Apology to Klatenburg

scorer said:
At the game yesterday I was well pissed off with the ref. I didn't berate like many about me did but I thought he had a shocker and criticised him.

Having seen the game on sky this morning I admit I was wrong.

He had an excellent game and got every call correct. We must not blame the referee everytime we lose.

Klatenburg got the sending off,the penalty, the bookings correct.

We needto grow up and admit the truth.

For the record I dont blame Boyata, he was put in an impossible position, took a gamble and lost.

Lets move on.

Add me to the list. Was in a foul mood last night and thought it was because of him, but after seeing MOTD2 I realised that I was just pissed off because we got beaten fair and square by Arsenal...

So chins up, we did well enough in the circumstances and it can be seen as a good learning experience for all concerned in the long run..

Onwards and Upwards!
He got most things right yesterday. The sending off was a red if it was a Arsenal player they would of went off as well. They do have leeway on the so called last man but sadly we had no players trying to get back and cover the break by Chamakh who was very strong for the Arsenal yesterday it will be only a matter of time before he gets his fair share of goals. The Peno a stonewall peno Kompany didnt need to make the tackle but fair play to Arsenal they deserved the win yesterday we put it up to them and if we had 11 players who knows what way the game would of went. Fabregas and Nasri had too much room in the midfield and ran the show and Chamakh was strong up front and there keeper pulled off some good saves.
scorer said:
At the game yesterday I was well pissed off with the ref. I didn't berate like many about me did but I thought he had a shocker and criticised him.

Having seen the game on sky this morning I admit I was wrong.

He had an excellent game and got every call correct. We must not blame the referee everytime we lose.

Klatenburg got the sending off,the penalty, the bookings correct.

We needto grow up and admit the truth.

For the record I dont blame Boyata, he was put in an impossible position, took a gamble and lost.

Lets move on.

This. You sir are a credit to your club.
Prodigal Son said:
Under the law of the game it was a red card and correctly given.

My only issue would be that Vidic at Old Trafford or Terry at Stamford Bridge would not have been sent off for the same offence after 4 mins.

You just know they wouldn't....


Technically that's not true.

Under the laws of the game Boyata was sent off for either a professional foul or for stopping a goal scoring opportunity.

It wasn't a professional foul as it was a mis-timed tackle, not a cynical trip or pulling back of an opponent.

Since Chamakh's touch had pushed the ball too far ahead of him and into Hart's hands it wasn't a goal scoring opportunity either, that is if Boyata had completely missed Chamakh and he'd have continued on his way he wouldn't have reached the ball and so it wasn't a goal scoring opportunity.

This said there in now a sort of un-written rule that if you're the last man and you commit a foul then it should be a red card. I'd like to point out that Williamson this season fouled Tevez as the last man and was only given a yellow, Mancini also pointed this out yesterday.

Another example was Vidic early on in last year's Carling Cup final.

Consistency is all I ask for.
It is at the very least arguable that Chamak had over run the ball therefore it was not necessarily a goal scoring opportunity. If it wasn't a goal scoring opportunity then it isn't a red card offence. Therefore Clattenburg had an excuse to let him off with a yellow and I reckon most refs would have done so in the first 5 mins of a match. That wouldn't be Clattenburg's style though, he's a fucking cock.
Ricster said:
The sending off is a talking point for me.

There was no way that Chamakh was getting to the ball, so was it actually a goalscoring opportunity? Thats the question i keep asking myself.

The rule states, if your last man and deliberately deny a goalscoring opportunity you will recieve a red card.

Halleluja! so there is somebody else able to see past the bullshit spouted by all the pundits who don't ever try to find any evidence to support our cause.

If this had been against the rags, the media would have trawled the archives in search of any excuse or reason to example without any doubt, the sending off was an incorrect decision (as it certainly was). But this is City, and as usual they just covered up the refs failing and swept it quickly under the carpet.

The rule states quite clearly that for a red card to be shown, it HAS to be a goalscoring opportunity, and as Chamakh's touch on the ball was too heavy for him to get to the ball, this decision was totally incorrect.

I know some will look at situations when penalties are given after similar heavy touches and where there was no chance of the striker getting to the ball, but that is a different situation, and the penalty is awarded not because there was any scoring opportunity, but simply because the challenge is deemed a foul.

Dedricks challenge was a foul, it was misstimed, but by only a fraction of a second, and could never be construed as Mallicious, Dangerous or synical. He clearly made an effort to take the ball, and if Chamakh hadn't seen the challenge coming and as a result drawn the foul by playing it more quickly and heavily than he would have liked, and as a result giving him no chance of getting to the ball before Hart, Dedrick would have got some of the ball, as was his intent.

So open your eyes, look at the letter of the law, and then tell me this fucking excuse of a ref deserves any appology, well not in my mind, he's a twat of the highest order and interpeted the major decision in this game wrongly.

Although I am not entirely sure that the sending off was a sending off, already this weekend we have seen the inconsistency of referees.( I don't think a more seasoned Pro would have been sent off) There can be no excuse for booking the wrong player, they have a squad number and name on their backs. To get it wrong shows that the referee is not watching the game, and should be reported and suspended from refereeing for a period. And don't give me it's all happening very quickly nonesense. THEY ARE PROFESSIONALS!!!! who train daily and are paid a prfessionals wage. It is their job.
If you work on a till for minimum wage and you keep tilling expensive items for cheaper ones, will you keep your job for long? NO YOU WON'T.
Too many refs have massive egos and think we as fans go to see them, well I don't, I go to see a contest between two teams giving it their all. Not one man and his whistle, who because ofl his incompetance will make the headlines on a Monday morning.
Whilst I don't subscribe to the theory that everybody is out to get us I do believe that there is a wankfest over the Arse and to me this proves it. How anyone as a professional sportsperson can take pride in a victory like this is beyond me.
leighton said:
He got most things right yesterday. The sending off was a red if it was a Arsenal player they would of went off as well. .

Completely disagree.

The Boyata red card was open to him, though as Ricster says it wasn't clear cut. The penalty was a good call.

Clattenberg's problem wasn't the ones he did give but the ones he didn't.

Three minutes after the Boyata sending off, tevez was on a break down in front of the dug-outs. Denilson came diving in with a really nasty challenge - both feet off the ground, nowhere near the ball. Carlos was lucky not to get hurt. It was a plain red card and Clattenberg didn't give it.

Some have said Clattenberg had no option in relation to the Boyata red card because the laws of the game say he had to go. Okay, but the laws of the game also say that deliberate hand ball is a yellow card offence. So why didn't denilson get a second yellow when he deliberately handled about half way through the first half?

Barry got a yellow card not long after the Denilson foul on tevez, and about 30 seconds later Song committed almost exactly the same foul but didn't get a yellow. He was booked later in the half, but when he came in with a worse foul later in the half, there was nothing given.

The problem with Clattenberg is not that he got the big taling points wrong - it's that if you are going to apply the letter of the law you've got to do it consistently. And he didn't. And how many times have we ALL said that Clattenberg gives things against City that he doesn't give against our oppoents?
with Denilson on a
The sending off was correct unfortunately. Watch the replays and Chamakh had the ball under control when tackled. It went ahead of him because he was felled. Stop bitching - it was a red pure and simple.

Where you can argue with Clattenburg is over consistency. Yellow cards were givwen for some bad tackles but not others. Song could easily have gone and if he'd given that horrible little cheat Fabregas one for unsporting behaviour and/or simulation every time De Jong looked at him, they could have been down to nine.
I thought the referee had a shocker myself, fair enough the red and the penalty were right but they should have had a least one red for two bookable fouls but didn't.

One moment summed it up for me was when Boateng was defending on the right hand side against Arshavin on the touchline and he must have been fouled about four times, Arshavin was pulling his arms and shoulder's and I was thinking why is he not giving a free kick? Arshavin was allowed to go on and pull the ball back which nearly led to a goal.

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