Bit of a Catch 22 as you say.I don’t think we will have any issues when the EU know we voted 62% to remain. If I’m honest though, i’m still not totally convinced we will go for it, as there are so many people up here who love the royal family and the flag, mostly down to religious sectarianism and even if they knew we would be screwed, would still vote to stay.
So although Corbyn and his party are playing a blinder it may not be enough. There is a strong subservient group up here who lovee to tug their forelock to the Royal Family, which of course is entirely within their rights.
People are calling for Sturgeon to call one, but I would advise waiting. This shitfest hasn’t even begun. There is no need to go for it just yet. There is obviously the possibility, however remote that a people’s vote might be called. If that were to happen, a huge majority to stay would be returned and that could scupper things for us too. So, it’s a situation that is filled with danger. Go too soon and the pain might not be enough. Go too late and a new vote might convince people to stay under the boot of Westminster.
We have been totally disregarded in every sense, but, as I said, some people are totally subservient and “loyal” and my fear is there are enough of them to defeat Indy 2.
I hope I’m wrong, but sadly I don’t think so.
But bearing in mind you got 45% last time when Cameron promised that the UK was staying in the EU, surely after the last 2 years of Mayhem which to me looks like we're leaving one way or another, you could reverse the percentages?