Anyone else feeling pretty confident?

Been following City since 1988 and always of the mindset of it can go wrong it will go wrong. However you have to look at this team and what it’s done, they haven’t lost a game since Villa in January in normal time. We have Real Madrid who will probably win the champions league playing park the bus football against us as they knew they couldn’t win without penalties. This team is in trophy chasing mode and very few teams can live with City when they are playing like they do at the moment. Be confident but not over confident is my mantra this week.
See i was totally the other way, even though we hadn't been playing great I really fancied us to do them that day, and if we had that could have rocked them in more ways than one, they set up with a negative approach and attitude and it has kept them in the hunt, but we will win both our last games and they will become the nearly men again, taking Liverpool's (we finished second trophy)
I thought we were there for the taking that day, and it would have given them a huge boost.

The way they celebrated at the end was a strange one for me and showed a weakness but only the next two games will show who was right.
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I've never felt confident in any game

Can't imagine ever feeling that way, think it was burnt into me in the early days of following us (shudder)
Thankfully the players will have a better mindset than believing it's done and dusted.

I certainly am shitting it and have a bad feeling.

Thankfully the players are made of stronger stuff.
You've got to think we will score at least 2 maybe 3 at spurs their defence is suspect, but it doesn't work like that
Every time we've been there recently I've felt that - er it's not really worked out that well so far.
So I'm going to be pessimistic and see how that works.
Spuds will play like 70s Brazil on Tuesday, with Richarlison scoring a perfect hattrick in the first half ;)
Maybe it's just me but I have never felt like we wouldn't win the title the whole season. Not even when we were dropping points all over the place. I just don't feel like any other team can match us. We're easily the strongest and best in the country and even when Liverpool and Arsenal were sat top of the league all that time I was still pretty much 100% confident the league would be ours again. I have never been worried.

We'll win our last two games about 4-1 and lift the title without bother. Honestly, I can see us winning it again next season aswell. We're City. We're the best.

Honestly, it might come across as cocky but I just have that much confidence in this team. We're unstoppable.

Four in a row, guys. Next week it's four in a row.

Sometimes luck and refereeing decisions can decide the title. It's not only about how strong we are.

If you are certain we'll win the title, don't waste your time here, bet your house on it and win money.

No, not really. Shit can always happen. If Wigan can beat us, Arsenal can win, too. Learn to live with uncertainty.
Same here. For me it's like a flashback to the Newcastle game in 2012. I feel very much like I felt then. A bag of nerves TBH. A far from easy penultimate game with the title in our own hands. Play like that day though and job's a good 'un tomorrow night.
Does feel like that one - hopefully KDB can repeat what Yaya did for us that day.

I still miss peak Yaya at times like this, despite the quality of Kev, Phil, etc.

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