Arsenal - Post match thread

He isnt staying though is he because he has been sacked.

Had he been staying, trust me, I and many others would also be wanting him gone at this juncture.

Shit season in the league, absolutely crap and we differ in that I also blame certain players almost downing tools, age, injuries as well as the manager and some absolute brain farts on is part but its done, we can still hopefully get top 4 although its now out of our hands and my thoughts are to the summer, who comes in, who goes and starting afresh under arguably the best in the business.

Good stuff to look forward to and at least the club gives us food for thought and keeps the emotions running even though much of it this year and last I might add has been disappointing in terms of matching results and performance with expectation.
I don't know what made me more depressed, the players playing much better and still lost or that we fell to the same old mistakes of losing control in midfield and individual errors again.
We didn't lose ffs

Haha my bad. Must be very depressed when i write that post. Will change it.
The fans verdict was obvious and as you say I think he will have probably been surprised and hurt with the reaction but you can't say its wrong. If the supporters of the club aren't happy then the club must have gone backwards. I am not sure whether the public face of Pellegrini represented the real Pellegrini or a manager who struggled to express himself in English, but he looked out of his depth .

You must have been very insightful to identify traces of weakness in Pellegrini's opening season. At the start of this season it looked like the old City was back and that injuries knocked us off course, but that is when a manager is tested and you see the commitment of the squad to what he is trying to do.

Other groups of players like Leicesters and Spurs are committed and enthusiastic so i don't think there is any issue of modern day footballers not caring its just a question of whether a manager has credible ideas which players can buy into. I know I have gone on and on about it but playing Toure must have baffled the players in the dressing room and really turned them off. "WTF are you doing" would be my thought. "How are we supposed to compete and win the midfield battles etc"

Anyway we are in good hands. And will sharpen the appetite of fans and players
It wasn't me or others being very insightful by spotting the warning signs so early, for me personally it was absolutely obvious and irrespective of how I was shouted down, I felt the need to say so because I didn't want my team to regress.

Look back at our early matches under Pellegrini and you will see the same character traits as we have now. The only difference is the fear factor left over from the Mancini era was still there as our opposition massed their ranks on their 18 yard box and dared not attack us.

But one by one they started to do just that and many were surprised how defensively vulnerable we'd become. By the beginning of the 2014 season, they were all at it and we had no answers as we had lost Mancini's defensive discipline and replaced it with (as one poster put it) 'Fly by the seat of your pants style football' which he personally loved.

It didn't work for Keegan in the top flight, so what made Pellegrini think it would continue to work in the Premier League after most teams had figured us out. Time has told, but the warning signs have always been there.
Hit the bar...

come on you Irons.
I'm getting confused here. The facts aren't even in doubt - City hold the record for the worst title defence ever.

He's getting confused as sky reported 'worst defence' of the premier league champions.

Of course, us pre sky fans know too well that in 1938 we were relegated as champions.
Very frustrating day. Overall is was a much improved performance and after the first 15 mins it looked like we were going to run them ragged.The problem is just stupid mistakes from individuals, Clichy with the head down which caused the corner & Mangala's poor defending for the corner. I think it's the final straw for Mangala, just makes too many match defining errors.
As for Navas he looked like a new player, taking on defenders and providing decent crosses even with his left foot. If only he could have played like that throughout the season.
You're wasting your breath with Bobby's boys. They've been waiting three years for this they're gonna bask in the afterglow of 'Mancini was our Ferguson' all summer now. ;)

That's bollocks. I was firmly in Mancini camp and very angry that he was replaced like he was. I said at the time that the only sensible reason to replace him was if a stellar coach was coming in.

I warmed to Manuel and that first season was the best I have EVER seen. I'm excited that Pep is replacing Manuel, but I'm really embarrassed by the way he was treated yesterday.
That's bollocks. I was firmly in Mancini camp and very angry that he was replaced like he was. I said at the time that the only sensible reason to replace him was if a stellar coach was coming in.

I warmed to Manuel and that first season was the best I have EVER seen. I'm excited that Pep is replacing Manuel, but I'm really embarrassed by the way he was treated yesterday.

I'm just talking about a tiny minority on here who seem to want a medal for looking into their crystal balls and declaring that Pellegrini was a fraud and an imposter before a ball had been kicked - or more accurately after he'd been in charge for one match.
He isnt staying though is he because he has been sacked.

Had he been staying, trust me, I and many others would also be wanting him gone at this juncture.

Shit season in the league, absolutely crap and we differ in that I also blame certain players almost downing tools, age, injuries as well as the manager and some absolute brain farts on is part but its done, we can still hopefully get top 4 although its now out of our hands and my thoughts are to the summer, who comes in, who goes and starting afresh under arguably the best in the business.

Didn't Manuel sign a three year deal? If so, how has he been sacked? Surely the club did what they were perfectly entitled to and did not extend or renew his contract.... There's a huge difference
Didn't Manuel sign a three year deal? If so, how has he been sacked? Surely the club did what they were perfectly entitled to and did not extend or renew his contract.... There's a huge difference

Potato, potatoe......

He wont be here next season and thats all that matters.

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