Are we getting ahead of ourselves?

We will know one way or another in 235 hours.

If we win it - I am going to sit naked apart from my coat with two bottles of red wine, some cheese and biscuits, some grapes, a columbo video on, some poppers and a pack of party rings, some cheese on toast and the boys in blue song in my conservatory for 12 hours. Once I am pissed and off my tits I am then going to have the ultimate power wank over John Alrdriges pain at us winning it. At the vinegar stroke I am going to shout - oli club, empty seats, no fans, klopps dentures, James Milner,

Then I am going to bed.
Good job the OP doesn't know how City fans feels then
You're the one flapping about a few twitter posts, as if they will make a difference to what happens on a football pitch.

Most of us are chilled, waiting for the next City game, and hoping in the meantime the dippers drop points before that.

What happened last night is irrelevant to the PL, and any comment on "social media" is just "banter", and equally irrelevant.
We could win the by league by 7 points or fall at the last hurdle, this is City we talking about . Who would put there mortgage on us to win the title ? Not me

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