Arsenal (A) | Community Shield | Post-match Thread

I thought Ortega's distribution was way off the levels of Ederson. Many times he chose the wrong options e.g Walker in acres of space but chose to lump it forward down the other side which resulted in losing possession. Did very well on the saving side though, until the pens

Caballero was great at penalties as he didn't dive until it was kicked so giving himself a chance. It takes quick reflexes of course but better than what our keepers do now.
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Maybe they haven't been shelling out for CL, FA Cup final and Semi!! They cost a fortune for people who decided, rightly or wrongly, that the Charity Shield, or whatever name it is this year was a game too far?

Let the JCLs have their turn, but our 'legacy' or whatever you want to call us have not got bottomless purses. :-) JMHO and my two 'pennorth.
Not having bottomless purses is a very important point. STs have gone up and we had two Wembley trips and Istanbul to pay for.
I just hope the club don't see this as an excuse to further marginalise long term members.
Caballero was great at penalties as he didn't dive until it was kicked so giving himself a chance. It takes quick reflexes of course but better than what our keepers do now.
I've no idea why they all don't do as Willy did, it's something I've always wondered. You'd think that diving to one side or the other would give you a 50/50 chance of choosing correctly and yet more often than not they're wrong. I guess it's that split second when the taker gets the slightest hint of which way they're going so why not just force their hand and stay upright?
Agree with most of what you say. Too many blues are far too precious.

Re the yellow cards… i watch in a bar in greece and known intellect jason mcateer was a pundit.

He said that if this continues therell be 3/4 red cards a game.
Well yeah, thats the point you fuckin moron. Stamp out such shit like poking a ball away to stop a quick free kick.

But as we all know , the refs/prem wont continue with it all, just like holding at corners soon stopped.

As an aside, when stones headed over from a corner, the replay showed that weirdo white with both arms totally wrapped around haaland . Thats s much bigger crime that needs stamping out

as you say, it wont result in multiple reds per game, it just wont. But i expect instead of just stamping out the practice, there'll be a kerfuffle over a few yellows (maybe a red) and some sort of agreement will be made.

That replay is ridiculous, Stones, Haaland and one other (perhaps Akanji, cant remember) were all in full double arm wraps when trying to jump, it was far beyond what's normally allowed in a Prem game. I would fully expect (ha!) a pen for that in a Prem game.
Arsenal had a good 30 minutes in the first half. The second belonged to us and Phil should have stuck that one away to make it 2-0 five minutes before the end. The game was drawn due to what for me was an own goal in way too much injury time.

Nothing much else to see here, unless you are an Arsenal fan and it was your cup final!
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Disappointing to lose, especially in the manner we did, but overall can't say I saw anything from Arsenal yesterday to make me think they're a better side than we are.
There is two schools of thought regarding the tactical changes that pep has adopted and the consequences they have had. One is that they were essential to us winning the cl. The other is that us winning the cl was simply our awful luck from previous years evening itself.

I suppose we can’t take anything away from those home performances against Bayern and real in the cl they were exceptional. But imo of the 5 sides that have won the league under pep this is the weakest. Yeah it’s got Haaland who is extraordinary, if we feed him that is (which we haven’t done recently) but the balance and squad depth is significantly inferior to the previous title winning incarnations.

We won one away games against sides that finished in the top 9 last season and one away game all season in the cl.

We need a winger that can play both sides and a cm that can play as a 6 and 8.
Like to wish Arsenal the same level of success Liverpool enjoyed after beating us in last year's charity shield. In the great scheme of things doesn't matter at all. Can't say I'm optimistic about this season think the end of last season drained the tank, will take us till the Autumn to get back on our feet. Think the rags had a blank season following the treble in 2000, wouldn't be surprised to see it happen to us, really hope I'm wrong.
Thought city played well and were the better team. I’d be in the camp that the CS is a trophy. I know Pep and the players say it is but if it was a “major trophy” we’d have wiped the floor with arsenal yesterday.

They were in fifth gear while we were just sitting in the car still waiting to drive off

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