Arsenal - Post match thread

Yep and I got a warning for calling Pellegrini a cock

As everywhere in life different rules for them and us
That may be true to an extent, but Bill has got a point though. Our fans have behaved impeccably toward Manuel. No airplanes flying Pellegrini out banners over the stadium, no sacking protests, nothing. The fans took the dignified route yesterday and peacefully voted with their feet.

Nobody has the right to tell any paying fan what time they can go home or how long after the end of the match they should stay. What I've just read from @adaminho sounds like he sees himself as some kind of Superfan, just like the others who hounded anyone who showed any appreciation for Mancini and dissent toward Pellegrini.
Having read this entire thread, have to say I'm embarrassed to be considered "a fan" with half of you. Spoiled fucking brats who seem to think they are owed something the team was unable to bring them. Manchester City is not a player, a manager, a stadium or even a rich oil sheikh owner, it is something that is INSIDE YOU...unless you are a recently minted plastic, who has only known the up and up, and who thinks we are somehow entitled to win silverware every year. There are three pots to go around, four/five if you include the CL/EL trophies, and in the last few years we have won them all. What have our closest rivals done? United? One Prem. Chelsea? Top 10 finish this year as defending champions, which is the worst EVER defence of the title. Arsenal? Party when they get 4th and finally won a pot. Liverpool? Gaga over Klopp, because he might win the EL, which is the only way they are getting back to the CL for the past umpteen years.

Sadly, Mancunians seem to always revert to type when they don't get their own way. Winning? Life is good, the Sheikh's millions are giving us what we want, and the team are world beaters. Losing? Fuck the world, what is the Khaldoon-Txiki-Ferran triumvirate doing, and the players are "a bunch of lazy mercenaries who make more in a week than I do in a couple of years!"

Fucking joke! Either you are a REAL supporter, who does their best to go to games, supports the team to the hilt, accepts that not every game is going to light up your world, and even accepts that occasionally someone is going to beat you OR you are a whiny woman plastic fan (who may have only latched on to City for the recent glory) who cannot put up with an off season, where we only won one trophy, went further in the top European competition than ever before, but MIGHT have come up short for the CL, even though we are ALREADY ASSURED OF EUROPEAN FOOTBALL NEXT SEASON! Cry me a river, you fucking plastics! You don't deserve the world class players who have been wearing sky blue recently!

Been watching City for the best part of 50 years and, apart from a period in the late 60's and early 70's, this is the golden age of Manchester City's footballing history. In fact, it is multiple times better, but I suppose I'm just a bit nostalgic for the local lads who made up that team, as that was when we became the club I adore.

If you are a City fan, you sing and support the team through thick and thin, and, at a minimum, you stay until the end on the last game of the season and clap off the players for doing the best they could for you...which has been pretty damn good for quite a few years now!

This thread is a joke, but it perfectly illustrates everything wrong with the City fan base, and why the Etihad rarely feels like the fortress it should. I'm not just some happy clapper who blindly supports dross, and I've done my share of moaning at a player or two depending upon the game and perceived effort, but I have NEVER booed a player in sky blue, I rise to clap them off the field regardless of the quality of their performance, and I only wish I had been watching this quality of football for the previous five decades.

Roll on next season...

Absolutely spot on, frothy mouthed moaning b*stards, short memories, ungrateful, spoilt, disloyal, who only serve to embarrass the club to the outside world and stick two fingers up at the club's owners.

Irrespective of how the second half of this season went, Pellegrini deserved our thanks for 3 trophies and an exhilarating double in his first season. At the moment I feel ashamed to stand alongside some of these 'fans'
Utter shite.
I cheered them all the way to the bloody third division. I accepted they were crap because the players and most managers were crap.
And I cheered them yesterday and I'll cheer them for 90 minutes next Sunday. But I'll cheer them how and when I want.
We've had a shit season given the talent at our disposal. Point to whatever you will, but failing to beat any of the top eight teams (Saints weren't that high when we beat them), failing to get maximum points from the current bottom three and failing to get back to back PL wins from October to April suggests either the players or the manager is a bit shit. And as most of the players are still being called up for internationals I'm suggesting it could be the fault of the manager. We have 14 fewer points than last season, 22 fewer than when we won the title in 2014, 13 fewer than 2013 and 24 fewer than in 2012.
Pellegrini has taken us backwards. Whether you believe the Catalan Clowns share the blame is not the point. Pellers is the guy than won't make changes until it's too late. Yesterday it was clear Arsenal were taking control in the minutes leading up to their second goal, at Wembley he didn't change anything even though Liverpool were creating more and more. Don't tell me I'm not allowed to complain when I see the vast majority of home and away games and ticket prices have risen around six times the rate of inflation over the past few decades.

Pelligrini has taken us backwards??? I'm not so sure.... it has been a strange season and that's no mistake! (Leicester and all that) but the fact is: if Bony had swept that shot in yesterday - it was about 4" too high, we'd be OK now. Had Aguero been about a yard further back, when he shot towards the end of the Real Madrid match we'd be all dancing in the streets! Let's face it, at the top end the margins are very fine & Pep Guardiola ain't in the CL final either so let us give Mr Pelligini a break, OK
Thread cleaned up,i agree,that language and behaviour is unacceptable.

It wont be tolerated,from anyone.....cheers.
See my post above. It's still not the worst defence of the title in Premier League history by a long chalk.

It's the worst defence of a premier league title...

The worst ever defence of the title was us in 1938

What are you saying?

If you're trying to muddy the waters... Leeds never won the premier league.
Anyway, why are we even discussing this on the post match thread v Arsenal?
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That may be true to an extent, but Bill has got a point though. Our fans have behaved impeccably toward Manuel. No airplanes flying Pellegrini out banners over the stadium, no sacking protests, nothing. The fans took the dignified route yesterday and peacefully voted with their feet.

Nobody has the right to tell any paying fan what time they can go home or how long after the end of the match they should stay. What I've just read from @adaminho sounds like he sees himself as some kind of Superfan, just like the others who hounded anyone who showed any appreciation for Mancini and dissent toward Pellegrini.

Not a super fan but a fan.. and to be honest I was against us replacing mancini but could understand why they did. Didn't know to much about pellegrini untill he was our manager.
Pelligrini has taken us backwards??? I'm not so sure.... it has been a strange season and that's no mistake! (Leicester and all that) but the fact is: if Bony had swept that shot in yesterday - it was about 4" too high, we'd be OK now. Had Aguero been about a yard further back, when he shot towards the end of the Real Madrid match we'd be all dancing in the streets! Let's face it, at the top end the margins are very fine & Pep Guardiola ain't in the CL final either so let us give Mr Pelligini a break, OK
He's taken us backwards in the PL - our lowest finish since 2010, and that is the tournament with the most games and is probably the most consistent measure even allowing for Leicester's strange season. My opinion, and I gave Pellers the benefit of the doubt a lot longer than many others. OK? Or not OK? Whatever.
Everyone has the right to leave when they want, especially since Sunday didn't seem to be well thought out. But booing is wrong, I thought we played OK Sunday but it was just the same old shit that typified the season really, no reason to boo them (or clap them, really). I remember Sven getting a huge backing from City fans, even though he kind of under achieved as well, it's really about the performances over the course of the season and they haven't been good enough. To not get a win against all the top 8 (not inc Southampton who weren't top 8 at the time) is something that MP really should have looked at, the manner of the home losses to Spurs and Liverpool, then topped off with the Rags at home, it's hard to find a positive and want to stay back and listen to more "we played well and deserved to win" when it's not completely true.
It's the worst defence of a premier league title...

The worst ever defence of the title was us in 1938

What are you saying?

If you're trying to muddy the waters... Leeds never won the premier league.
Anyway, why are we even discussing this on the post match thread v Arsenal?

The worst defence of THE title in THE Premier League era is by Leeds United 1992-1993.
(Yes 'The Title' was the old Div one title but the wording is correct as 'The Title' is short for 'The Top Flight Title'.

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