Arsenal (H) | PL | Post-match Thread

If the Blue who has just been on Talkshite is on here - you're a fucking fanny. Just said they'd got back after the game and couldn't blame Arsenal for their time wasting tactics as it's what City would have done. I'm guessing they've not watched us over the last 8 years. Fucking knob.
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I wonder how Pep would have set up if we were 2-1 up but down to ten men. I guarantee it wouldn’t have been 9 0 0.

PL need to do a number of things immediately.

1. Enforce the six second law for keepers, it’s there for a reason
2. Goal kicks must be taken from the side of play the ball went out as it used to be and within 15 seconds
3. Only stop play for a serious injury, not for cramp etc. Funny how quick Martinelli got up the one time play carried on. Should have been booked simulation
4. No coaching by subs. One of their players stood on the touchline all second half coaching
5. Only one person in the technical area
6. An independent time keeper needs to be in charge as in rugby. Probably should have been at least 12 - 15 mins added on today.
7. Refs should be interviewed after the gam3 and asked for their observations about a maximum of three incidents.

These are very simple things to sort.

As for Pep’s replacement when he goes I implore the board to go nowhere near Lego head. Cheating, let’s call it what it is, starts from the top. I don5 want him anywhere near our club.
Right calmed down.

Well done City. That's a fucking brilliant point. Feels like a win against the biggest bunch of cunts to ever roll up at the Ethiad. That ain't football. It's blatant fucking cheating. That will feel like a loss to them and so it fucking should. Alright I'm fucking fuming again. That twat well and truly stiffed Rodri and knew exactly what he was doing

Fuck the ref, I don't even think he was biased towards them. He's just shit. As are the rest of them. Sooner we allow European refs to ref games the better. Not fit for purpose

Jack fucking Grealish. Without him that equaliser doesn't happen, and he should have started. We are infinitely better with him in the side, I don't care what anybody says. He's the fucking engine, that keeps us ticking over whilst keeping control. Fuck goals and assists, the lad is brilliant

Oh and fuck Arteta. Fucking Spanish Simeone. Deserved one landing in his fucking chin today the midget ****

Absolutely spot on. Doku impact sub only from now on, or against cannon fodder.
Had a look at the Newcastle fans forum, hard to say which they liked better, Stones's goal or Haaland then throwing the ball at Gabriel's head. Either way they don't like Arteta.
I think on national and international tv they have not made a lot of friends today. Think the referees have to act now, with the blocking, time outs and feigning injuries. You can’t book someone for diving and cheating, but not book someone for feigning injury which constantly results in a timeout.
If the Blue who has just been on Talkshite is on here - you're a fucking fanny. Just said they'd got back after the game and couldn't blame Arsenal for their time wasting tactics and as it's what City would have done. I'm guessing they've not watched us over the last 8 years. Fucking knob.
Obviously he wasn’t a blue, it’s what talkshite do, put a pretend City fan on the phone, they’ve done it for years when I listened to there shite.
Been away so listening to first 90% of the match on the radio, so still haven’t seen what happened to Rodri in the first minute.

Any clips or can anyone describe what happened?

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