ARIS fans

Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

imagine what aris fans and other fans supporters come on here and think when they read some of the shite which we argue about - what a magnificent display from a set of football supporters. to be honest to all those saying its shite cos its robotic/orchestrated does that really matter if it generates that kind of noise and spectacle opposed to our dying atmosphere.

these kind of fans and there atmosphere IMO is welcome anyday at COMS just love seeing fans like that tonight!!!
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

Balti said:
they were entertaining but not exactly spontaneous is it tbh

I love to shout sing and chant but I don't want to be orchestrated ta or I'd join a choir or summat

but fair play to them they made a din and obviously had a good time despite getting thoroughly tonked :-)
this. all very impressive but they weren't responding to what was happening in the game
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

Well what a great night!Having the privilege of being an Aris fan I really feel very proud for all the great things and the good impression you have!Citizens you also have our total respect and our wishes to achieve all your goals this season!The mentality of people is the key-factor for the atmosphere you have enjoyed last evening!Maybe people from southern Europe find it mush more easier to express feelings.Aris is probably one of the big Greek football clubs that was never pushed by politicians businessmen etc.The club is organized in such a way that members vote for the staff in the Headquarters and contribute financially a high percentage of team needs.It is a completely different model than the one in City or other European great clubs.Maybe this extra details will help some of friends here to understand a bit more all this thing and the devotion shown in every chance...Greek people-at least the vast majority-are people with low income and a trip in the Island costs a lot...You cannot call them sheep when they attend basketball games on Saturday(btw Aris has one of the leading European basketball teams),football on Sunday volleyball on Monday etc...In my opinion this is faith..Speaking behalf of many Aris supporters,this support refers to all the ideas that the club represents..
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

Bluebird1 said:
charliebigspuds said:
it was quality, I'll put my hat on for this but does anyone think that its because the game in England has been diluted somewhat, with too many women (I know I'll get pelted) and lightweight supporters who like a prawn sandwich from time to time. I remember standing in the Kippax with my dad in the late seventies and it swaying whilst in full volume. Its just the crap plastic, no soul atmosphere over here. Also if you go abroad the fans get into the ground hours before KO and drink, sing, smoke basically do what they please and build it to a crescendo for KO, the atmosphere we witnessed tonight doesn't happen by accident, it would be interesting to hear the opinion of a Aris fan to see what they say.
Oi, you will get pelted, I was a seasoncard holder in the Kippax in the 70's too. I don't do prawn sandwiches either, I do Tony's chippy and then Mary Ds!
I'm not really talking about people like you, its the people who go to the game because its become fashionable to follow football, male or female, you still get the same amount of young males but a lot more women go and because of that its a lot more reserved
chesterguy said:
Manchester la la la la said:
didnt create an atmosphere???

my ears are still ringing 2 hours after it...

But a constant loud noise isnt atmosphere.

They didnt seem that bothered about the match itself. Could be because they were 2-0 down so soon. When they got a corner after 70 mins, when a goal really would have thrown the cat amongst the pigeons, I expected an explosion of noise. Screams of "C'mon" or the Greek equivalent. But, by their standards, they actually went fairly quiet.
xadox said:
Manchester la la la la said:
didnt create an atmosphere???

my ears are still ringing 2 hours after it...

Chesterguy most have seen some other game!
I was watching the game on TV and their fans did a great job! They sounded much louder than City fans...


You were watching it on TV but your slagging of those of us that were there that we were not singing loud enough??

Are you being serious????
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

right, cleaned.if i've missed owt let me know.

now the grown ups can carry on a good thread without children ruining it.
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

But it is their AWAY crowd. Did the whole Kleenex Papadopolous Stadium rock like the SS did last night? It also helps in a stadium if all yer fans are bass baritones. Sounded like Rorkes Drift last night - six thousand Zulus!
Re: Message to all Aris Salonika fans

mancitygaz said:
DD said:
FFS They have come to our gaff, sang for ninety minutes and give us all a lesson on footballing support and some idiots on here call them sheep!!! I think that sums up how bitter some of the tits who support us really are.

Well I tell you one thing, give me sheep following our club every day of the week if that is what sheep are. If our fans made 5% of that noise I would be happy.

Their fans were utterly magnificent tonight and it has been a privilege to host them.

Thank you Aris fans. You were magnificent. Some of us here will give you credit for what you are.
I hope your not quoting me because i have already said their fans were magnificent and a pleasure to meet ( home and away ).

I just don't like all the orchestrated bollocks

I would say he is quoting you because I am. Define being a "sheep". Is it all being herded into one area to watch your team. That's pretty sheep like wouldn't you agree? Is it singing songs in unision? Sheep like? Tell you what, you just do your own thing and sing on your own so as not to be a "sheep". That's why 6000 fans outsung 30,000. How some idiots turn something positive into a negative is beyond me.

DD sums up everything I wanted to say. Aris = superb football fans.
chesterguy said:
It must just be me then because I didnt think they supported their team.

Yes they were incredibly loud and colourful and great to watch but they didnt create an atmosphere it was like watching some cheerleaders do their stuff didnt do anything for the team but its an interesting watch.

In this country we are used to the fans building up the atmosphere as play develops they just kept up a noise and it didnt in anyway reflect what was happening on the great oohs or ahhs as chances are created and missed

I suppose it takes all sorts but it was a bit too choreographed for me but City have to do something to help us compete. I have been away and sat in the gods miles from the action. We give the opposing fans our Kippax whilst our singing sections are completely split.

It showed tonight that City have to resolve this because we have to make CoMS an intimidating atmosphere and whilst we continue to allow away fans to have more influence than ours it will never happen

Also whilst having a rant was told that my lad had got the last ticket in Level 1 North stand when there were loads of empty seats what the hell is going on with the ticketing at our ground

Which one do you have??

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