Arsenal - Post match thread

Without the water i doubt Kevins shot beats Cech and that's why its done as well as to aid passing.

They fall over because they all wear slippers these days rather than football boots with good old fashioned studs.
Even if they did wear proper studs, these modern pitches like ours and Arsenal's have no give and little underneath to dig into. When running onto the pitch in our title wins i noticed the ground is rock hard despite being watered to death. Sports companies aren't designing boots to suit these pitches. They aren't traditional soil+grass and they aren't iPitches, they're a funny mixture of both.
Even if they did wear proper studs, these modern pitches like ours and Arsenal's have no give and little underneath to dig into. When running onto the pitch in our title wins i noticed the ground is rock hard despite being watered to death. Sports companies aren't designing boots to suit these pitches. They aren't traditional soil+grass and they aren't iPitches, they're a funny mixture of both.

Agree mate.
Incidentally I like about 15,000 others stayed for a while initially amused by the Pro and Anti Winger factions kicking off against each other in the away end but left when it was clear we were going to have to wait 15 minutes to cheer on our 'heros'. Another production shambles to add to the Long list from this season.

This is another reason I planned in advance to fuck off at the whistle.

We can't just go ' yeah goodbye Manuel, cheers' even though we feel like strangling him, we have to fucking stand there for 15 mins waiting for the honour to be able to do it.

It should be, whistle, wait in tunnel, Arsenal fuck off, City out, bye, home. Done.

Waiting whilst a bunch of millionaires all go & shave their eyebrows & for the Cheese Factory to assemble their cheese, when they have actually finished miles behind a bunch of fucking journeymen & let the club & fans down, & for a manager who would have been sacked a year ago at any top club, waiting for 15 mins whilst they deem it right to grace us with their presence.

It's bollocks. It's even bollocks at trophy presentations.

Get On With It.
This is another reason I planned in advance to fuck off at the whistle.

We can't just go ' yeah goodbye Manuel, cheers' even though we feel like strangling him, we have to fucking stand there for 15 mins waiting for the honour to be able to do it.

It should be, whistle, wait in tunnel, Arsenal fuck off, City out, bye, home. Done.

Waiting whilst a bunch of millionaires all go & shave their eyebrows & for the Cheese Factory to assemble their cheese, when they have actually finished miles behind a bunch of fucking journeymen & let the club & fans down, & for a manager who would have been sacked a year ago at any top club, waiting for 15 mins whilst they deem it right to grace us with their presence.

It's bollocks. It's even bollocks at trophy presentations.

Get On With It.
true.. they have to go in and put their flip flops on and make sure all of their family are ready to come out with them. I couldnt give a fuck about the family its the players i pay to see every week.
Having read this entire thread, have to say I'm embarrassed to be considered "a fan" with half of you. Spoiled fucking brats who seem to think they are owed something the team was unable to bring them. Manchester City is not a player, a manager, a stadium or even a rich oil sheikh owner, it is something that is INSIDE YOU...unless you are a recently minted plastic, who has only known the up and up, and who thinks we are somehow entitled to win silverware every year. There are three pots to go around, four/five if you include the CL/EL trophies, and in the last few years we have won them all. What have our closest rivals done? United? One Prem. Chelsea? Top 10 finish this year as defending champions, which is the worst EVER defence of the title. Arsenal? Party when they get 4th and finally won a pot. Liverpool? Gaga over Klopp, because he might win the EL, which is the only way they are getting back to the CL for the past umpteen years.

Sadly, Mancunians seem to always revert to type when they don't get their own way. Winning? Life is good, the Sheikh's millions are giving us what we want, and the team are world beaters. Losing? Fuck the world, what is the Khaldoon-Txiki-Ferran triumvirate doing, and the players are "a bunch of lazy mercenaries who make more in a week than I do in a couple of years!"

Fucking joke! Either you are a REAL supporter, who does their best to go to games, supports the team to the hilt, accepts that not every game is going to light up your world, and even accepts that occasionally someone is going to beat you OR you are a whiny woman plastic fan (who may have only latched on to City for the recent glory) who cannot put up with an off season, where we only won one trophy, went further in the top European competition than ever before, but MIGHT have come up short for the CL, even though we are ALREADY ASSURED OF EUROPEAN FOOTBALL NEXT SEASON! Cry me a river, you fucking plastics! You don't deserve the world class players who have been wearing sky blue recently!

Been watching City for the best part of 50 years and, apart from a period in the late 60's and early 70's, this is the golden age of Manchester City's footballing history. In fact, it is multiple times better, but I suppose I'm just a bit nostalgic for the local lads who made up that team, as that was when we became the club I adore.

If you are a City fan, you sing and support the team through thick and thin, and, at a minimum, you stay until the end on the last game of the season and clap off the players for doing the best they could for you...which has been pretty damn good for quite a few years now!

This thread is a joke, but it perfectly illustrates everything wrong with the City fan base, and why the Etihad rarely feels like the fortress it should. I'm not just some happy clapper who blindly supports dross, and I've done my share of moaning at a player or two depending upon the game and perceived effort, but I have NEVER booed a player in sky blue, I rise to clap them off the field regardless of the quality of their performance, and I only wish I had been watching this quality of football for the previous five decades.

Roll on next season...
Wow that's some rant ChicagoBlue. It' one which we have heard frequently in the past from old timers usually who are satiated with our recent success after a biblical amount of time in the wilderness. Indeed there is some substance in what you are trying to articulate however if I had the time or could be bother I could find fault in almost every sentence you write. Towards the end you talk of clapping off "the players for doing the best they could for you" if only that were the case!! The seats were empty at the end because this season has been a bit or an ordeal for most City fans. I too remember the bad old days and frankly this season has had more than a whiff of those experiences. Clearly we are in a far better place now than all those times we sunk like a stone but over the last two seasons there has been a feeling of decay and backward motion. Yes Chicago we are assured of European Football next year but if it is not in the CL I don't see many people turning up on cold Thursday nights to cheer on the boys in blue.

because it hurts.
I don't know how old you are but i'm old.
I started watching city in the second division in 1965, luckily there wasn't the same rivalry with utd back then but we all wanted to catch them up. after doing just that and of course dominating football we all delighted. until poor managers and poor management took it all away again. so we wait, we sing, we go to games, we do all the "right" things and we fall deeper and deeper in to near oblivion. do we jump ship? do we fuck, we stick with them, we sing, we go to games and so it goes on, it goes on for nigh on 40 years. then a knight rides in on a white horse and we are transformed, not just transformed but in a totally different league, players we could only dream about. the rivalry now with the rags after all the years of taunting is immense so the fact we again have surpassed them is just wonderful to behold, deservedly they had become the team to beat. well now we are and its feels incredible, a long time coming but my it feels good.
so up pops a manager who for all the reasons already highlighted in this thread regresses us back to at best mediocrity. worst still he wont change his ways. then we have a board that if they have an ounce of football brain could see what was going on decide to stick with him. stick with players that don't give a fuck.

we have waited a long long time to be as good as this, to have this owner, this money, this opportunity, for someone to come along and take all that from us will not be tolerated. we will berate, we will have our say and we WILL vote with our feet.

it fucking hurts.
Top post!

We still have the best squad in the league by far imo and yet we're 15 points behind Leicester City and scrapping to avoid being relegated from the Champions League! Why would anyone looking at our progression since 2008 and regression since 2013 be so surprised the fans were hurt and pissed off and voted with their feet?
Very similar if memory serves me correct to the Spurs winner back in February


Started with Fernandinho just letting Sanchez run away from him in midfield whilst the rest of the side just stood and watched.

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