Anybody back from Kiev yet?

Back Friday then straight to work for shift, been recovering ever since lol! Great City, OB dodgy though, we got tailed but eventually they gave up, we're still in with a chance in the 2nd leg! ctwd
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maybe get Balo to train on carpet more often now, instead of grass.
Dire,dismal,dodgy,grey,grim,ghastly,rusty,rotten and ridiculous.But that's enough about the footy,as for Kiev,if you had your wits about you then very cheap beer,vodka and beautiful women were not far away but drop your guard and the nasty side of this place could soon rear it's ugly head.
Good trip with spikes mob and fingers crossed there will be another one soon.CTID.

p.s.The place is nowhere near ready to handle the forthcoming European tournament.
Good luck if you'r thinking of following England there ;-(
Just got back on the KLM flight. First time I've ever started watching a match one day and left the ground the next. There wasn't a lot to be said about our display except they broke quickly and looked dangerous and we broke slowly and never looked dangerous. I thought the atmosphere inside the stadium was a bit flat but as ever on away trips our best singing is in the bars. By the way, who was the idiot who threw the missile (vodka bottle?) in to the Dynamo fans to our left?

Beautiful ladies, cheap beer and food. Police stopped and asked us for passports on Wednesday night in the town but was surprised not to be asked for any money. Other than seeing them in groups everywhere doing not a great deal on the day of the game didn't them anywhere on the Friday - think it was a show of strength in preparation for the Euros. Their organisation after the game was farcical at best.

Kiev centre had a quirky, arty, new money feeling about it with some beautiful old buildings and more Hummers than I've seen in ages but the journey back to the airport was tenement block after tenement block and was like going back in time. The locals also do an interesting line in driving down pavements.

All in all, good trip and definitely a memorable one.
Got back to Sale at 4.15 pm on Saturday having left home at 3.20 am on Wednesday morning.

Had a brilliant time, met up with loads of old friends and made many more new ones.

Was stood with De Niro and Ric at the game.

Scottyboi said:
Best trip I have ever been on................. Got a cracking Silva song going took off big time had ruskies joining in.
Hi Vladimir;-)
I was stood behind you and noticed that lady in De Niros group was stood on polystyrene, realised why after about 30 mins! Think my toes have frost bite now!! She took loads of photos of the us lot in pub, if you know her can you get her to she post 'em? Picture tells a hundred stories and all that....
disco dawson said:
I was stood behind you and noticed that lady in De Niros group was stood on polystyrene, realised why after about 30 mins! Think my toes have frost bite now!! She took loads of photos of the us lot in pub, if you know her can you get her to she post 'em? Picture tells a hundred stories and all that....

Yep, frostbite in the toes is not a good thing especially when being marshalled at fast pace by the police to the holding area! Too many pics to post, if you're on Facebook PM me your addy, I'll add you and you can look at them all that way.
doots said:
Dire,dismal,dodgy,grey,grim,ghastly,rusty,rotten and ridiculous.But that's enough about the footy,as for Kiev,if you had your wits about you then very cheap beer,vodka and beautiful women were not far away but drop your guard and the nasty side of this place could soon rear it's ugly head.
Good trip with spikes mob and fingers crossed there will be another one soon.CTID.

p.s.The place is nowhere near ready to handle the forthcoming European tournament.
Good luck if you'r thinking of following England there ;-(

yeh this, they dont have a clue about big crowds/visitors. we may have given them a heads up, sure to help.

bloody good trip though:)
oh and we will go through so spike more dosh for you on the way.
Bluebird1 said:
Got back to Sale at 4.15 pm on Saturday having left home at 3.20 am on Wednesday morning.

Had a brilliant time, met up with loads of old friends and made many more new ones.

Was stood with De Niro and Ric at the game.

Scottyboi said:
Best trip I have ever been on................. Got a cracking Silva song going took off big time had ruskies joining in.
Hi Vladimir;-)
All i can say to you BB is "Face control" ;-)
Tonster said:
Just got back, just about warmed up again, still debating whether it was colder than Copenhagen the other year or not. Can't decide.

Kiev was ok, wouldn't make my top ten cities but not too bad.

Never seen so many police / special forces and what a shambles after the game, marched all round the ground and then all the way back again.

Escorted us all the way back into the centre and they would have been tucking me in if they had kept walking with us much longer.

Copenhagen was colder.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:33 am --<br /><br />Got back at 6.30pm last night. I thought Kiev was a great city to visit (if a tad "dodgy" at night - anyone who went will know what I mean). Police checked our Passports once (also surprised not to be asked for any money). Locals tried the old "drop money on the floor" scam once. We told them to fuck off & we just walked away (into a bar). How pissed were some blues? The local Vodka was cheap & plentiful. Always wanted to go here (proper old european team etc). Thought the city, bars, really friendly locals (apart from the scams), food - the whole package really made for a storming trip. The only down side were the rediculous riot police. Must have been 2,000 of them (thought Aris plod were OTT). Walked all along the side of the pitch to, as it turned out, wave 3 Thomas Cook coaches off. Then had to turn around, walk back where we`d started from, & given a full escort back to the centre. All this with really friendly locals wanting to shake hands, swap scarves etc.
All in all a belting trip. It can`t end though! Have to win on thurs. Want 2 more aways (& Dublin).

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