everybody. I had Covid in the very early days, and for a long, long while afterwards I had some bad days feeling totally wiped out and exhausted. Tending the garden was too much for me. I put it down to long covid. Last summer I had a particular bad day and went to Stepping Hill. After tests there was no sign of Covid but they said "we are keeping you in you have a heart condition causing this exhaustion ". Up until then I never contemplated a heart failure. The hospital was overflowing with cardiac cases. I had an operation which has failed to solve the problem and don't know what to expect.( I can't get to the matches.) I will never know if Covid caused my heart to malfunction.
My drs heart was really damaged by covid snd told me it was a common thing , he also had some other organ damage , including his brain
It's possible I have long COVID.

First tested positive on 3rd October then tested positive constantly for 3 weeks.

Since then I've just been constantly tired and aching muscles even though I've not tested positive since beginning of November. I feels some days I've haven't slept for days even though in getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Feels like I have a permanent hangover. Just really weak, dizzy and brain fog.

Since beginning of November I've been to my Dr's 4 times and had multiple blood tests for literally every disease know to man.

On the 14th December I got my lastest results back and they found I have a weakened immune system which is possible it was brought on by COVID. Been put on a plan to build my immune system up by changing my diet, taking vitamins ect and I am feeling slightly better now but there are still days I wake up and feel completely wiped out and struggle to get out of bed. It's also started to affect my mental health as well.

I'm back in work but in reduced shifts but work have been brilliant with me.

Back at the dr's in 2 weeks for more blood tests to see how my immune system is.

My Dr said the issues they are having with COVID is that it effects people in different ways and they have to tailor each case of COVID differently to each patient. It's not like having a chest infection or another illness where they know exactly what to do.

It's a fucking horrible illness and has really hit me for six. I'm normally a very positive person but this has really effected in a bad way. Hopefully I'm though the worst of it but only time will tell
I suspect you have post viral illness , it is called ME and fibromyalgia , i have had it for a long time ,of course there is additional things specific to covid , the good thing is that nearly everyone makes a recovery with time , pacing yourself and stopping just before you reach your limit is what to do , takes practice and patience , take care x
I've had covid three times and after each time I seem to have months of random joint aches. At first it was in my shoulder blades and elbows then it gradually escalated to swollen knees and fingers too

The weird thing is though that the pain is in say my left shoulder blade one day, the next day that pain has gone but I'll have a swollen or sore wrist.

It's not dehabilitating enough for me to go to the docs about as the joints and muscles don't ache that much to limit my day to day activity and I can pretty much guarantee that if it flares up in one spot it'll be gone the next day. Just wears you down gradually as it's now coming up to two and a half months of this since I last had covid but it's gradually getting better and from reading this thread I'm one of the lucky ones

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me?
Yes I have exactly this - pain will flare up in a hand and it will feel like someone has twatted my hand with a hammer. It might last a day or two, sometimes longer, it will get swollen or puffy then it will just go. Next thing it’s in my feet!
I take a lot (probably too much) anti inflammatories but they are the only thing that helps.
Yes I have exactly this - pain will flare up in a hand and it will feel like someone has twatted my hand with a hammer. It might last a day or two, sometimes longer, it will get swollen or puffy then it will just go. Next thing it’s in my feet!
I take a lot (probably too much) anti inflammatories but they are the only thing that helps.
Glad it's not just me. It can be a fucker. Thank god for ibuprofen!
I think I've got this..

Thousands of people who had Covid-19 at the start of the pandemic are still finding that certain foods, toiletries and even their loved ones smell repulsive. All the food and socialising that Christmas brings can make this time of year particularly isolating and tough for those with the condition, known as parosmia.

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