Any Long Covid sufferers on here?

I can't even play my guitar much now as my muscles in my arms tire after just two chords. My family are happy.
Have you been diagnosed @kaz7? Is there any test?
I have asthma now as covid has damaged my healthy lungs, i had a CT scan , xray and breathing tests and was under the hospital for over a year , i have ME already so that took a big hit and i had a relapse so the exhaustion, pain etc on top of my lungs . Had to go to hospital , have antibiotics and steroids for over a year , just on the inhalers now. This is why it is different from the usual chronic fatigue after a virus

My dr nearly died and has lung , heart and brain problems and had to retire very early , last time i saw him he was waiting to get into a long covid centre in london

The damage from long covid is varied in damage and times of recovery , everyone is different it seems
I have asthma now as covid has damaged my healthy lungs, i had a CT scan , xray and breathing tests and was under the hospital for over a year , i have ME already so that took a big hit and i had a relapse so the exhaustion, pain etc on top of my lungs . Had to go to hospital , have antibiotics and steroids for over a year , just on the inhalers now. This is why it is different from the usual chronic fatigue after a virus

My dr nearly died and has lung , heart and brain problems and had to retire very early , last time i saw him he was waiting to get into a long covid centre in london

The damage from long covid is varied in damage and times of recovery , everyone is different it seems
I feel like my muscles are wasting away. I have to crawl out of bed. It's like everyday is the day after running a marathon. Last year, i was doing 30 mile bike rides...i can't even get my leg over the bike now. I've had all the ROUTINE tests and everything is fine.I just feel so exhausted and fatigued. I had COVID over xmas.
As everything else seems to be ruled out, i can only think it's Long COVID. I'm going to ask for a test that detects micro clots. It actually feels like my muscles cant breathe. Fcking depressing too. some days i just feel paralysed.
This has only started in the last few months.
I feel like my muscles are wasting away. I have to crawl out of bed. It's like everyday is the day after running a marathon. Last year, i was doing 30 mile bike rides...i can't even get my leg over the bike now. I've had all the ROUTINE tests and everything is fine.I just feel so exhausted and fatigued. I had COVID over xmas.
As everything else seems to be ruled out, i can only think it's Long COVID. I'm going to ask for a test that detects micro clots. It actually feels like my muscles cant breathe. Fcking depressing too. some days i just feel paralysed.
This has only started in the last few months.
Sorry to hear that , sounds like you have ME ( chronic fatigue) which is why the tests are coming back negative , the muscle weakness is a major symptom of that , it could be months or even years to settle , nobody can tell you . Look up ME , it will tell you how to manage it , rest and movement needs to balance out and stop before you feel exhausted , just daily tasks not any kind of proper exercise like getting on the bike or running , that will do more damage than good ..i find magnesium three times a day helps with my muscles , takes a while to kick in , mag 2:1 cal from amazon is what i use, been on it twenty years , it is helpful

Difficult to say what is long covid and what is ME but if your tests are coming back negative i would err toward the later , thankfully in most people it resolves in under six months , keep us informed
Sorry to hear that , sounds like you have ME ( chronic fatigue) which is why the tests are coming back negative , the muscle weakness is a major symptom of that , it could be months or even years to settle , nobody can tell you . Look up ME , it will tell you how to manage it , rest and movement needs to balance out and stop before you feel exhausted , just daily tasks not any kind of proper exercise like getting on the bike or running , that will do more damage than good ..i find magnesium three times a day helps with my muscles , takes a while to kick in , mag 2:1 cal from amazon is what i use, been on it twenty years , it is helpful

Difficult to say what is long covid and what is ME but if your tests are coming back negative i would err toward the later , thankfully in most people it resolves in under six months , keep us informed
Thanks Kaz. Yeah.."LONG COVID" is just a temporary term for any condition that COVID may have caused, I think. I can only do little bits at a time..tying my shoe laces feels like I've just mown the lawn or something! What makes everything worse is the time it gets to see a GP...everything is so slow. Nice to know I've got people that understand. My missus said: "have you not thought you're just getting old?" haha. What...20 years in two months? That's what it feels like.
I feel like my muscles are wasting away. I have to crawl out of bed. It's like everyday is the day after running a marathon. Last year, i was doing 30 mile bike rides...i can't even get my leg over the bike now. I've had all the ROUTINE tests and everything is fine.I just feel so exhausted and fatigued. I had COVID over xmas.
As everything else seems to be ruled out, i can only think it's Long COVID. I'm going to ask for a test that detects micro clots. It actually feels like my muscles cant breathe. Fcking depressing too. some days i just feel paralysed.
This has only started in the last few months.
Have you been jabbed.?
In fact how many of the so called LC sufferers have been jabbed?
Lets stop avoiding the elephant in the room and get straight to the nitty gritty .
Don't know if it's long covid.
But ever since I've had covid I'm absolutely worn out.fell to sleep on Friday night about half 6 on the sofa woke up 7.30 am Saturday morning.
Had a good 8 or 9 hrs last night got a job to stay awake now .
I eat healthy.
Only drink twice a week.
Gym 3 times a week and bike atleast 30 miles aweek
Have you been jabbed.?
In fact how many of the so called LC sufferers have been jabbed?
Lets stop avoiding the elephant in the room and get straight to the nitty gritty .
Yep. I'm up-to-date on all the vaccines. I even had the pneumonia one.

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