Arsenal - Post match thread

I imagine they don't really care as long as their bank account keeps filling up.....its only a job. I bet they're more annoyed that more than likely they're gonna miss a season playing in the chumps league.
Of course, people that think they're gonna get upset like little babies need to get with the real world.
But this surely would have sent a message to the sheikh .. And as far as I understand , he cares about his reputation among fans .. Waiting for end of season message from the administrators .

Blue moon Rising
One more game.thats what I keep telling myself. One more game and he's gone. I don't care where we finish,would be great if top four but whatever we'll start again from June 1st. I'll be dusting the passport off and ready to don the wristband will be heading off to some remote darkened corner of the will be wonderful to do that with something I haven't had all season. Hope.

Onwards and upwards city.
Left after the final whistle, disaster of a league campaign,thank fook it's nearly over with.
Im not saying , dont show your annoyance etc but we have all all season to do that, last game of the season its about showing a bit of class. All signs at the moment point to Zaba leaving (which if thats the base i wanted to say thankyou for his service) Same with Yaya.
Im glad I left early just cos it pissed you off.
I don't know what made me more depressed, the players playing much better and still drew or that we fell to the same old mistakes of losing control in midfield and individual errors again.

Can only pray that West Ham cared about the EL spot enough to do a job against the rags and we gave an even more improved performance at Swansea.

But still, thank you Pellegrini. In spite of his obvious limitations, I think most of the time he did try his best. For that he would have my good wishes, even though he won't be missed. Just as I wouldn't miss Mancini either, despite him taking us to the first PL title in 40 something years.
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Having read this entire thread, have to say I'm embarrassed to be considered "a fan" with half of you. Spoiled fucking brats who seem to think they are owed something the team was unable to bring them. Manchester City is not a player, a manager, a stadium or even a rich oil sheikh owner, it is something that is INSIDE YOU...unless you are a recently minted plastic, who has only known the up and up, and who thinks we are somehow entitled to win silverware every year. There are three pots to go around, four/five if you include the CL/EL trophies, and in the last few years we have won them all. What have our closest rivals done? United? One Prem. Chelsea? Top 10 finish this year as defending champions, which is the worst EVER defence of the title. Arsenal? Party when they get 4th and finally won a pot. Liverpool? Gaga over Klopp, because he might win the EL, which is the only way they are getting back to the CL for the past umpteen years.

Sadly, Mancunians seem to always revert to type when they don't get their own way. Winning? Life is good, the Sheikh's millions are giving us what we want, and the team are world beaters. Losing? Fuck the world, what is the Khaldoon-Txiki-Ferran triumvirate doing, and the players are "a bunch of lazy mercenaries who make more in a week than I do in a couple of years!"

Fucking joke! Either you are a REAL supporter, who does their best to go to games, supports the team to the hilt, accepts that not every game is going to light up your world, and even accepts that occasionally someone is going to beat you OR you are a whiny woman plastic fan (who may have only latched on to City for the recent glory) who cannot put up with an off season, where we only won one trophy, went further in the top European competition than ever before, but MIGHT have come up short for the CL, even though we are ALREADY ASSURED OF EUROPEAN FOOTBALL NEXT SEASON! Cry me a river, you fucking plastics! You don't deserve the world class players who have been wearing sky blue recently!

Been watching City for the best part of 50 years and, apart from a period in the late 60's and early 70's, this is the golden age of Manchester City's footballing history. In fact, it is multiple times better, but I suppose I'm just a bit nostalgic for the local lads who made up that team, as that was when we became the club I adore.

If you are a City fan, you sing and support the team through thick and thin, and, at a minimum, you stay until the end on the last game of the season and clap off the players for doing the best they could for you...which has been pretty damn good for quite a few years now!

This thread is a joke, but it perfectly illustrates everything wrong with the City fan base, and why the Etihad rarely feels like the fortress it should. I'm not just some happy clapper who blindly supports dross, and I've done my share of moaning at a player or two depending upon the game and perceived effort, but I have NEVER booed a player in sky blue, I rise to clap them off the field regardless of the quality of their performance, and I only wish I had been watching this quality of football for the previous five decades.

Roll on next season...
I imagine they don't really care as long as their bank account keeps filling up.....its only a job. I bet they're more annoyed that more than likely they're gonna miss a season playing in the chumps league.

Then wats the point then in it all then, if I was a player even if I was on a million a week I'd be gutted to come out to an empty stadium like that,
If that was really true , I would cancel my season card this very second and take up another hobby. I'm sure they are hurting.
Too many fans are not bothered , so they take it the players are not bothered too.
Having read this entire thread, have to say I'm embarrassed to be considered "a fan" with half of you. Spoiled fucking brats who seem to think they are owed something the team was unable to bring them. Manchester City is not a player, a manager, a stadium or even a rich oil sheikh owner, it is something that is INSIDE YOU...unless you are a recently minted plastic, who has only known the up and up, and who thinks we are somehow entitled to win silverware every year. There are three pots to go around, four/five if you include the CL/EL trophies, and in the last few years we have won them all. What have our closest rivals done? United? One Prem. Chelsea? Top 10 finish this year as defending champions, which is the worst EVER defence of the title. Arsenal? Party when they get 4th and finally won a pot. Liverpool? Gaga over Klopp, because he might win the EL, which is the only way they are getting back to the CL for the past umpteen years.

Sadly, Mancunians seem to always revert to type when they don't get their own way. Winning? Life is good, the Sheikh's millions are giving us what we want, and the team are world beaters. Losing? Fuck the world, what is the Khaldoon-Txiki-Ferran triumvirate doing, and the players are "a bunch of lazy mercenaries who make more in a week than I do in a couple of years!"

Fucking joke! Either you are a REAL supporter, who does their best to go to games, supports the team to the hilt, accepts that not every game is going to light up your world, and even accepts that occasionally someone is going to beat you OR you are a whiny woman plastic fan (who may have only latched on to City for the recent glory) who cannot put up with an off season, where we only won one trophy, went further in the top European competition than ever before, but MIGHT have come up short for the CL, even though we are ALREADY ASSURED OF EUROPEAN FOOTBALL NEXT SEASON! Cry me a river, you fucking plastics! You don't deserve the world class players who have been wearing sky blue recently!

Been watching City for the best part of 50 years and, apart from a period in the late 60's and early 70's, this is the golden age of Manchester City's footballing history. In fact, it is multiple times better, but I suppose I'm just a bit nostalgic for the local lads who made up that team, as that was when we became the club I adore.

If you are a City fan, you sing and support the team through thick and thin, and, at a minimum, you stay until the end on the last game of the season and clap off the players for doing the best they could for you...which has been pretty damn good for quite a few years now!

This thread is a joke, but it perfectly illustrates everything wrong with the City fan base, and why the Etihad rarely feels like the fortress it should. I'm not just some happy clapper who blindly supports dross, and I've done my share of moaning at a player or two depending upon the game and perceived effort, but I have NEVER booed a player in sky blue, I rise to clap them off the field regardless of the quality of their performance, and I only wish I had been watching this quality of football for the previous five decades.

Roll on next season...
Booooo .. Insulting players or manager is wrong , and I personally never do that if they perform bad ..but if they don't show a fighting spirit , what's wrong with venting anger leaving yesterday showed we are unhappy ..we didnot put posters like arsenal fans do against Wenger ..neither did we boo the gaffer .. But then , given the quality we have , if we are not performing upto the expected standard , there is nothing wrong in criticising that .. Supporting through thick n thin doesn't mean not getting angry when we play like shit means accepting we played like shit and still support unconditionally ..

Blue moon Rising

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