ARIS fans

noely said:
althugh they were loud can I just throw a spanner in the praise for them a minute

They all wore yellow as its there club colours - Newcastle do that and get slated!

They had a drum - Blackburn and Bolton do that and get laughed at!

They has a trumpet player -Sheff Wed get the piss ripped out of them for there brass band in the stand!

They had a song where the top section sing to the bottom tier then they sing back to the top - Hull do something similar with their 'we're the left side... we're the right side song' and they get slughtered for it

So why when english club do things that foreign teams do they get slated
but when a foreign team does it the get lauded like some sort of super fan???

in home games we have a band. it's called BullBa (Bulldog's Band)
and there is about a dozen instruments including drum and trumpets.

You can listen for yourself

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Of course you can have your opinion.

A small comparison:

Poznan having about 10-15 fires. We have about 1000 fires!

They have about 100kg papers max. We have more than 2 tons!
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>[/youtube]

We have loads of smoke sometimes.


Poznan had a small clown as a coreographic thing. We had papers and a bulldog with the 1988.


Against you guys at home we had 3 different things:


Against Leverkusen we had a whole fortress:

@ Emperor-3

no need for us to try & convince anyone my brother...
each can have their own impression about opposing fans, let's not dictate
them towards our direction. We know we're one of the best, we've proven
that plenty of times. No reason to be self-indulgent at all.
We don't demand respect, we earn it and that's what makes it special.
City fans have shown their appraisal in the largest of amounts in here,
so once again a big salute to them!
raoul_duke said:
@ Emperor-3

no need for us to try & convince anyone my brother...
each can have their own impression about opposing fans, let's not dictate
them towards our direction. We know we're one of the best, we've proven
that plenty of times. No reason to be self-indulgent at all.
We don't demand respect, we earn it and that's what makes it special.
City fans have shown their appraisal in the largest of amounts in here,
so once again a big salute to them!

Yep I agree with you.

I didn't try to be rude and I really appreciate all the nice comments from all City fans in here. So all my respect to Man City and the fans.

I just said my opinion:) Everyone doesn't have to agree of course.
im_still_here said:
lech at home

i liked this! that was really good!

as you can see my friends there must be someone to organize a good choreography.. thats why you see the big half-naked man in front of our supporters. lol!
we also have a band. "Bullba" (from "Bulldogs Band". bulldog is the symbol of Super 3 fans club), located in the center of Gate 3.
Bullba gives the rhythm and the chants.
it has many drums and trumpets ;)
you can see it there:


and a small video sample there:

our songs and rhythm getting more better after Bullba created.. :)
familia super-3 said:
Hi to everyone and I would like to apologize in advance for abusing your time.
What Aris means to us, the fans?
This team has given to us many great moments. In basketball and in football. It also gave us many bad moments. We were in the second league twice . This team with these fans have not won a title for the past 40 years... We lost the greek cup final 3 times in the past 10 years.
Its the same team that has been unbeaten for 40something years in Europe in our home.
Last year 30.000 Aris fans went to Athens to face Panathinaikos for the greek cup final. We lost.
When we where coming back, we were singing on the bus.
In 2007 we were facing Bayern in Munich. We lost 6-0. We were still singing till the 90th minute.
So many more examples.
I can understand when you re saying (in general) that it was 'noise' If you dont understand the language it pretty much sounds like that. For us though every song represents a part of our history.

Cheers for taking the time although trust me, it seems like you have had a decent few years. Bayern away? Never been. A FA Cup final, one in forty years, we lost. Only in the second league twice. Heaven. Try nothing for 35 years and a trip to league 3, then pull 45,000 for a league match.

Good luck and hope to meet again.
mcfcliam said:

Why the fuck are their faces covered?

oh! dont give a count on this. is not important ;)
has to do with local rivalries.. every fan in Greece usually didnt show his face in public. hope you get my point.. ;)
It`s hard to compare (apart from eveyone`s personal impression of course) those two groups (Lech and Aris) because it`s a completly different style. Starting with flags (in Poland we put quality ahead of quantity, so less flags on the fence but the`re bigger and more detailed. You can`t just bring whatever you got at home and hang it on the stadium). Then chants (Poznan fans got them more in shape of anthems than short songs) and finnaly choreography (some of them are just epic- amount of time, effort and money to create some of this stuff is unbelievable and no offence Aris fans but it`s not yet the comparable amount and quality you achieved on this field).
I don`t wanna say you are not good because you are very impressive in terms of Ultras and you made a great show at CoMS (there are just some other qualities you lacking but I don`t think is the time and place to discuss it so I won`t do that just in case it`s just crossed your minds)

I just expressed my humble opinion :) I don`t want and I won`t be involved with some childish barges like (they had 100 flares, we had 1000 etc.)
All the references regarding to flags, chants and choreography you can easily find at youtube and make your own opinion, so we are not in need of some pissing contest, are we? ;)
The Aris fans were absolutely brilliant. Fantastic variety of chants, none stop support. They were constantly trying to lift their team, what would our fans have been doing in Thessaloniki if we had been 2-0 down so early in the game.

I walked along the road before and after the game in the middle of them, fantastic people and supporters. Aris obviously means more to their fans than I think we can understand.

I missed much of the game because I was too busy watching those fantastic Aris fans and their fantastic support of their team. Best fans I've ever come across.

I get to Greece a lot and now hope I get the chance to visit my friend Panos in Thessaloniki who is an Aris fan so he can take me to an Aris home game sometime.

Alex the Blue

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