Are City a better all round team without Haaland?

It's not a stupid thread.
It's a forum discussion.
The last 2 home games have been a defeat and a draw with Haaland.
The previous game v Chelsea with Haaland 1-0 to City. Yes many changes on both sides on Sunday with a comprehensive win for City without Haaland.
It's a legitimate question to ask
Couldn't we perhaps equally ask if we're a better team without KDB (or Gundogan, Stones, Grealish etc or any combination of them)?
It's not a stupid thread.
It's a forum discussion.
The last 2 home games have been a defeat and a draw with Haaland.
The previous game v Chelsea with Haaland 1-0 to City. Yes many changes on both sides on Sunday with a comprehensive win for City without Haaland.
It's a legitimate question to ask

It’s stupid in that we are second in the league, still in all comps and the lad has scored 27 goals so far.

It is stupid in that it came about because we drew a game of football.

Take a look at this first page and some of the threads, it’s a fucking joke it really is.
Let's be honest, we're a better team when Pep doesn't have one of his creative moments and play Cancelo as a right winger and Rodri intermittently dropping into defence.

Can't wait to see what he's got up his sleeve for Saturday.
We have to involve Erling more which sounds ridiculous seeing as he's scored 27 goals already. The last three or four he's started though he's been way off it, not helped by nobody giving him anything to feed off. We need another Merlin to thread the balls through then the prospect is frightening
We've been shit lately because of a mixture of bad performances from some of the creative players, Pep messing around with out-of-position fullbacks and injuries at the back.

Haaland's performance in the derby 6-3 alone should be evidence that he's not the problem.

We have definitely heard 'City are better without De Bruyne' a few times before, and that also ended up being a fucking stupid thing to say.
This, it’s a nonsense narrative dreamed up by bitter and jealous redshirts who are gutted we signed him and want him out of the league ASAP
Did you see him warming up. Pathetic. Jogging, laughing and joking and waving at fans. Totally unprofessional. This lad will never make it in the Premier League.
I reckon there were a lot of disappointed kids who were there yesterday to see the big lad, he seems a genuinely nice and decent bloke. So many kids that the average age in the Colin Bell stand was probably half of that for a league game (indeed if Eccles Blue wasn’t there then it was halved!)
We have to involve Erling more which sounds ridiculous seeing as he's scored 27 goals already. The last three or four he's started though he's been way off it, not helped by nobody giving him anything to feed off. We need another Merlin to thread the balls through then the prospect is frightening
Oh Kevin De Bruyne
We are better when we don’t pussy foot about at a snails pace, if we played this way with Haaland today he’d have had 5. The slow build up is what’s killing us at the moment, yes I know where we are in League etc but no one can live with us interchanging fast paced, Haaland can stay where he is but the rest can move around swapping like today and we will blow teams away like 17/18.

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