Arsenal (H) - FA Cup | Post Match Thread

Love the way we managed the game out for those last twenty minutes. We were drawing fouls and free kicks brilliantly (mind you, Tierney wouldn't have been giving them in the first half). Only slightly hairy moment was when Martinelli skinned Kyle. It was very interesting to see us say “Ok, you have the possession. Now let's see what you can do with it.” That's so unlike us, but sometimes I wish we'd do it a bit more often and in the right circumstances (cf. Real Madrid in CL!).
By the way, people on here have got into the habit of saying Bernardo doesn't want to be here and that his playing reflects it. Well stone me if his twenty minute cameo wasn't a model of commitment, intelligence and devotion to the cause. He was just what the doctor ordered when he came on. Complete mini-Duracell Bunny performance. I continue to hope we don't lose him.
Emirates Arsenal are unbeaten in this year, and last year you beat a worse Arsenal team by the skin of your teeth. Holding won’t be out there we just bought a backup CB from Polish WC team and Saliba and Gabriel will be tougher. You might win at Emirates, you might win league but you didn’t frighten or impress anyone by winning a 4th round FA cup tie on your patch as far as league goes. If that is what you want me to admit well sorry
Get gone troll
Emirates Arsenal are unbeaten in this year, and last year you beat a worse Arsenal team by the skin of your teeth. Holding won’t be out there we just bought a backup CB from Polish WC team and Saliba and Gabriel will be tougher. You might win at Emirates, you might win league but you didn’t frighten or impress anyone by winning a 4th round FA cup tie on your patch as far as league goes. If that is what you want me to admit well sorry
If we win all our remaining games by ‘only’ 1 goal, I’m pretty sure we’ll be champions once again!
‘XG’is more made up bollocks that’s become a buzzword, at the end of the day, there’s only one stat that counts!
This isn’t Tennis, baseball or American football or any other‘analogy’ sport you care to mention…
Americans made up Xg? And i live in America and pay taxes there other than that an my passport I don’t consider myself American at all nor do i think, look like, or enjoy the same things or believe the same nonsense they do. I don’t even watch or like American football
If we win all our remaining games by ‘only’ 1 goal, I’m pretty sure we’ll be champions once again!
‘XG’is more made up bollocks that’s become a buzzword, at the end of the day, there’s only one stat that counts!
This isn’t Tennis, baseball or American football or any other‘analogy’ sport you care to mention…
Too true mate. A few of of our fans will do well to remember this as well. Win is the only stat that matters in reality.
I'm never going to doubt KDB's ability or Gundogan's nuance but for me at this time neither are anywhere near their peak in terms of performance. Gundo isn't remotely near the form he displayed in '20-21 or even parts of last year. And KDB looks ragged, slow, and sloppy more often than not. I have never seen a slow, sloppy Bernardo even on his worst day. We can agree to disagree, that is OK, but I just don't see how we can accomplish anything this season, let alone catch Arsenal, with KDB and Gundo paired together in their current form. Not that I need anyone's backing, but I believe I'm far from the only City supporter who feels this way at this time. If Pep continues in this direction I have no choice but to hope I'm proven wrong on this one.

Yes, agree to disagree.

I think Bernardo's energy in buzzing around doesn't equate to forward progression of late, as a general rule, which we've seen. Lately, against the more established teams midfields he collected the ball, run forward, pirouetted, gone left or right and, mainly, gone back to the defenders or keeper, because he doesn't want to chance losing possession.

Gundogan is willing to drive through, even at slower pace and drag the oppo mid.

You, and others, may want a 'more mobile' midfield, but that's the future, not this season and that's what we're dealing with.

We don't, currently, have that replacement factor for Gundogan and De Bruyne, not on the bench and not in the squad. They are UNIQUE players.

I'm not sure what else to say about it.
I've seen it said on here numerous times but I've yet to have seen any real evidence on the pitch that Phil and/or Jack can't play inside for City. In fact, I've always seen the opposite. Personally, I think it's a load of BS. Pep plays them wide because KDB and Gundo can only play inside. If he moved Foden and Grealish both inside who would be left out wide beside Mahrez? I'll say this, if Foden were given the opportunity and role Odegaard has been given at Arsenal he would be every bit as effective, if not more so. Could the rumblings about some discord between Pep and Phil be about Foden not getting a fair chance to play inside while watching the continued uneven and declining play from KDB and Gundogan? While still 22 he's now a veteran of quite some importance who continues to be somewhat undervalued by the manager IMO. Does any City supporter actually believe we aren't suffering quite a bit by the absence of a happy and in form Foden? I miss him terribly and no one can convince me City doesn't as well.

The question, then, is why hasn't Guardiola tried out this midfield combination in cup games? I don't think Cup games are important at this stage of chasing down the Prem and Chump's League.

So, it's a 'free' hit.
No one is “rattled” it’s just incredibly irritating when people like you come on here when your team is in form. We all know you’ll disappear if we chase you down and win the league again.
I like to put it in the context of us seeing off a Liverpool side, which was much better than this arsenal team, in 4 of the last 5 years.
We broke them eventually.

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