Anyone ever taken someone to the small claims court

Stick a small claims court in then. Think its £60?
Ive done it with none payers and its funny how quickly they cough up
I think I'll go down the small claims with a letter of intent a couple of weeks beforehand to see if anything happens before the £70 ( £500.01 - £1000 owed ) fee up front. Presumably this is refunded along with the interest should I be succesfull, I've only seen mention of interest charge.
Do follow the pre action protocol first Mr Boot as the small claims will wish you to peruse all available options before commencement of claim.

Send the defendant a notification of intended action that concisely outlines all particulars of your grievance,and inform them they have 14 days to comply.

If no joy then fill out the claim form on gov website and wait for the defendants reply. They will either accept and pay upor will file a defence.

The procedure is fairly straight forward and there are many invaluable sources of info to assist you on your journey.

Mine was a little more complex taking well over 15 months to achieve satisfaction in the little Burnley County Court.

Nothing to lose save for the relatively small launch fees , which are fully refundable along with any reasonable costs.

Fight not just for the money Mr Boot but more the principle of being forced to hang out your dirty laundry to all sundry in a court of law. Non shall pass!
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I think I'll go down the small claims with a letter of intent a couple of weeks beforehand to see if anything happens before the £70 ( £500.01 - £1000 owed ) fee up front. Presumably this is refunded along with the interest should I be succesfull, I've only seen mention of interest charge.
Yeah it is. I had to do it for a much smaller amount but after literally months chasing and her coming up with increasingly incredulous reasons for not paying i thought fuck it.
Doesnt take long to fill in and i just decided its not fair that people dodge payment when we are trying to earn a living

Think they get chance to pay up before it goes to a CCJ. She paid the morning she received the letter
I think I'll go down the small claims with a letter of intent a couple of weeks beforehand to see if anything happens before the £70 ( £500.01 - £1000 owed ) fee up front. Presumably this is refunded along with the interest should I be succesfull, I've only seen mention of interest charge.
I did this last year, £70 for upto £1k when you submit, the person you claim against gets it added to what they owe you....if your successful, not called small claims anymore but will come up if you Google that.....fill in on line, it's simple, you obviously need evidence, but only have to say what it is in 'drop downs' on submission form, and provide a timeliness the same way, and pay.....they get so long to's easy to do, I got paid what owed plus the £70 quite quickly......they also email you when person reply to claim.
You can claim interest too.
I did this last year, £70 for upto £1k when you submit, the person you claim against gets it added to what they owe you....if your successful, not called small claims anymore but will come up if you Google that.....fill in on line, it's simple, you obviously need evidence, but only have to say what it is in 'drop downs' on submission form, and provide a timeliness the same way, and pay.....they get so long to's easy to do, I got paid what owed plus the £70 quite quickly......they also email you when person reply to claim.
You can claim interest too.
Thanks for that.
You’re now ‘encouraged’ to go through mediation before Court.
You both have to agree to it and if one party objects then off to the County Court you go.
The judges first question will be why did the party reject mediation.
Wasting court time and public resources etc etc
Oh, and for good measure my better half is a mediator and she’s a Blue.
A client of ours, has been for only 2 months owes me just short of £600. At the time of invoicing, early this month she decided to throw a spanner in the works and claim that I have lost or misapropriated about £150 worth of her bedding, we are a commercial laundry. My question is....if I decide to take this to the small claims will my claim be treated purely on my invoiced amount or is likely to get complicated if she raises the other issue and involves it in my claim. In otherwords would they be treated as 2 individual claims. This is basically a matter of principle as I feel she's using her accusation as leverage to get out of paying.
She has to prove her claim as do you.
What proof does she have?

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