Arsenal - Post match thread

Do I bollocks. How dare you. It's not spoiled, in exactly the same way it wasn't spoiled to expect Alan Ball to keep us up. The expectations have changed, the requirement of the level of results have changed, but City fans have always required their manager and players to try their best and especially in the past 2 decades, achieve results we could beyond hope for. We are effectively on the verge of being "relegated" from the Champions League this season, which in the current climate is no different to being relegated from the Prem and Division 1 when we had little to no money. With the money and resources the club has, of course the expectations and requirements change, they've changed for the bloody club or they wouldn't bother trying to achieve them! Those who bang on about Division 1 and how we used to be don't have a clue about how things have "changed". We had expectations then, we got pissed off when they weren't met, just like we are now. Nothing's changed, the fans have changed very little, all that's changed is instead of missing out on Prem football, we're missing out on CL football. The only thing that's changed is the name of the competition, the requirements and expectations of the fans have only changed accordingly to the competitions the club strives for.

Anyone who kids themselves on what City fans used to be with this "settling for mediocrity and just happy to be there" bollocks hasn't a fucking clue.
Spot the fuck on!

Our owner has shown he won't settle for mediocrity, so why should the fans? A growing number of fans saw what was coming and were drowned out by the usual suspects. Where we would end up unless Pellegrini changed course was obvious to anyone with an ounce of footballing knowledge.

You've just made one sobering thought occur to me....... Because of Manuel Pellegrini, we are in serious danger of being relegated from the Champions League. It makes me feel sick to say so. Yet again, thank you Manuel Pellegrini you really have left us in a right old mess!
I saw Kidd pat him on the back as if to say hard luck mate.

The players have no respect for MP that's obvious.

Some may think he is an ok bloke but seriously our club internally under MP doesn't go near being run in the professional way it has to and will be run in the future.

As many have already said we cannot even get the basics of football right any more and we have become a laughing stock if truth be told.

A lot of the blame lies further up the change though as the the decision makers had ample time to see what they were getting with this appointment before they made it.
We can't doubt there was more fight in the side (ferns bros were brilliant) however there is something missing from most of this season and today if we'd had a fully on form Silva we'd had have won. Roll on next season.
I feel bad that Pellegrini had to look at an empty stadium but at the same time, he hasn't done his job correctly and neither have the players.

It can't all be one way where the fans are unequivocal in their support yet the players just can't be arsed to even try in most games. They've made me feel like utter shit all year when I work fucking hard just for a weekend off to see us get trounced by Tottenham or anyone else.

Just looking at this picture:


Who the fuck is the suited clown on the right? I'm guessing he's one of the God awful presenters we have screaming down the mics before games and at half time. It's stupid shit like this that the club are doing that is just creating a massive divide between themselves and the fans. Fucking joke.
The presenter looked and sounded embarrassed to even interview Pellegrini in front of an empty stadium. I'm just glad he asked one leading question and Pellegrini made one rambling statement and then it was over bar the lap around the pitch.

Personally if it was up to me, I'd have cancelled the presentation and saved everyone the embarrassment.
I'm kind of willing to let Joe get away with it for this reason. I feel like he is kind of at the 'if I don't laugh I'm going to cry' stage. To me, his performances and things that he has said have shown that he does give a shit and I'm hoping the way he has reacted to some of the defending in recent weeks is more of a gallows humor type reaction than genuinely not caring. Getting pissed off at his defenders clearly hasn't changed a damned thing.
Yea if it wasn't for Joe, we would be mid table

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