Anyone had run ins with city players outside of football?

Lee Sharpe used to knock the hip out of a lass round the corner from me in the early 90's, he used to drive a White Escort Cab (Tennis edition), proper benders car.

Beckham used to see a girl (my mates now wife) up here, he used to park his Porka outside the house in her dads spot, her dad was going mad for about 2 weeks 'Weve got some poncey twat living round here parking their Porsche in my spot', he didnt realise it was his daughters boyfriends at the time.
OxBlue said:
Had a night out at the end of last season and talked with Bridge, SWP, Sturridge, Zabaleta and Garrido (can't remember anyone else) all seemed sound and didn't really talk about the playing side of things, but I'd been out all day so I wouldn't call myself the best judge of character in that state.

You forgot to mention that you left your real mates who were slumming it in town in favour of becoming a groupie, Mr. T!!!
I was in Pets at Home in Warrington last summer, looking at the tropical fish. Heard an Irish fella next to me talking and turned to see Stephen Ireland with his girlfriend/wife looking at some fish.

Tapped him on the shoulder, apologised for bothering him and asked him if I could have a picture with him and he said "Yeah of course". His gf / wife even said "You want me to take it?". Both seemed really nice. He put his hand out to shake mine aswell before I left.
Used to have a job as a chauffeur. On the 1st day of Svens job with England had a job picking up David James from his house to take him to the NEC in Birmingham for the kit launch.
Sound chap - invited me in and made me a coffee. I asked him if he ever had any problems with Birmingham fans (he was at Villa at the time).
He said "yes, sometimes I get some remarks - don't know how they recognise me"
I said "Perhaps it's because you're a six foot six black man with blonde hair!"
He thought it was well funny - really nice bloke.
When KInky went to Ajax I went for a trip out there - I went out to the ground - just for a look round. As it happened they were training.
I had my Kappa away shirt on and Kinky came over and said Hello. He said "what are you doing here?"
I said "I've come to take you back"
He laughed but I think he wanted to come home really!
Now he has trouble getting a visa to get into this country, yet you can be a disease riddled murdering piece of crap and you'll get in and to the top of the housing list, free schools, free health care no probs !!
Kevcod said:
Used to have a job as a chauffeur. On the 1st day of Svens job with England had a job picking up David James from his house to take him to the NEC in Birmingham for the kit launch.
Sound chap - invited me in and made me a coffee. I asked him if he ever had any problems with Birmingham fans (he was at Villa at the time).
He said "yes, sometimes I get some remarks - don't know how they recognise me"
I said "Perhaps it's because you're a six foot six black man with blonde hair!"
He thought it was well funny - really nice bloke.
When KInky went to Ajax I went for a trip out there - I went out to the ground - just for a look round. As it happened they were training.
I had my Kappa away shirt on and Kinky came over and said Hello. He said "what are you doing here?"
I said "I've come to take you back"
He laughed but I think he wanted to come home really!
Now he has trouble getting a visa to get into this country, yet you can be a disease riddled murdering piece of crap and you'll get in and to the top of the housing list, free schools, free health care no probs !!

Shudda kidnapped him KC. As for the visa bit, turns me fookin stomach mate.
i used to do naill quinns garden when he lived in bowden . he was a really nice bloke made us a brew once. i also used to do norman whitesides garden . he was a wanker .[ i know hes not city ] i also saw david white at white reclamation on liverpool road.
Quite a few here and there over the years

But i used to see Terry Cooke a lot and chat to him and he was a sound lad ...... no chip on his shoulder and to look at how he went about things, you would never guess he was a pro footballer etc

Also know Jack Redshaw one of the younger lads .... also a sound lad with a good head on his shoulders
reg joe. yeah will know you . also did the swiss tour. then got the train down to spain. great tours
A few years ago after Notts County away we were on the coach leaving the ground stuck in traffic Weaver walked past, we opened the emergency exit a shouted him over, we dragged him on, he shit himself when the coach started moving. Let him off after a few yards. He was off on a night out with old mates in Mansfield, livin the dream LOL
I got in a lift once with Paulo Wanchope at Maine Road in the Kippax,
he seemed a really decent guy,
my god-father had met him in a bar,
so my dad called him and he rememebereed him and this was like 4 months before,
and he was on the phone to my god-father for a while
seemed a reli decent guy,
i dont rememebr much because i as like 4 foot
and he had 2 birds with big tits so my eye wer right in front of them :)

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