Anyone Still Waiting For Their Season Ticket?

frothy said:
after a half hour hold on the phone got through ,i said i know its says on the recorded message they will be here by tommorow but you said that on thursday,she said if its not here by noon tommorow you can go to the ground and get a paper ticket,thats good of them isnt mine a week ago waiting for the wifes sat next to each other and live at the same address ,the mind boggels

I said this the other day mate.Why can`t a system be incorporated within the IT,to send out via Postcodes.That way families living at the same address will collectively get them all together.
Then again what the shite do you or I know ??
Good luck in getting sorted out by Monday.
GaudinosWheels said:
Sorry to hijack but when you log in and go to the bit about what cup schemes you're on does it say 'no schemes available' for anyone else? I'm on all three cup schemes so just curious why it says this. Cheers

there are no schemes left available to you because you are on them all already
got mine the other day but was devastated that i did not receive a bracelet. got shoe laces, memory stick and everything but no bracelet :'(
... my season is ruined...
Still not got mine, my dads arrived, I will wait to see if it arrives tomorrow. I paid for both at the same time, so they should turn up at the same time. Ahwell.
Arrived sometime this afternoon! Dog has attacked the package and has left it with teethmarks and ripped the cover, maybe it would of been better in an envelope than a box. Contents intact including the season card fortunately..
As I have been one of the more vocal (gobby complaining gets) on this thread over the last few days, here is my update.
Mine arrived today but no sign of my lads ! so if it aint here tomorrow its a trip to the ticket office for which I will have to take time off from work. Very very poor show City.
manc_macca said:
got mine the other day but was devastated that i did not receive a bracelet. got shoe laces, memory stick and everything but no bracelet :'(
... my season is ruined...

MEMORY STICK wtf, swap my bracelet for your memory stick.
Mine arrived today alongside the paper ticket they sent out yesterday.
Its amazing ,one took 16 hours, and one took 8 weeks.
So now Ive got two tickets for monday

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