Apart from the obvious two..

Swansea at home, first game of the season and the anticipation of what was to come, and the buzz when Aguero came on, little did we know the impact he would have on the season. Chelsea at home is p there, as well as Napoli at home in the CL, despite only drawing and the boys not putting on their best performance it was a historic first night of CL football, and when that music blasted out the CL tune it was something I thought I would never witness as a City fan
Newcastle away 2-0 or Norwich away 6-1. In my top 3 away days for the season the other being the 6-1 at the swamp.

Both games were must win and we played outstanding in both and the atmosphere was cracking at both games too.
pml79 said:
spurs at home a toe away from poss defeat to a 3-2 win

Agree , could have been so different , and a different end to the season if Defoe had been 1 inch taller , so many great games but this to me defined our season and our " never die " attitude
the 6-1 at Norwich - brilliant football, we beat a good team and a bent ref, and it was the day that the league became a possibility again

the 2-0 at Newcastle - the game that meant winning the title was a probability - so nervous before and during the game, great performance, great results, great support (and amazingly friendly and well bahaved geordies)

If I was allowed another then maybe blackburn away - belting all day piss up, will miss darwen's pubs next season
I have to agree with Arsenal at home for sheer quality of play.

I have never enjoyed a game of football more than that one. Yes, it's great putting four or five (or six!) goals past teams, but for edge-of the-seat entertainment, this was brilliant.

Two top quality teams both going for the win and a great piece of opportunism from Merlin to win it for us.
Excluding the United games and the last game, the two contenders for me have to be Norwich and Newcastle away. On the basis that I was nervous as fuck throughout Newcastle and felt sick until Yaya's second, I can't class that as my favourite game. (I did have 13 pints that day though, which I think is my record.)
Has to be Norwich then. Just the right combination of the pressure being fairly off us by then, yet United's result at Wigan meaning we had a glimmer of something to be hopeful about all the same. Early goals then a flurry of pressure from Norwich after they scored meant there was a lot of drama, and the atmosphere was absolutely incredible, best I've ever experienced personally.
Newcastle away, that was the day we knew we could win it, it was a powerful determined team performance, against a team on top form, with a great home record. It wasn't done that day, but it certainly sent a message, that we weren't going away. Ultimately it won us the league for me. After that comes the home draw with Sunderland, a game we'd effectively lost, but in the end could have won.

These are probably the two most important games in the last three months.
4-0 vs Swansea - Despite Swansea having the most possession some of the attacking football we played was a joy to watch.

5-1 vs Spurs - Dzeko masterstroke. Ran riot in Tottenham.

2-0 vs Newcastle - Admittedly a very nervy game, but when Yaya scored the 1st I've not celebrated a goal quite like that before (apart from last gasp Sergio goal of course) ...the belief was there.

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