Any Long Covid sufferers on here?

I can't even play my guitar much now as my muscles in my arms tire after just two chords. My family are happy.

When it comes to managing the psychological aspect of your debilitating symptoms, if this is an issue Toni Bernhard may be worth knowing about. Her symptoms are comparable to those with CFS/ME and CFS/ME symptoms are, it seems to me, comparable to the symptoms of long Covid.

Note that although her approach is described as "Buddhist", this is very much a secular form of Buddhism divested of its accompanying beliefs in things like reincarnation. The focus in her publications is exclusively on contemplative practice plus advice on engaging with doctors and specialists, dealing with the reactions of friends and family (including how they can support you and how you can support them - it's not always easy being a carer).

Many years ago I had CFS, following on from glandular fever. It took a long, long time for me to recover but I did get completely better eventually.

Bernhard may not have done but what she has to say may be helpful.
Fatigue continues to be the most common symptom - experienced by 55% of those with self-reported long COVID - followed by 32% with shortness of breath, 23% with a cough and 23% with muscle ache

I don't understand why people say don't start with that shit when lots of people have had problems,I know people who have had heart problems plus other symptoms.
But you have NO way of knowing that it's because of vaccines. Scientist and vaccine experts DO have a way of knowing....leave it to the experts and stop spreading mis-info.
My brother is in hospital at the minute with a life-threatening Pancreatic issue and is currently in ITU. His partner has been asked about alcohol intake continually for the last week and she told the staff that he hasn't had a drink for two years.. No stones visible in the Gallbladder either.. Both are common causes of Pancreatic issues apparently so there is growing speculation that this could be an after effect of him having Covid or could be Long Covid as he's had a number of health issues and psychological issues in the last couple of years that they've struggled to diagnose.

Added to this, our Nephew's lad was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes two years ago at 5 and during the diagnosis phase the family were told that the number of kids with this condition is growing massively and could also be due to Covid

The people that let this virus loose have a lot to answer for if you believe that a Chinese lab was the root cause and Covid is causing these additional problems in society
My brother is in hospital at the minute with a life-threatening Pancreatic issue and is currently in ITU. His partner has been asked about alcohol intake continually for the last week and she told the staff that he hasn't had a drink for two years.. No stones visible in the Gallbladder either.. Both are common causes of Pancreatic issues apparently so there is growing speculation that this could be an after effect of him having Covid or could be Long Covid as he's had a number of health issues and psychological issues in the last couple of years that they've struggled to diagnose.

Added to this, our Nephew's lad was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes two years ago at 5 and during the diagnosis phase the family were told that the number of kids with this condition is growing massively and could also be due to Covid

The people that let this virus loose have a lot to answer for if you believe that a Chinese lab was the root cause and Covid is causing these additional problems in society
COVID most likely originated in China due to unfortunate natural causes as opposed to an inadvertent Chinese biological weapons lab release; though it's possible that COVID is a result of leaks from a Chinese biological weapons laboratory.

Whatever the origin of the virus - what's much more salient is the response of Left versus Right leaning individuals. For some idiotic reason that completely escapes me, conservative Right-leaning individuals somehow distrust vaccines, science and expert opinion and thus are much less likely to vaccinate and to follow effective mitigation protocols such as wearing of masks and avoidance of public gatherings.

And so I put it to you Bluemanc100 - rejection of science and medical opinion are clear factors in the spread of COVID. Who knows how the disease originated - in terms of personal and indeed public safety - it's 10 times or more unlikely that you'll have died should you have received COVD vaccination.

Meanwhile you're focused on "the people that let this virus loose have a lot to answer for" which if it was accidentally released from a weapons lab - then yes. But even if so, most (but certainly not all) bad COVID outcomes were avoidable simply by following expert medical opinion.
COVID most likely originated in China due to unfortunate natural causes as opposed to an inadvertent Chinese biological weapons lab release; though it's possible that COVID is a result of leaks from a Chinese biological weapons laboratory.

Whatever the origin of the virus - what's much more salient is the response of Left versus Right leaning individuals. For some idiotic reason that completely escapes me, conservative Right-leaning individuals somehow distrust vaccines, science and expert opinion and thus are much less likely to vaccinate and to follow effective mitigation protocols such as wearing of masks and avoidance of public gatherings.

And so I put it to you Bluemanc100 - rejection of science and medical opinion are clear factors in the spread of COVID. Who knows how the disease originated - in terms of personal and indeed public safety - it's 10 times or more unlikely that you'll have died should you have received COVD vaccination.

Meanwhile you're focused on "the people that let this virus loose have a lot to answer for" which if it was accidentally released from a weapons lab - then yes. But even if so, most (but certainly not all) bad COVID outcomes were avoidable simply by following expert medical opinion.
I don’t care how covid came into being in reality.. My “focus” is on friends and family who‘s lives could have been affected by it

But thanks for the reply… My brother was vaccinated btw
But you have NO way of knowing that it's because of vaccines. Scientist and vaccine experts DO have a way of knowing....leave it to the experts and stop spreading mis-info.
As Stevland Hardaway Morris once said.
" if you believe in things don't understand ..then you

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