Arsenal fans. Adebayor versus Fabregas.

kiiiki said:
Manc in London said:
I was at The Emirates for the City game last season. Best away day last year IMO. And no, I did not hear any racist chanting that day. Just a few renditions of chants about him being shot at. Classy. I suppose racist chanting is unlikely by those sat on seats in which they could be identified.

BTW you can dislike one person who is of colour, but like another and still be a racist.

Maybe I was a tad harsh. I am not saying that all Arsenal fans are racist. I would be confident enough to say that a fair few are, and that they have gladly jumped onto this bandwagon of hate aimed at Adebayor.

It's about time Arsenal fans forgot about it. I went up to the CC QF game and you spent the first 20 mins abusing him or booing his every touch. Then when we went to The Emirates you all started spewing when he camne on. You need to let it go. There's not even any humour in the way you attack. The abuse is vile and full of hatred. If you hear City fans having a pop at a player, there is generally some hunour in it, and certainly not an obsessive hatred.

I keep hearing that Arsenal fans are pleased with how much we paid for Adebayor and that he's not that good. Then why the obsession? Methinks that it is partly because he is black.
woow I didnt think people like you excisted anymore, you know its clowns like you who make race relations even harder by using the word racist loosly. You said you went to the emirates and didnt hear any racial abuse, but you are are sure fair share of Arsenal fans are racist because they dont like Adebayor. Do you realise how stupid that sounds? You made a serious accusation about bananas being trown at Adebayor and calle Arsenal fans racist, once again do you have any prove to back that up?

Not denying the shooting songs then? Why dont you fuck off to your own shitty clubs forum.
Bananas were thrown at Adebayor after his celebration. Wether that was because they were the closest things to hand for the cavemen that were throwing stuff, who knows. However it didn't look great on your supporters.

So none of you have answered my point. If Cescs head has gone, will he be booed. None of you knew how Ade was going to play after commiting his future. He wasn't given a chance by your boo brigade. Why should he have bothered? So again I ask, what's the difference?

Cesc would be getting a pay hike if he moved to Barca as well.

Your bone of contention it seems is that a player was honest about a pay rise?

If Cesc was to sign a new contract topping up his wages by 30k a week would he be an even bigger hero?
Ricster said:
kiiiki said:
woow I didnt think people like you excisted anymore, you know its clowns like you who make race relations even harder by using the word racist loosly. You said you went to the emirates and didnt hear any racial abuse, but you are are sure fair share of Arsenal fans are racist because they dont like Adebayor. Do you realise how stupid that sounds? You made a serious accusation about bananas being trown at Adebayor and calle Arsenal fans racist, once again do you have any prove to back that up?

Not denying the shooting songs then? Why dont you fuck off to your own shitty clubs forum.
lol the usual go away because we cant prove our point. The thread was calling for Arsenal fans and i gave you my opinion. I dont know if its normal to throw the racist card in the north, but I repeat can any of you back up the racist claim? If you cant, please dont talk out of your arse....THANK YOU
svennis pennis said:
Bananas were thrown at Adebayor after his celebration. Wether that was because they were the closest things to hand for the cavemen that were throwing stuff, who knows. However it didn't look great on your supporters.

Well tell the police, they investigate matters like this quite seriously. Stadiums have CCTV, cameras, and they know who the people in the seats are. You don't even need a complaint to be made by the individual targeted or their club. Please do because the majority of Arsenal fans do not want racists in our stadium, or your stadium, we do not want them representing us.

svennis pennis said:
So none of you have answered my point. If Cescs head has gone, will he be booed. None of you knew how Ade was going to play after commuting his future. He wasn't given a chance by your boo brigade. Why should he have bothered? So again I ask, what's the difference?

He was given a chance though, the booing didn't start right away and it was very rare when it first did. However he was consistently in an offside position and people started booing. If your getting paid so much, and if the fans are paying £30 - £60 a go then you expect them to turn in a performance, even when going though a poor vein of form you expect commitment. I am sure City will expect the same and that race won't come into it either.

If Cesc starts doing the same he will eventually be booed as the fans would turn on him. He has helped his cause though by the fact Arsenal understand his position in wishing a return to his home and that he (although not his future teammates) have shown the club respect by being honest about the situation and then professional in keeping quiet.

ExiledGooner said:

what a load of bollocks , your a manc in london and you still think gooners are racist ? when was the last time you went to the emirates ? if you do think its race related then why did toure get no stick but ade did ?

Have to say that I agree with ExiledGooner. In the 20 years or so that I've been following City home and away, I would never have had Arsenal down as a club that has a racist following. And nothing that has happened with regards to the stick that has been dished out to Adebayor (and Eboue) makes me think any differently.

I have my own opinion on the booing of both players and I must admit that with Eboue in particular it didn't reflect particularly well on the Arsenal fans that day, although I'm as certain as I can be that it wasn't racially motivated (as it wasn't with Adebayor) but more to do with the attitude of modern-day football fans and the seeming lack of patience that appears to exist more than ever these days.

As someone who was at the game at home to Arsenal last season, I still don't think that it has been proven that bananas were thrown at Adebayor - they look like sandwiches to me. They could've been bananas though but I don't think that proves whoever threw them is a racist. The only thing it proves to me is that they launched whatever was close to hand and that they're a bit sad for bringing a packed lunch to a football match ;)

Also, it was widely reported that Arsenal fans had adopted the "Adebayor, his dad washes elephants...." song. From where I was sat, and that was close to the away fans, it sounded more like they were singing the version about Arshavin being the better player that ends with the words "Fuck Adebayoooorrr".

I honestly don't have a problem with Arsenal fans in general - I've always found trips to both Highbury and The Emirates to be far more enjoyable than when we play Tottenham away and their fans are a generally likeable bunch. They're not all perfect, obviously, but then no set of fans is.
DJOuk said:
Hello Arsenal fan here

First of all Arsenal fans were clearly not motivated by racial issues. Half our team are black, you list a collection of our best ever players and they are typically black and the stadium is in a very multi-cultural part of London. Please don't use such hostile terms to discredit a set of supporters you don't like when there is really no evidence to back that up.

As for the Man City game where a comment on a blog suggested Arsenal fans were making monkey chants, this is clearly another nasty attempt by some anonymous poster to throw dirt at another club. Racism is taking very seriously in English football yet there was no police investigation or complaint from anyone.

Anyway. The difference between the two was Adebayor was more public in his courting and was motivated by Money, that in itself might have passed but he was no longer the same player after. He would walk back into onside position, he wouldn't make as many runs, it's incredible noticeable when an attack is building up if a player is not involved.

BTW you can dislike one person who is of colour, but like another and still be a racist.

Yes and you can dislike a one person of colour without being a racist. disliking one person who happens to be a different race to you is not racist. Arsenal fans liked him before. There has not been a history of racism toward black players or fellow fans at Arsenal. It's simple because they do not like him.

You misunderstood my point re racists liking a black person but then still being a racist. I was not saying that you are racist if you dislike someone because they are not white. It’s not necessarily about what you say, it’s about your motivations for holding that opinion.

Arsenal fans used to give Eboue lots of abuse. Ridiculous. The lad was being played out of position at times and tried his hardest. It’s not as if he is terrible either. He’s a good quality squad player IMO. I know he doesn’t get booed anymore but it was a disgrace the way he was treated by SOME of your fellow Gooners. However, Bendtner has been very poor at times and mainly played in his strongest position (although I know he has been played out-wide occasionally) and he never got anywhere near the level of stick that Eboue had to face.

Then there are the situations involving Fabregas and Adebayor. In my opinion, if I was an Arsenal fan, I would be more angry with Fabregas than Adebayor. Fabregas is your captain, a badge kisser of note. But no, he gets a standing ovation at a fans day.

Is it a coincidence that Fabregas and Bendtner are white. Too much of a coincidence IMO.

I don’t care that LB Islington and London are multicultural. I won’t even bother going on about how a lot fo your fans are from white areas (e.g. East Barnet, Southgate and the likes) as it is irrelevant, just as your reference to the ground being based in an area with people with a variety of ethnic backgrounds.

I certainly don’t talk on behalf of any City fan(s) but myself, but I have never noticed a dislike of Arsenal fans by City supporters. I imagine some are a bit annoyed by what went on at Eastlands following Adebayor’s celebration, but in my years of being a Blue, City fans have not had any real issues with Arsenal supporters or the club. It wouldn’t surprise me if Arsenal fans and Arsenal FC were the most popular supporters and team from London, along with the Hammers. Certainly much more popular than Spurs and Chelsea.

Welcome to the forum. My own opinion is that it’s always good to hear the views of supporters of other clubs.
Just so people know, I genuinely didnt start this thread to talk about the colour of a players skin. It honestly never crossed my mind that could be a problem.

I dont believe Arsenal fans to be racist or even homophobic, (you cheered Sol Campbell and Ashley Cole so how could you be, allegedly of course) I just didn't understand the Arsenal fans hitting the wank wall over Cescs committal. A committal that was only announced once you flatly refused to deal with Barca despite Cescs protests and flirtations, as well as his fathers and any player he could get to talk for him at the World Cup.

I dont remember Adebayor talking about his protracted transfer either after committing to Arsenal. All I remember was that he was open about the interest of Barca and Milan, (they too were open in their pursuits) and it seemed that negotiations took place. (Do correct me if I am wrong though.) Cesc has not acted with dignity in my opinion, he clearly wanted the move more than anything. I imagine the only way he will play his arse off for you this season will be if it is on the promise that he finally gets his move next season, otherwise I imagine he will be very bitter. Put yourself in his position, I know I would be. They put a lot of development into Cesc, they want him back now, he wants to go back, yet he will spend another season, very likely trophy less and will have to motivate himself like never before to put the summer behind him and play at a ground he does not want to be at anymore.
Manc in London said:
DJOuk said:
Hello Arsenal fan here

First of all Arsenal fans were clearly not motivated by racial issues. Half our team are black, you list a collection of our best ever players and they are typically black and the stadium is in a very multi-cultural part of London. Please don't use such hostile terms to discredit a set of supporters you don't like when there is really no evidence to back that up.

As for the Man City game where a comment on a blog suggested Arsenal fans were making monkey chants, this is clearly another nasty attempt by some anonymous poster to throw dirt at another club. Racism is taking very seriously in English football yet there was no police investigation or complaint from anyone.

Anyway. The difference between the two was Adebayor was more public in his courting and was motivated by Money, that in itself might have passed but he was no longer the same player after. He would walk back into onside position, he wouldn't make as many runs, it's incredible noticeable when an attack is building up if a player is not involved.

Yes and you can dislike a one person of colour without being a racist. disliking one person who happens to be a different race to you is not racist. Arsenal fans liked him before. There has not been a history of racism toward black players or fellow fans at Arsenal. It's simple because they do not like him.

You misunderstood my point re racists liking a black person but then still being a racist. I was not saying that you are racist if you dislike someone because they are not white. It’s not necessarily about what you say, it’s about your motivations for holding that opinion.

Arsenal fans used to give Eboue lots of abuse. Ridiculous. The lad was being played out of position at times and tried his hardest. It’s not as if he is terrible either. He’s a good quality squad player IMO. I know he doesn’t get booed anymore but it was a disgrace the way he was treated by SOME of your fellow Gooners. However, Bendtner has been very poor at times and mainly played in his strongest position (although I know he has been played out-wide occasionally) and he never got anywhere near the level of stick that Eboue had to face.

Is it a coincidence that Fabregas and Bendtner are white. Too much of a coincidence IMO.

But your making inaccurate assertions about the treatment of these players in order to fit into your narrative. Bendtner had quite a lot of jokes directed at him, barn door, where has the ball gone and so on. However his commitment has never been in doubt. However if you want a better example look at the jeering of Silvestre, white, Flappyhandski, white, Almunia, white. Cygan got jeered. White. It really isn't about skin colour.

Look at the adulation poured on Henry (who, despite leaving, got a standing ovation upon his return), Vieira (same), the feeling on Eboue has changed because he is a better player, Song is popular too. The constant? It's not race, it's the quality of the performances.

You have picked out two examples and ignored the rest.

Then there are the situations involving Fabregas and Adebayor. In my opinion, if I was an Arsenal fan, I would be more angry with Fabregas than Adebayor. Fabregas is your captain, a badge kisser of note. But no, he gets a standing ovation at a fans day.

No one at Arsenal doubts Fabregas has respect for the club though. Just because he would rather be at Barcelona doesn't mean he hates Arsenal or has shown a disrespectful attitude to the club.

Most City fans I have meet are decent football fans who care about the club but are not so tribal and insular that they would turn against players because they want to move. A lot of your current team are professionals and may prefer other clubs but for various reasons they are at City but it doesn't mean they don't also love City!

So I don't see the trouble in understanding his. Adebayor was not unpopular because he wanted to move, he was unpopular because of the manor of this attitude that summer. Public statements of Milan and then a poor work rate on the pitch. A lot of fans felt that he used the summer to drive up the price of his new contract, worrying fans in the process and then couldn't be bothered!

Don't you expect better of players who put on a City shirt as well?
Lets get the truth out here.

The only reason the Arse fans have come on here is cos they see us as a major threat this season. They would have laughed this off before, but not now.

Arsenal fans were an absolute disgrace when they visited the COMS last season, and whether the banana story is true or not they have proved themselves to be nothing more than hypocrits of the highest order in the way they treated Ade compared to the way they have treated Cesc.

If Aaron Ramsey hadn't have got injured last season Fabregas would be gone this summer.

Good luck in the Carling Cup this season cos its the only realistic chance you have of winning a trophy.

And no, im not a new breed of arrogant City fan, i've always been an arrogant wanker at times.

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