mackenzie said:
Metodscaeft DeadBlue said:
As someone who is involved in telesales, I'd have to say you're extremely wrong. Yes, there are those who simply cold call everyone - which I used to do - but if the person calling knows what they're talking about and it is in fact a useful product/service which you didn't know about prior to this then they will earn a fortune. I used to cold call people for windows. Earned a mere £700 per week plus bonus money from competitions etc. Now I earn more and selling to businesses. I work as a consultant though so determine whether our products not only match a company's needs but also what they want. I don't hide what I do as I have made a success of my life and I'm proud of it. We have a household income in excess of £90k between two of us and no kids. Despite all this, I'm still very much a hardcore socialist. Well if that makes me what you say then so be it but I genuinely feel sorry for your good self.
And just one GCSE if I remember correctly? ;-) Goes to show how it's possible to find your niche and go for it.
Indeed. Its just a shame some other companies cold call everyone and rip people off. People who decide to laugh at someone doing a job, obviously have some sort of complex about themselves and their own ambitions. In a few years time, I'll be a sales or marketing director. If someone wants to laugh at that career from my first job as a hospital cleaner then let them but I'm the one laughing all the way to the bank at the end of month.
Also, being the way I am politically, I should also defend benefit claimants. Yes, there are some who genuinely don't have the right ethic for work or the brain cells to do something productive. Some other benefit claimants however are genuine. You cant just tarnish all these with the same brush unless you're a fascist tory (Tory: Noun: Substitute BNP supporter; Neo-Nazi).