Are we Having a Transition Season?

It’s not a transition unless it’s a transition to being mediocre. The players we have bought in for cm positions nunes, Phillips and kovacic (circa 130 mil on that) are miles below what have left the building. The club need to recruit better its that simple imo
Midfield recruitment has been uncharacteristically poor for a while now. Grealish not close to a 100mil player either. We’ve got a small squad, and that 230mil simply hasn’t gone far enough. If we’re looking at Paqueta for 85m (another midfielder who doesn’t score), we’re going massively backwards.
Maybe but I recall a similar question being asked around this time last season, due to the change in style of play. We all know how that played out. It won't happen every season but in the last 4 or 5 things generally start to get going in the new year
Midfield recruitment has been uncharacteristically poor for a while now. Grealish not close to a 100mil player either. We’ve got a small squad, and that 230mil simply hasn’t gone far enough. If we’re looking at Paqueta for 85m (another midfielder who doesn’t score), we’re going massively backwards.

It’s not a transition unless it’s a transition to being mediocre. The players we have bought in for cm positions nunes, Phillips and kovacic (circa 130 mil on that) are miles below what have left the building. The club need to recruit better its that simple imo
True. You can put Gvardial in that group of overpaid signings and although he's one for the future and may improve He's had enough games to be showing why we paid that much for him. Our weak link and more teams are targeting him as a way of getting around us and causing us no end of trouble.
Midfield recruitment has been uncharacteristically poor for a while now. Grealish not close to a 100mil player either. We’ve got a small squad, and that 230mil simply hasn’t gone far enough. If we’re looking at Paqueta for 85m (another midfielder who doesn’t score), we’re going massively backwards.
The Grealish for 100m was a strange one and a very uncharacteristic city signing.

I never got or understood the Rice bid in the summer, we made an opening bid that we knew would not be accepted then walked away, strange, very strange.

The Paqueta deal then fell through due to no fault of ours and then we seemed , unusually to go into panic mode just to get another body in.
At the beginning of the season we had Phil in midfield covering for kdb and we where winning games and scoring for fun then suddenly pep is accommodating Julian alveraz in a role which is killing us week in week out and it’s the same with kova as at the beginning of the season he was great in midfield but now he can’t get in over alveraz and that is where we are getting beat as you need to stop the attacks in midfield before we get to the defence .
Maybe, but then we ask this question the last 3 seasons when we have been floating around 2nd-4th spot.

on replacements

kovacic - meh still think it was partly just to give Gvadiol a friend one good game everyone creamed themselvs over him, but then we did that for mangala too.
Nunes - thrown in in the worst way at wolves then hasn't really played jury is out until he gets a couple of games in a row like kova did at first.
Doku, brought into ro replace mahrez so play him there, foden looks better central left and berny centre right so stop wasting them on the wings and play Doku and Grealish/Gomez either side.
Gomez, time he was given a chnce on LW rather than using doku.
Gvadiol, isn't a LB or at least not as good as Ake at covering it, play him where he belongs in the centre.
Maybe, but then we ask this question the last 3 seasons when we have been floating around 2nd-4th spot.

on replacements

kovacic - meh still think it was partly just to give Gvadiol a friend one good game everyone creamed themselvs over him, but then we did that for mangala too.
Nunes - thrown in in the worst way at wolves then hasn't really played jury is out until he gets a couple of games in a row like kova did at first.
Doku, brought into ro replace mahrez so play him there, foden looks better central left and berny centre right so stop wasting them on the wings and play Doku and Grealish/Gomez either side.
Gomez, time he was given a chnce on LW rather than using doku.
Gvadiol, isn't a LB or at least not as good as Ake at covering it, play him where he belongs in the centre.
So let me get this right. You think city, probably the best run club in world football, brought a player in to give another player a friend??

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