Are City a better all round team without Haaland?

When the opposition see our starting line up, Would they prefer Haaland's name on it or not.?
I think that will give you the answer.
It’s stupid in that we are second in the league, still in all comps and the lad has scored 27 goals so far.

It is stupid in that it came about because we drew a game of football.

Take a look at this first page and some of the threads, it’s a fucking joke it really is.
It’s not Haaland that’s the problem when Haaland plays. Haaland is great, barely does anything wrong… it’s everyone else.

Many of our attempted passes to him are utterly shit: overhit, underhit, mishit, rushed or not even attempted. Sometimes, he makes a run when the opposition’s defence is playing up high near the half way line and we pass it backwards instead of trying to find him over the top.

Once we click with Haaland we’ll be immense. He’s scored 27 goals so far and we haven’t even clicked with him yet, our players don’t quite know how play with him yet, making too many wrong choices.

This is frightening for everyone else!
It’s not Haaland that’s the problem when Haaland plays. Haaland is great, barely does anything wrong… it’s everyone else.

Some of our attempted passes to him are utterly shit: overhit, underhit, mishit, rushed or not even attempted. Sometimes, he makes a run when the opposition’s defence is playing up high near the half way line and we pass it backwards instead of trying to find him over the top.

Once we click with Haaland we’ll be immense. He’s scored 27 goals so far and we haven’t even clicked with him yet!

I'll also add we've been playing without proper fullbacks for a month which is like playing with one arm tied behind your back.
No idea but yesterday was the first time in what seemed like ages the real Manchester City turned up. On the front foot, pressing hard, moving the ball more quickly and forward, not sideways and back and totally controlling the game. Forget Chelsea's so called injuries that was still a top side they put out and they couldn't live with us.
I reckon there were a lot of disappointed kids who were there yesterday to see the big lad, he seems a genuinely nice and decent bloke. So many kids that the average age in the Colin Bell stand was probably half of that for a league game (indeed if Eccles Blue wasn’t there then it was halved!)
Never mind lot of kids, the number of tourists who got their phones out to film him when he went for a trot down the sideline was hilarious.
It might have been said as not read whole thread, but the difference isn't just about City with/without Haaland, it’s that the opposition also play completely differently if he’s in the team. Chelsea for example were far more open and relaxed because they thought it was going to be easier at the back yesterday, more fool them.
The thing that was noticeable yesterday was the amount of off the ball running Mahrez did and tracking back when Chelsea won the ball.

We need that high energy pressing in the team and more so when Haaland is playing. Our lacklustre performances are nearly always when our wingers and at least one of the midfield three don’t put in a shift and aggressively chase down the ball.
if City can adapt instantly (game to game, even within game) between having him in and not having him in, then that is hugely beneficial, and a whole world of headaches for the opposition.

(at the moment i dont think we've adapted to changing between systems, plus we've not quite learnt how to play with him properly yet, but we've got seasons of experience with yesterday's setup so we looked a bit more 'natural')
Kane plays for one of the biggest team of divers susequently he getmore penalties

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