Apology to the club

Two lads will be prosecuted according to tv, it’s making national news today anything to City bash. Oh well all the extra seats round the pitch won’t help either we’ve extended the seating capacity but there is still a need to treat fans fairly.
Good luck hope it’s just a season ban.
Don't post this on the pitch invasion thread mate those miserable fuckers will petition to bring back the death penalty for you.

If you're being serious I'm afraid you're probably fucked. Automatic ban, just hope it's not a life one. A stupid thing to do, was you pissed? I'm not going to be too hard on you though it's an emotional game and it makes people behave irrationally at times. As you said, a split second moment of madness. The problem is you did it when everyone in football is talking about pitch invasions so not a great time to be in the frame. At least if they try and send you down you have some grounds for appeal, if that wanker who headbutted Sharp only got four weeks bird you should be okay.
100% serious. I've been charged to appear at court in 2 weeks time.

Never had anything like this before so don't know where to go but I want to apologise to the club.
Wudnt worry about it,about 10 thousand ran on 10 mins after u,dont best urself up about it,u didnt assault anyone so chin up pal
Hopefully this post will deter any other knob heads from going on to the pitch during or after the game (can I have your shirt) I have no problem with fans celebrating after the game on the pitch when we win the League or go up ( I did it in 85 against Charlton) let this be a lesson...

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