Virgin are my broadband provider, and they're currently doing my head in! Been with them since Christmas, excellent WiFi reception, suddenly over the weekend the WiFi coverage dropped to a point where, despite the devices (phone, laptop, TV etc) all saying they have a limited connection, in reality they are not connected and nothing works! Phoned them up and, 5 calls down the line at this point, and probably 3.5 hours of my life gone, it's still not working. The house is being provided with internet as, if I connect to the hub via an Ethernet cable the internet connection is perfect, it's just the WiFi that's fecked. They've had me reset the hub numerous times, they've connected to, and changed, the channels the hub connects to, they've remotely accessed my laptop, deleted some settings, reconfigured the hub etc, and none of it works. At which point they decided they could do no more. Their diagnosis? "The hub needs moving closer to the devices, and buy a booster". My argument that it had worked fine for months, and suddenly all crashed, likely means that neither of those will fix it, and that I'd stood a foot away from the hub with my laptop and still not connected, were basically just ignored! They essentially told me "nothing we can do to fix it, oh, and if you try to switch to another provider there's a several hundred pound early cancellation fee, and you've got to wait 30 days". I kicked off and now there's a tech coming out to my house tomorrow to test things and bring a replacement hub to see if that's broken. So there IS something you can do, but you just weren't willing to do it then?